It started with back pain and felt more muscular. I have had sciatica in the past so I'm confused as to what's going on, I am continually going to the toilet and it feels like pressure on my bladder. I'm taking thyroxine and bp medication any help would be very much appreciated 😊😊
Feeling like I've got a water infection anyone ... - Thyroid UK
Feeling like I've got a water infection anyone got any tips on what to take for it?

Is your urine cloudy, or smelly, do you have a temperature and does it burn or sting when you wee ? If yes to any then go get your urine dipstick tested at the doctors (some of the bigger chemists will do this for you) ......if not ensure you are hydrated and not reducing your intake of fluids because you don't want to see to often. Some say cranberry juice is good for a suspected if I but I think the evidence is flaky. Wear the cotton underwear no thongs and if symptoms of back pain persist see your gp
Last time I had a urine infection - I felt very ill, had blood in my pee, aches and pains etc. My doctor just said to drink masses of water not to bother with cranberry juice so I stuck with water, lots of it.
Maybe you should take a sample along to your surgery to be tested. To be honest, much as I don't like taking antibiotics I was very glad to get them.
Thank you fo your advise placareteach it seems to of settled a bit now. But I will try the cranberry juice. It's not stinging when I wee but does seem a bit smelly. I will definately see my doc if it carries on 😄😄
Cranberry juice is a preventative not a cure.. Apparently it makes the urethra less "sticky" so bacteria can't stick to it. But doesn't help when the infection has set in. Water, water and more water...
Most cranberry juice is just sugary water! Plain water is better for flushing. Had this for long time and had several courses of antibiotics....for 6 months at one time! Microbiologist suggested Methenamine and probiotics...see GP.
Mine seems to have settled.
Best to have sample tested in lab...dip stick test not accurate enough.
Thank you all for your help.
Definately improved today been drinking plenty of fluids so got everything crossed its done the trick! 👍👍 xx
I find D-mannose very helpful. It's a sugar that binds to the organisms that cause the infection and transport them out of the body. Ususally works quickly too. There are various brands available that you can find online. If you need further help might be worth a try, but glad you're already feeling better.
Thank you ValTay I will have alook at it x