Finally got a med that worked-Nature throid strength 97.5But now my Pharmacy says they can't get it! Can anyone help me? I thought it came back on the market? Thanks in advance!
here today gone tomorrow: Finally got a med that... - Thyroid UK
here today gone tomorrow

RLC have been shipping 1 grain tablets for a few weeks but pharmacies are running out quickly as they fulfil back orders. You may have to ring around a few pharmacies to see who holds stock.
Are you in the UK?
Clutter, I am in Massachusetts, United States! Was I right, that they put it back in the market ?
Yes, but as I said only 1 grain doses and pharmacies run out quickly so you may need to shop around.
Clutter, what is the other from Armor that starts with a W?
WP but that hasn't been manufactured in months and RLC haven't said when it will be manufactured.
Acella NP is available and is less expensive than Armour.
It cost me more than nature throid! BTW
are you all taking advantage of the discount cardson line?NP had such a bad smell, Inhad to hold my nose to take it!it was costing me About $22. then Nature throid was about $19.
but when Input my RX card in It was $8.00!
Most members outside of the USA won't be eligible for the discounts.
I didn’t realize that! Sorry!
Clutter, Do you know anyone who is taking only T3 for their Thyroid??Or know anything about it?
There are quite a few members taking T3 only.
My dr never heard of it but I knew I had read about some of them! Cutter, Is there avwaybI can get on their page to see how they are doing , etc. my dr was giving me levothyroxide, I told him “never”but nowits between Levoxyl and t3 or t3 and synthroid? What donyou think? I had read something positive about synthroid and edema, do you know what it is? My left leg is double the size of my right leg, and I had a bad thing happen to me yesterday! After my shower, i was putting cream on my dry legs. I had a black pearl size mark on front of my calf where some grotesque swelling is and overnight the mark went from a small mark to a 1 1/2 “ mark. My fingernail just touched the middle of the mark and blood squirted out, asI wiped, fluid kept pouring out. Good think I was going to mybdoctor! My daughter said it looked like phlebitis, don’t know yet? Clutter,I’m sorry, Ingot away from myself . Do you know how any of these people are doing? can you put me intouch with some? I wonder if I would be better off that way? any thoughts? I don’t convert T4 toT3! My dr said he wouldn know how to figure doses ? Is there some way of knowing?
Levoxyl and Synthroid are both Levothyroxine.
If you are a poor converter you will need some T3 in addition to Levothyroxine (T4).
How much NatureThroid were you taking?
Clutter, I was taking 97.5 of nature throid but now he was prescribing 75levothyroxide with one 5mcg of t3 Liothyronine twice a day.
There's 61.75 T4 and 14.62 T3 in 97.5mg NatureThroid which is roughly equivalent to 75mcg Levothyroxine and 10mcg T3.
so what does that mean now, if I wanted T3 only?
If you want T3 only 35mcg T3 is an equivalent dose.
Clutter, are you a nurse?
I have the pills(60 of them)
how many would I take? And when would I know it’s working? Why do I nee T4If T3 works alone? Does the T4
stay in my body while I’m using T3 alone?
No, I have no medical training whatsoever.
35mcg is 7 x 5mcg tablets. I really do NOT recommend you take that much without building up to it. You were taking 15mcg T3 in NatureThroid so you can take 25mcg T3 split into 2 doses and add another 10mcg in a couple of weeks.
how does that wrk out? how many pills does it mean?
25mcg is 5 x 5mcg tablets.
so would I take 5tabs twice a day or how?I’m not too bright at this! can yo spell it out exactly how I would take it?
and then after would you answer my other questions, please?
I suggest you take 3 x 5mcg T3 tablets in the morning and 2 x 5mcg T3 tablets at bedtime.
In two weeks time you can increase to 4 x 5mcg tablets morning and 3 x 5mcg tablets bedtime.
you are a sweetheart, thank you, I didn’t know how to space it. now
when would I know if it’s working?
You'll know if it's NOT working ie you'll feel hypothyroid.
If you take T3 only you won't have any T4 left.
Don’t we always have a certain amount of T4 in our thyroid or system?
if T3 works alone, why do we need T4 and if it doesnt work, where do we go from there?
The body makes T4 and T3 but T3 alone does work. If T3 doesn't work for you go back to T4+T3 or NatureThroid when it is available.
I’ll never go back to nature throid if all this swelling goes away. Then I’ll know it was my allergy to pork.What do you take and are you funcioning nrmally on it?
I take Levothyroxine and T3 and yes, I'm functioning normally although not the same as prior to having Hashimoto's and requiring thyroidectomy.
Don’t you still have Hashi's?
No, It burned out after thyroidectomy.
Why do you still take Thyroid Meds?
And Clutter, Should I start in the morning? I didn’t take my Nature throid yesterday (Thursday) one day off, Is that enough? or should I wait another day??
I take thyroid hormone because I don't have a thyroid gland.
You can switch straight away.
the reason I asked is that my sister had a thyroidectomy in her 20’s (her’s was hyper)and never took any thyroid medication till she was in her50’s and it had reversed to hypo! They said she was supposed to but she didn’t know it. Had it done in the Army! All that time I remember her as hi energy!
Thank you so much for all of your help, I can’t believe how much knowledge you have about the thyroid. You are doing such a wonderful selfless service for the Thyroid patients who have nowhere else to turn. You should receive a high honor for your wonderful work! No telling how many lives you’ve saved! I’m 84 years old and was diagnosed with Hashimoto’s when I was 50, and my wonderful Female Dr. Doreen Matteson of the E.B.N.H.C. at the time Diag. me on my first visit said”There’s no telling how many years you’ve had this!” My appt. was for pain in my left shoulder and arm! I stayed with her for 17 years, and because of her knowledge and care, I had no idea how backward the Thyroid Community had become! It was a very sad awakening when I found out! Thank you again, I appreciate all of the help and Hope you’ve given me!
They probably left quite a lot of thyroid material if your sister was able to function well for 30 years. I had thyroid cancer so every scrap they could get to was removed.
They said that she was able to function so well because she was a heavy smoker and she would have had no energy at all if she hadn’t been!BTW the swelling in my calf is finally starting to subside, now that I stopped taking any of the PORK Thyroid Meds! That’s why I’m going to go another day(today) without anything to see if it goes down further I wonder if I should go even longer without taking anything, what do you think? This calf and and both ankles have been so big and hard for so long, it would be a blessing to have them be normal again! It’s telling me that it must be my pork allergy that caused it!
It could be coincidence that swelling is subsiding after stopping NatureThroid. Only way to be certain would be to resume taking NDT and see whether swelling reoccurs.
I don't know what your thyroid levels were while you were taking NatureThroid so I can't advise whether you should resume thyroid meds or not.
I’m going on only T3 when I start but I’ll put my results here shortly!
Clutter these are meds done on Tuesday 12/12
TSH -1.7—0.3-5.0
Electrolytes all good
Cholestral all good - Ratio 2.7
My Bld. pressure is
Clutter, I started the pT3 only on Sat. 12/16-3 in morning, 2 before bed! This is Sunday 12/17 and my Doctor had changed my diaretic from lasix(as it wasn’t working) to Triamterene-HCTZ 37.5-25mg TB, at my suggestion. He wanted to go to highest, I asked for lower and happy I did. My swelling has subsided quite a bit, between the T3 and diuretic! The only side effect I have is after the T3 my head gets itchy, both times! I haven’t told my doctor yet as the PC unit is closed on the weekend!OverallI feel good! The only other choice I had was to take the levothyroxine, which he knows I wouldn’t take as it was the first encounter I had with the swelling! The diuretic is working great!
same happened to me.. finally found thyroid med that worked.. nature throid 97.5.. can’t find it and they dont know when theyll be able to get it.. they switched me to Armour.. not happy :/
You never answered my past posts? Wonder why? I may have some goodnews for you now !I did this:
they answered and it was very positive! Let me know how it goes! Good Luck!
[ Edited by admin to make link work. ]
Ham,?are you in the United States?because I just called a Wallgreens that said it won’t be available until January 3rd. He was very nice and accommodating! Tried a few places and their warehouse for me!You might have been happier with the other from Armor??It only has 2or 3 fillers! It starts with a W