Hi all i would like to if possible keep to the same manufacturer for my thyroid tablets i did read in posts a while back about this and different brands were not the same, is it the chemist i go to and check what they supply? I did have some advice a while back but cant find the info now. Thankyou all.😊
How do i make sure i get the same manufacturer ... - Thyroid UK
How do i make sure i get the same manufacturer for my thyroid tablets?

Hi reallyfedup havent spoken to you in ages. Thankyou im quute friendly with them in there anyway but do i sort of call on them first and say i take these meds as i need to repeat my prescription with docs first?x
I get mine from Boots and they have on my account what brand I want/prefer. Have had no problem with this since 2009. Hope this helps.
Thankyou. So do i go to my local chemist first and say what you would like? Do you have to mention a particular brand when getting your repeat prescription from doc.
Have you tried different brands of Levo? If you had side effects to a specific brand just say that to the pharmacy that you would prefer brand ????? Because you tolerate it better and prefer to stick to that. They should then put it on your records
Look up the phone numbers of all your local pharmacies, and when you want to get a prescription, phone up and ask if they can dispense brand ??? in dose sizes of ???, and say how many tablets of each size you need.
Ive sorted it now just called local chemist they have got the brand i need and will get more if needed. Thankyou everyone.x🌻🌻
l am fortunate to use a local Independent Pharmacy that always has had bril reputation. l have found different generic pills can have different effects you dont want. Sometimes they cant get what they order as Alliance (Boots) Wholesale cant/wont supply it. They have noted my preferences. It is up to pharmacy as to whether they supply the Brand name product (which doctors are generally told not to prescribe by name) or generic (affecting their profit) Boots are now US owned and shops here are very short staffed. They got rid of all their lovely helpful mature Pharmacists eons ago.
You are more than fortunate to have 3 x chemists. Was like that here when l moved here 20 years ago, but now we are stuck with 4xBoots who have taken them over and others are refused permission to open despite petitions. I go 3 miles between small towns to an Independent with Parking right outside and very helpful staff.
Yes we live in a small town that has a few shops, chemists, bakers' fish and chips, doctors, dentist, bus stops, small train station, co op.got everything around us and people all friendly always someone to talk too, and a five min walk from home. Boots seem to be ok though but it is who you know this days to bend a few rules.x
Yes depends WHO they employ in pharmacy. Mostly young - as cheaper l guess - and lot for eign ers. Not like it once was with the Pharmacist you cd have a chat with. But the Independent is great. This is small (attractive) town but if you want anything slightly different esp in Food line , its 18 miles trip either way and public transport gets worse nearly by month tho there is branch line Station but then you have keep changing
Yes you are right its who they employ. Yes it must be a pain to have to travel 18 miles, i dont drive but use public transport mostlt buses that are not that bad here, a very regular service and clean!! Big shopping complex 4 miles away and surrounding supermarkets, we are lucky.
When i see endoc i have to travel by train for 40 mins as our local hospital had no appoinrments until december and that would have meant a 6 month wait!! Ridiculous treatment for thyroid patients.x
l see Endo for first time this week at main hospital recommended by Pit Foundation (after years of magical Healer). lts 3 miles from Station and Parking near impossible, so lucky to get Care car. Waited months on end for appointment; told that there all Medics are ok but one l wanted see is booking February - and they can defer to him. Went another local hospital and got nowhere, told l had ME - and was l fuming!!!
My god i would be fuming aswell!! Good luck with endo im sure you have been given the heads up on how they think they are right and how they lack patience, stand your ground its your health. My 1st app was very basic and he was very rude and liked the sound of his own voice. He has one more chance and i will be going private.x
Have been fobbed off for 40 years by 8+GPs and had amazing help from Healer now sadly departed. Had have strop with pleasant GP now to get this app. Trouble with private is it starts at £200 a go + you have to pay for all blood tests. I cancelled app with local Naturopath when he last minute stated charges; l am not paying his air fare back from France! And it cd be endless paying
You have had a hard time off it havent you. My god private is expensive i will have to discuss this with hubby! Sorry to hear about your healer its a shame when you find someone you like and trust.x
Yes, l was recommended to this Healer in Bournemouth when l moved near. A friend with similar problem met through Reflexolgy course in Hove - used take a car full to him every month, and l then wondered what He could do! He totally changed my life through working on Pituitary weekly for one year and top-ups after 3-4 times year for 20 years. I had been on edge of giving up before; and never thought he wd leave the Planet so soon. And sadly unable to find a replacement, so stuck with Medicine. Yes l had grand ideas of going Private till l found out the cost these days. Reflexology did help done at least weekly, and in fact proves the point - tho not all Medics will understand that.
We all thought he would be with us for another 20 years - but the Powers That Be had other ideas. He was brilliant with women's ailments and other difficult ones. Some say he was wanted for work on the Other Side. He has 'come through' the local healer l see at our Community Centre - for short sessions last 2 weeks. l suspect there are very few able to do as much as Paul did. l have looked. x
A healer was my last resort then; l had no energy took a live-in job as its all l cd do then and ended up having go bed with all my clothes on and falling out 15 mins before due to start. lts much easier to talk to GP about another and not yourself. Looking back l only can assume it seems was part of 'the plan' that l was intended to have the experience and then get better. Paul changed my life and outlook as l became part of his Circle in time, and was privileged to see and understand things l cannot talk about to everyone. Some things were magical.
After my much adored blue Cat Roxy had to go - it was her time and Paul's healing had helped for months as well as Pdsa lovely Vets, and they said she had lived far longer than they expected, and she had shown she didnt want to go yet. (Cats can see the spirit world and she wd often be looking up in the evenings when you could see nothing but maybe sense a presence). After l had to let her go at 3am l sat at home and watched the dawn come up and the birds singing. Then later l could see her face at my window. Then she was there at every Circle Weekly Meeting, sitting at another's feet so she could look directly at me. She was the last of her litter to 'go home' and l know will be waiting for me (she was a rescue). She is also around if she thinks need help; we were very close.
l had Healing at Harry Edwards nr Guildford on a Day Retreat 2 years ago - laying on a couch looking out toward the beautiful Surrey Hills. As the session came to a close after an hour, l suddenly saw all the animals l have had or lived with, and they all paraded past one after the other - breathtaking.
You may know Harry Edwards was the first healer of note in mid-1900's and was much talked about in newspapers and early TV. But it never occurred to me in earlier times to try healing until a friend suggested it. ?20 years ago not many wd admit going to a healer or clairvoyant, but nowadays its almost too fashionable. Sorry got bit long.x
No i dont mind you tell it very well, i find it very interesting and im a good listerner and believe like you do, yes i know its magical and never been afraid over the other side and have taken great comfort in it, i do have lost beloved pets so i know how you feel, also lost friends and my lovely dad 6 years ago and i know he is still around and visits when i need him.
You have experienced many things and are so fortunate, seeing all your passed on pets must have been beautiful for you and i felt quite emotional and thought wow! How lovely, i feel quite honoured by you telling me this as most people would think what!!!
Thankyou i hope to speak to you again but for me its time to go up the wooden hills now. Take care and speak to you very soon.xx