Adrenal Fatigue: Prednisolone: Can anyone private... - Thyroid UK

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Adrenal Fatigue: Prednisolone

Cuileann-6 profile image
30 Replies

Can anyone private message me with details on where to buy Prednisolone please? I had a note of a place to buy, but have since lost it! duh. thanks in advance, Cuileann :O)

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Cuileann-6 profile image
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30 Replies
ripon1756 profile image

Whatever you do keep away from prednisone as it’s a steroid that can lead to Avascular Necrosis, which leads to agonizing pain and limb replacements.

Cuileann-6 profile image
Cuileann-6 in reply to ripon1756

Hi there, thanks for getting back to me. I have Adrenal Insufficiency (stage 3) and my private doctor is advising a very low does of Prednisolone (not Prednisone, though I know they come from the same 'class of drug') he's suggesting 2.5mg 3 times a day. What dose were you on? that sounds truly awful - is this what happened to you? x x x

ripon1756 profile image
ripon1756 in reply to Cuileann-6

Hi, I’m very sorry to learn about your Adrenaline problem. It might be your best course of action to have the Prednisolone dosage. You might be lucky and have no further problems.

Mine was different when a problem arose with my overactive thyroid gland and I was given steroids for a very short time and then I was eventually given a radioactive isotope which resulted in my thyroid gland becoming under active. 10 years later I was diagnosed with AVN and had both my hip bones replaced inn1997 and 1998. After my first hip replacement I was diagnosed with DVT in that leg and later learned from a report by a Dr. Glueck that anyone with an underlying blood clotting disorder should never be prescribed steroids.

Cuileann-6 profile image
Cuileann-6 in reply to ripon1756

what a horrible time you had! thanks for getting back to me.... I have to admit your first response scared the living daylights out of me ha ha! god to know all the possible complications of drugs though. I really am in 2 minds, but I am a 'try it and see what happens' kinda person.... and I will have guidance from my GP friend. I just want to try to improve my symptoms for my family's sake as well as my own. Thanks again, take care x x x

ripon1756 profile image
ripon1756 in reply to Cuileann-6

Good luck and take care. I hope and pray you have good results.

Cuileann-6 profile image
Cuileann-6 in reply to ripon1756

thanks so much! lots of love x x x

C70rol profile image

Do you mean Pregnenalone, as that is often used for the adrenals alongside DHEA? I was given it by by a functional doctor a few years back for my adrenals

Cuileann-6 profile image
Cuileann-6 in reply to C70rol

No, though I have looked into taking DHEA and possibly pregnenolone. The private GP who is helping me is suggesing very low dose Prednisolone, as my cortisol levels (blood and saliva) are very low (stage 3 Adrenal Insufficiency. I have been reluctant to try it, but I have been so ill this year that I feel that if I don't try it, I will never know. Thanks for replying! I hope your Adrenal problems are under control now? :O)

Daisy77 profile image
Daisy77 in reply to Cuileann-6

You really need hydrocortisone for your adrenals. Truly. Take it from one who knows. And since Pred is a 24 hour med there is no point in taking it in multiple doses unless you want to be up all night. Check out the website. Everything adrenal on there.

Cuileann-6 profile image
Cuileann-6 in reply to Daisy77

that's very timely, as I was about to order Methylprednisolone. Just spoken to my GP friend and he said to go with the methylpred? though I don't think he was particulalry fussed between the two. I will have a read of the website, and go from there. I know Hydrocortisone is natural, whereas Pred is synthetic? is that right?

I really reehhheeealy don't want to be up in the night, as I have terrible sleep disturbance as it is!!! awake til 4am some mornings! so, I'd like to avoid that. Thanks for replying, it's given me the impetus to double check on things before ordering.

Thank You! :0)

Cuileann-6 profile image
Cuileann-6 in reply to Daisy77

i've just put a post up on the Addison's forum (I realise I was already a member). Hoping for more info on it. If you have the time, could you let me know more about your experience of Pred... and how different it was when/if you switched to Hydro? Funnily enough (to add to my confusion) the first article I read on the website was a story from a woman who had had a bad reaction to Hyrdo, as it has lactose in it. I'm not allergic as she is, but I am intolerant, and follow a strictly no-dairy diet. aaaahhhh! Find this all really stressful, as I really want to get it right first time, as it were!! lol.

But I know that Pred is a slower release drug as you mention, and Hydro faster release, which does lend itsef to multiple dosing throughout the day. What to do! What to do!!! ha ha

thanks in advance

Cuileann x x x

Daisy77 profile image
Daisy77 in reply to Cuileann-6

Very, very confusing to say the least. Well done for posting. I should probably do the same. I go for the long synacthen test at the hospital on the 13th so they can check my levels throughout the day. I am relatively new to all this too having only this year been diagnosed with Addison's and Cushing's... took seven years! You will probably find you need trial and error to get it right. I am doing that right now.

Cuileann-6 profile image
Cuileann-6 in reply to Daisy77

I'm sorry to hear you have Addison's and Cushings. also that it took SO long to get a diagnosis!!! Your post helped me so much. I am now sorted and ready to order the Hydrocortisone. May I message you regarding the trial and error bit, should I run into difficulty? I always like to hear from others going through the same process.

Thanks again, I feel I've made the right decision now re meds. Take Care, and if I'm not back in touch before then, I hope the LST goes well on the 13th. Lots of love and thanks x x x

Daisy77 profile image
Daisy77 in reply to Cuileann-6

Yes of course. I would love to hear from you. I am the only Addison's patient in the practice and would love someone to share with. When you say you have ordered meds, where are you?

Cuileann-6 profile image
Cuileann-6 in reply to Daisy77

I'm in Scotland, but not getting any help via NHS. I had to seek a second opinion, and thankfully have found this private GP who has agreed to guide me. It's not what I wanted, as would much prefer to be monitored by my NHS GP, but although my Blood/saliva cortisol and DHEA were all very low (though not as low as Addison's) she wouldn't accept the test results, and would only go on a SST I had done a year ago. I've deteriorated a lot since then. SST is very expensive, so she was not willing to re-do. As you know the NHS don't aknowledge Adrenal Fatigue/Insufficiency as a condition, and will only treat once it has reached Stage 4 (addison's). This just made no sense to me!? if my levels are falling (i'm in Stage 3(d), then it is only a matter of time before I enter stage 4. I can't risk any further symptoms, as I am already bed-bound. It was time to take matters into my own hands :0)

So, I am going in with caution, but I feel I need to try this. If I do improve, it is something I can take back to my NHS GP and just hope they will support me in the future. It's good to know of someone I can ask advice from! It must be terrible for you having Addison's... I can imagine it is hard to get the dose right what with life throwing all manner of stresses your way. I hope the forthcoming test is helpful. Keep in touch .... lots of love x x x

Daisy77 profile image
Daisy77 in reply to Cuileann-6

Omg. That is dreadful. You need help you could go into adrenal crisis which is life threatening. I have just been looking at the NHS website again for Addison's and I suggest you have a look. With your symptoms I would call 999 and get an ambulance to ER. I think it is the only way you are going to get adequate treatment. Certainly not from your bl**dy GP. HC is expensive and you should not have to be paying for it. My Endo told me to do that if I had sickness and diahorrea so they could give me an emergency injection.

At least in my case I was being treated with Pred for sarcoid and I will say more about that later but to have NOTHING is pure negligence. I don't need to remind you that Addison's is a rare, life threatening illness, and yes, the NHS doesn't recognize adrenal fatigue, but you are way beyond that. There is probably some underlying autoimmune disorder going on as well.

You deserve better. Demand it. Do not suffer in silence any more. Hard when you feel so wiped out, but do it anyway.

With love and concern.

D xx

Cuileann-6 profile image
Cuileann-6 in reply to Daisy77

awww Daisy, thank you so much for your lovely reply. It is a crazy world we live in, It is easy to feel like I'm a fraud or making it up.... I have other health conditions going on, but I know I've been in a slow decline for the past few years and I totally believe in the tests I had done at the Spire in Edinburgh. How can they be dismissed? I've gone beyond the depseration of trying to get help via the NHS for this condition (I have to say they have been good over the years with a pre-existing heart condition and FND) but they have dug in their heels regarding any Endocrine involvement, despite the fact that there is a link between FND and endocrine problems, but also due to the fact that I have been under tremendous stress since the birth of my daughter She's 9 now, but I was 45 when I had her.

Your post has given me strength!! thank you! I am aware of possible crisis, and have discussed this with my partner. I have my 23 year old son living with us at the moment, so I feel a lot safer because of that. I shall start treatment as soon as I receive it, and I'm just so incredibly lucky to have people like you out there, who care. The GP who is supporting me for free, is fab, and I can call him whenever.... so that's comforting. In the meantime, before the Hydro kicks in, I shall be vigilant and be very aware of any signs of crisis. Thanks so much, once more for your help. I think when we are laid low like this, and frightened and adrift from the usual NHS resources, the gratitude felt towards people like you, is overwhelming. You really really have helped so much. I am glad that I posted now :)

sending all my love :O)

Cuileann-6 profile image
Cuileann-6 in reply to Cuileann-6

ps I do suspect an underlying autoimmune involvement. I've been having increasing problems with my eyes lately having been treated for past two years with Hyabak drops due to dryness.... Sjogrens possibly? but I'm trying not to think about too many things at once!!! it will all get sorted, I am ticking my way through a list ha ha. Keep well Daisy. x x x

Daisy77 profile image
Daisy77 in reply to Cuileann-6

Thank you... I have been thinking of you... it is a mad world we live in. Actually, my lovely cranial Osteo advised me to stop watching the news at night which I have been doing for the last two weeks and I feel better for it. Some of the things that are going on just break my heart. Especially since there is not a lot I can do about it.

Are you OK with dosages for hydro? My Endo said normal dose is 10 10 5. I am on double that with a bit of pred thrown in for my COPD. We are going to start reducing once I am stable.

It will be OK in the end...and if you are not OK it's not the end 😘. Don't give up.

Keep me posted,

D xxxx

Cuileann-6 profile image
Cuileann-6 in reply to Daisy77

aye, i have never been able to watch the news, not since I had a nervous breakdown in my early 20's. I advise others all the time to be really careful about what they are subjecting their bodies to. I just feel that if I need to know something, my partner will filter it down to me!! lol..... so I totally agree with your Cranial Osteo on that - wise person :o)

My GP friend advises:




I'll see how I get on and if it feels too much, I'll phone him. I'm really in touch with my body, so I'll know. Thanks for being there!

Is your COPD related to your Sarcoidosis? How do your symptoms affect your daily life? I feel for you, can't be fun :o(

Sending all my love x x x

NtombiSA profile image
NtombiSA in reply to Cuileann-6

Hi have just read this on an older request on this site...hope it helps with your search.

Circadian T3 Method (CT3M or T3CM) for Adrenals–a great way to treat your low cortisol! The CT3M (sometimes called the T3CM), created by UK patient Paul Robinson, is stated to be another way to help raise your low cortisol levels (as proven by a 24 hour saliva cortisol test) without the use of hydrocortisone (HC).


Tiredmum75 profile image

Hi my doctor gave me a script for that for allergies I turned her down as I know it can raise cortisol levels

Cuileann-6 profile image
Cuileann-6 in reply to Tiredmum75

thanks for replying. It's really useful hearing others stories, even if you didn't go for it. Take Care, x x x

Simba1992 profile image

Here is a link to a knowledgeable discussion on Adrenal fatigue, that may help.

Cuileann-6 profile image
Cuileann-6 in reply to Simba1992

thanks so much Simba!!! x x x

Cuileann-6 profile image

that page isn't loading but I am just searching his name.... do you know of any particular article on low dose steroids of his? don't worry if not. No need to reply. Thanks again x

Simba1992 profile image
Simba1992 in reply to Cuileann-6

Funny that it isn't loading for you.I have no problem. Try to google " adrenal fatigue ray peat" I think something will come up!

Cuileann-6 profile image
Cuileann-6 in reply to Simba1992

aye, I got it! thanks for directing me that way.... I'll read more tomorrow, :O)

AZWobbly profile image

Hi, I wrote you a message which I don't see here. Prednisolone is still a steriod, like prednisone, which should NOT be prescribed for more than a week at a time. The list of bad side effects is probably as long as your arm. I would not take it if I were you. You have not said WHY you want to take it. Is it just because "a doctor said to"? My roommate has been on it for over a year and has horrible side effects. There are many nutritional changes you could make, and natural supplements you could take instead, without all of the bad side effects. If you wish to know more, please write me. I hate to see you take chances with that medication.

Cuileann-6 profile image
Cuileann-6 in reply to AZWobbly

Yes we seem to be a message missing :o) I'm in stage 3 (d) of Adrenal Fatigue, going into Stage 4 according to test results and signs and symptoms. My quality of life is very low and I am bedridden now. I've had to take matters into my own hands and have found a private doctor who is going to support me. It will be a simple thing... I will either improve, or I won't. If I don't, I will wean of them again slowly. If I do, then it will have been worth the risk, as I cannot go on as I am now and worry increasingly about going into an adrenal crisis. Wish me all the best..... it's something I need to try. I feel so ill. Thanks again for your concern..... so kind of you to think of me and take the time to respond :o)

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