UNDERACTIVE THYROID AND SPEECH: hi everyone Not... - Thyroid UK

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Taytaydarz profile image
ā€¢146 Replies

hi everyone

Not sure how to describe this, but does anyone get their words mixed up when talking, almost to the point of not being able to get a decent sentence out clearly? Also when you are about to say a word, but sort of think of another word at the same time so a totally different word comes out which combines the two words, so it isnt even a word!? Make sense? I do this and then when i can hear its coming out wrong my brain sort of kicks in and stops me saying it so i sort of stop mid word and it sounds even worse. Ive also noticed my hands and body have started to shake! I do suffer from significant anxiety and am taking sertraline for this, im also very tired šŸ˜¤

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Taytaydarz profile image
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146 Replies
tillingmc profile image

I have definitly found this at times, Especially if there is a room of people and I quickly try to get in on the convertation. I was begining to think it was my age, but it isnt because it doesnt happen always, just on 'brain fog' days. if you know what I mean.x

Taytaydarz profile image
Taytaydarz in reply to tillingmc

Yeh it's so weird I can be talking then I go silent and think what was we just talking about šŸ™ˆ It's really frightening lol xx

Lynn1026 profile image
Lynn1026 in reply to Taytaydarz

I just had that problem yesterday what could be the cause

NatChap profile image

At my worst I would forget words, struggle to put a sentence together and even slur my words. What are your blood results?

Taytaydarz profile image
Taytaydarz in reply to NatChap

I'm not sure I've never asked for a copy, this is all new to me xx

Cromaty profile image
Cromaty in reply to Taytaydarz

Ask for a copy. You're allowed a copy of your results. Then post them here for members to interpret.

Regarding your word query - my husband and I call it "losing my words". It's a known symptom of hypo. I couldn't remember the name for "breakfast" the other day but I knew what I wanted to say. I became so frustrated that I couldn't think of the word that I blurted out "morning lunch!" to get my husband to understand what I was talking about.

madge1979 profile image
madge1979 in reply to Cromaty

it's not only HYPOthyroid sufferers who get this ... it was a huge symptom of mine and I have Graves Disease ..

It was so bad I thought I was losing my mind .. I would be looking at an object ... as simple as a cat ... and I would be completely unable to say the word Cat !

Once I had taken the anti Thyroid meds and topped up my vitamins and minerals for my Immune System ..and thyroid ...

My brain fog left me .. thank God !

You need to find out what deficiencies you have and address supplementing them ..

Good luck


greygoose profile image

Oh yes! That and a lot more! Forgetting what I'm talking about, mid-sentence, is another fun symptom - because they are symptoms of low T3 - aka hypo. As is anxiety. Have you been diagnosed hypo? What are you taking, and how much? Do you have copies of your latest labs?

Taytaydarz profile image
Taytaydarz in reply to greygoose

Yes I was diagnosed in august I'm taking 50mg of levothyroxine! It's a nightmare it's so scary I'm thinking the worst is wrong with me lol I'm not sure of my results I've never asked to look at them.. I'm 27 I didn't even think you could get it at this age x

greygoose profile image
greygoose in reply to Taytaydarz

You can get it at any age - you can be born with it! I think mine dates back to when I was about 8, but no tests were done until I was 55!

Just ring the receptionist at the surgery and ask for a print-out of your last results, and when it would be convenient to pick them up? If you live in the UK, it is your legal right to have a copy of them under the 1998 Data Protection Act.

50 mcg is a starter dose. How long have you been on it? You should have been retested six weeks after starting it, and your dose increased by 25 mcg. And, that process should be repeated until all your symptoms have gone. Sound like your doctor has been negligent! Time to start taking the situation in hand. :)

Taytaydarz profile image
Taytaydarz in reply to greygoose

I've been on them since start of august I had a retest and my thyroid levels had gone back to normal but I started to feel very tired all day everyday so my doctor put me up another 25mg a couple of weeks ago but since then I've been shaking and my words just don't come out properly.. so went for another blood test today xx

greygoose profile image
greygoose in reply to Taytaydarz

OK, well, make sure you get a copy of the results - with the ranges - and post them on here. Your doctor should have started you on 50 mcg - or even 75 mcg - at your age. Obviously another GP that knows little about thyroid!

Taytaydarz profile image
Taytaydarz in reply to greygoose

Okay I'll go round tomorrow they always come back the next day and I'll get them from reception! Thankyou so much it's hard to talk to someone about this because I don't know anyone with it x

NatChap profile image
NatChap in reply to Taytaydarz

Stick with this group and we'll help as much as we can.. it's been a life saver for many of us x

Taytaydarz profile image
Taytaydarz in reply to NatChap

Thankyou! Also what about tirednessand feeling cold all the time.. I drive my boyfriend mad when I'm putting the heating on all the time lol xx

greygoose profile image
greygoose in reply to Taytaydarz

That's hypo! They are two of the main hypo symptoms.

Taytaydarz profile image
Taytaydarz in reply to greygoose

Oh god what does that mean? .

greygoose profile image
greygoose in reply to Taytaydarz

Sorry? What does what mean?

Taytaydarz profile image
Taytaydarz in reply to greygoose

Sorry I was rushing.. does that mean my tablets have made my levels go over normal? X

greygoose profile image
greygoose in reply to Taytaydarz

You're confusing me, now! Hypo is when your thyroid hormone levels are too low. You are taking levo because your thyroid hormone levels are too low. The levo should raise them. However, 50 mcg is not going to raise them very far. And, you have loads of hypo symptoms, ipso facto, your thyroid hormone levels are still too low so you are still hypo.

Are you confusing hypo with hyper?

Taytaydarz profile image
Taytaydarz in reply to greygoose

šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚ no I have an underactive thyroid, my doctor put me on 50mg to start & my levels went back to normal but I was feeling very tired so she increased my meds to 75mg since my meds have gone up I'm feeling like my speech is not right and I'm shaky and cold lol does that make sense? X

greygoose profile image
greygoose in reply to Taytaydarz

Well, your dose is still not high enough, obviously, because you still have all these hypos symptoms. Doesn't matter that you've only had them since she increased your dose, these things happen. But, if your levels had gone 'over normal', you wouldn't have hypo symptoms.

Taytaydarz profile image
Taytaydarz in reply to greygoose

If I post my results on here tomorrow would you understand them because I don't have a clue x

greygoose profile image
greygoose in reply to Taytaydarz

Yes, no problem. :)

Taytaydarz profile image
Taytaydarz in reply to Taytaydarz

Thankyou this is so confusing.. I'm going to have to learn all about it! And I'll speak to my doctor at my next appointment but I'll go to the suregerytomorrow to get my results printed x

NatChap profile image
NatChap in reply to Taytaydarz

Yes, get your results and start a new post on here with them. You need to include the ranges too (numbers in brackets next to your results) so we can advise x

Taytaydarz profile image
Taytaydarz in reply to NatChap

Okay thankyou so much xx

Sandrafrog profile image
Sandrafrog in reply to Taytaydarz

Ask your Gp surgery if they can give you online access to your results. Most GPS have this.

SilverAvocado profile image
SilverAvocado in reply to Taytaydarz

Underactive thyroid and hypothyroid are words for the same thing. Hypo means you have too little, so hypothyroid just means too little thyroid.

Catseyes235 profile image
Catseyes235 in reply to greygoose

Hi Greygoiose. Was interested in you saying you think you had thyroid prob from 8 as that's about when I reckon mine started. My father died when I was 8 and it is thought that major stress events can trigger it. I wasn't diagnosed till 29. It has definitely blighted my life in many ways and calculate It's probably wasted a good 15 years of unfinished studies/degrees/career etc through misdiagnosis. I'm 67 now and though I try not to I do resent not having accrued a pension other than the state one while all those doctors who thought I was a neurotic woman will be nicely off, thank you. Bitter? Moi? Hmmmm :)

greygoose profile image
greygoose in reply to Catseyes235

Yes, my grandmother died when I was 8, and that was one hell of a shock. No-one had told me she was ill, and I saw her every day. We were all on holiday at the time, she was with us. My parents sent me off somewhere, to get me out of the way, and when I got back, the ambulance had been and taken her away, and I never saw her again. It took me a long time to understand it.

So, I often wonder if that was a trigger for my Hashi's. However, hypothyroidism is quite definitely in the family. Thinking back, I can see it in all the female members, on both sides. And, even my father, I'm pretty sure, was hypo.

Catseyes235 profile image
Catseyes235 in reply to greygoose

Sounds typical of the time. My grandmother was living with us when she died when I was 4. I remember my mother's scream when she discovered her then after that being told not to go in that bedroom. Don't understand as being country folk, dead animals birds fish were part of life but maybe explains my mini burials later. When my father died my sister and I were sent to an aunt's until it was 'all over' . Lots of unfinished business I guess. Aunt brother daughter all with thyroid problems..

greygoose profile image
greygoose in reply to Catseyes235

I wasn't allowed to go to the funeral. I had to go to school 'as usual'. As if anything could ever be 'as usual' ever again. :'(

Catseyes235 profile image
Catseyes235 in reply to greygoose

Oh the good old days! Took me 6 years before I could tell anyone straight that my father was dead. Not well equipped to deal with it. However not sure if it is coincidental or there is a genetic propensity which is triggered by stress. My aunt's developed in hospital after an accident as did my brother's which I diagnosed as he came to convalesce at mine. Not sure what my daughter's 'trigger' was when 15 but luckily I knew the signs.

greygoose profile image
greygoose in reply to Catseyes235

Lucky, indeed! And lucky that she listened to you. :)

Margar profile image
Margar in reply to Taytaydarz

Me too

Catseyes235 profile image
Catseyes235 in reply to Taytaydarz

Yes hypo. The summer of ' 76 has gone down in history for its heatwave. Me? I was putting on jumpers and cardigans!! There are lots of weird symptoms and it might be worth you getting a booklet from chemist? Cold shoulder and a feeling as if you have rubber bands round your wrists were part of mine.

Lynn1026 profile image
Lynn1026 in reply to NatChap

Ive been on 50 for 4 months now going to 100 mcg of levothroxyine am i suppose to start them immediately

SlowDragon profile image
SlowDragonAdministrator in reply to Lynn1026


That's a big jump from 50mcg to 100mcg in one go.

If you have troubleadjusting you can drop to 50/100alternate days

Or start with 50/100alternate days for 2-4 weeks

Treepie profile image
Treepie in reply to Taytaydarz

Mention it and you will probably find others.I discovered four neighbours were hypo.

Taytaydarz profile image
Taytaydarz in reply to Treepie

My mums just been diagnosed with it to and my auntie and cousin so must be a family thing!, there in the same boat but none of us are getting the same symptoms, mum just feels tired xx

Treepie profile image
Treepie in reply to Taytaydarz

There are some 300 symptoms so it is no surprise that different symptoms come to the fore in different individuals.

One of the daftest which affected me ( as well as cold and exhaustion) was the loss of the outer third of my eyebrows.

Taytaydarz profile image
Taytaydarz in reply to Treepie

Oh god it better not touch my eyebrows šŸ˜³ Xxx

Maggimay profile image
Maggimay in reply to Treepie

Yes an me not had eyebrows for years

Essexlil profile image
Essexlil in reply to greygoose

Hi, I was diagnosed with an autoimmune under active thyroid a year ago. My GP started me on 25mcg Levothyroxine and since then my blood tests have been normal so she's kept me on that dose. However, I wake in the morning with a huge flush of what feels like adrenaline. I'm very stressed over the slightest thing and quite emotional. I get palpitations too. I don't know whether to ask my Dr to increase my dose, but don't think she will with my blood tests being ok?

I also suffer from Sjogrens Syndrome so sometimes it's difficult to know what's causing what!

Also, for many years I've had, maybe only a few times a year, symptoms like food intolerance. The pains in my bowel were unbearable and I used to feel as if I was passing out. Since being on thyroxine, touch wood this seems to have cleared up - anyone else found this?

greygoose profile image
greygoose in reply to Essexlil

Janspenc, you will get more replies and suggestions if you post these questions in a thread of your own. Not many people are going to see this, now, because it's way down the list. But, they will want to know what your results actually are - the numbers and the ranges - not just 'in-range', which is meaningless. So, if you haven't got them, ask your surgery to print them out for you. If you live in the UK, it's your legal right to have a copy.

But, confidentially, it does sound like your doctor's being a bit of an a***, with little knowledge of thyroid, because 25 mcg is less than a starter dose, and no patient should be left on that does for more than six weeks. :)

SlowDragon profile image
SlowDragonAdministrator in reply to Essexlil


25mcg is only half a starter dose you are likely very under medicated

Strongly suggest you start a post with you latest results and ask advice here

For full evaluation you ideally need TSH, FT4, FT3, TT4, TPO and TG antibodies, plus vitamin D, folate, ferritin and B12 tested

See if you can get full thyroid and vitamin testing from GP. Unlikely to get FT3

Private tests are available


Medichecks Thyroid plus ultra vitamin or Blue Horizon Thyroid plus eleven are the most popular choice. DIY finger prick test or option to pay extra for private blood draw. Both companies often have money off offers.

All thyroid tests should be done as early as possible in morning and fasting and don't take Levo in the 24 hours prior to test, delay and take straight after. This gives highest TSH, lowest FT4 and most consistent results

Link about antibodies


Link about thyroid blood tests


List of hypothyroid symptoms


Diddums profile image
Diddums in reply to greygoose

Diagnosed on May '17 with TSH of 7.50 referred (reluctantly) to an endo who recommended I take 30 mcg of Levo. Had 1 surgery blood test (Told I would need to wait six month) so I joined Forum and discovered I needed a more regular test! I had a recent blood test with Blue Horizon and doctors comments said" the TSH is slightly elevated at 4.27 and T3 is 3.3(normal range?) so maybe an increase in dose is needed. It is possible that your dose is too low or you have forgotten to take on occasion.' (NEVER HAVE)


1)Should I still be feeling bad?: Cold, Tired, Constipated, Unsteady with slurred speech and Brain Fog!

2)Can I retrospectively ask GP for previous blood test results? I believe there are 8 outstanding and as GP "was keeping an eye" on TSH readings (for almost 5 years) I am just interested to know what readings were?

Sorry about FONT PC seems to have a mind of its own.

3) I have recently had a fasting(by choice)Hashimotos and TSH blood test at surgery and presume I can have that as well? (awaiting results)

greygoose profile image
greygoose in reply to Diddums

No, the computer doesn't have a mind of its own. lol It only does what you tell it. And, I can see where instead of putting your finger on the upper case key, you put it on Ctrl just below, and typed 'I'. That will give you italics. You then did it again on the B of Brain, and got bold and italics. But, never mind.

I really think you ought to start a new thread with these questions, because I can't answer question about how UK surgeries work, I don't live there. And, if you have a question about should you still have symptoms, people are going to need a lot more information. Just saying T3 is 3.3 is meaningless without the range. But, I will say that your TSH is still much too high for someone on thyroid hormone replacement. It should be one, or less. So, I think that answers that question: you're still hypo. :)

Diddums profile image
Diddums in reply to greygoose

Thanks for info appreciate your time

SlowDragon profile image
SlowDragonAdministrator in reply to Diddums


Same reply as to above

Strongly suggest you start you own post - with most recent blood test results and ranges for thyroid and vitamins

You are extremely under medicated if TSH is 4.4

Dose should be increased by 25mcgs steps until TSH is around one and FT4 towards top of range and FT3 at least half way in range

Highly likely to have low vitamin levels as result

For full evaluation you ideally need TSH, FT4, FT3, TT4, TPO and TG antibodies, plus vitamin D, folate, ferritin and B12 tested

See if you can get full thyroid and vitamin testing from GP. Unlikely to get FT3

Private tests are available


Medichecks Thyroid plus ultra vitamin or Blue Horizon Thyroid plus eleven are the most popular choice. DIY finger prick test or option to pay extra for private blood draw. Both companies often have money off offers.

All thyroid tests should be done as early as possible in morning and fasting and don't take Levo in the 24 hours prior to test, delay and take straight after. This gives highest TSH, lowest FT4 and most consistent results

Link about antibodies


Link about thyroid blood tests


List of hypothyroid symptoms


humanbean profile image

Oh, I can definitely empathise with this! I forget words, my spoken vocabulary has diminished, I say one word and mean another, I combine words to create nonsense words, I sometimes slur my words.

In writing I'm better than I am at speaking but my spelling has deteriorated. I also swap letters in words - e.g. I will often type rnage instead of range, or natibody instead of antibody.

I also have a problem with homophones i.e. words that sound the same, but are spelled differently and have different meanings. For example, their and there - the one I type comes out at random even though I know the difference between the two and know which one should be used in different circumstances. Also, no and know, new and knew, right and write. When I use these in sentences it's basically luck whether I use the right one.

I use a spelling add-on with my browser that highlights misspellings. But no and know (for example) are both valid words, so they don't get highlighted when I make a mistake in their usage.

Another thing I struggle with is writing a sentence then reading it back to myself, and I can't decide whether or not it makes any sense or whether I've written random gibberish. On the worst days I will sometimes write posts then delete them without posting because I can't convince myself they make any sense.

greygoose profile image
greygoose in reply to humanbean

I think I prefer natibodies. :D

Naomi8 profile image
Naomi8 in reply to humanbean

I do that regularly-think I'm typing the word correctly but actually getting the letters in the wrong order.The worst language thing for me is knowing what word I want to say but not being able to get it out,so my sentence grinds to snail speed.Drives me nuts.

Taytaydarz profile image
Taytaydarz in reply to Naomi8

I've noticed I've been doing that aswell with typing.. I've put on auto correct it's so embarrassing and scary šŸ™ˆ When I'm talking I've got to pause then awkward silence while I remember what I want to say xx

Naomi8 profile image
Naomi8 in reply to Taytaydarz

Identical to me.Its been happening for a few years now.I am 67 so I get it in combination with the senior moments of the over-50s.A double whammy?

Diddums profile image
Diddums in reply to Naomi8

Know EXACTLY what you mean!

fibrolinda profile image
fibrolinda in reply to humanbean

Snap.... exactly. Also I blank mid word and or mid sentence and stop talking then have no idea what I was saying. Haven't used the phone for years though skype isn't as bad as a least I can hand signal that brains gone on holiday so can't speak for a minute. Also at times I cannot understand what is being said to me, its as if they're speaking a foreign language I only vaguely recognise.

Taytaydarz profile image
Taytaydarz in reply to fibrolinda

100% get you! I have to stop and think about what people are saying & I stop and think hmm what was I talking about then I remember šŸ™ˆ Xx

SilverAvocado profile image
SilverAvocado in reply to humanbean

Oh God, their and there are terrible for me. You're and your, ouch! In the past I'm sure I knew which one applied to which situation. But now even if I sit and think about it I can't work out which one to use.

LittleHil profile image
LittleHil in reply to humanbean

Middle aged and older women often complain of these symptoms regardless of whether they have thyroid problems. Think peri and post menopause in particular and those who have fibromyalgia or CFS. For an 'oldie' like me, heaven forbid, it's not a sign of dementia!

My autoimmune thyroid disease (hypothyroid)... my GP says it's not Hashi's (go figure!) developed later in life so sometimes it's difficult 'to see the wood from the trees', if you get my drift.

Diddums profile image
Diddums in reply to humanbean

Ditto and change names

Lozzer66 profile image

Yup!I've had that plenty of times...comes with hypo territory...sometimes I can't even type things making sense!it's when I feel really undermedicated and fatigued or crashing.

Fruitandnutcase profile image

I had similar problems when it came to talking to people and I was hyper. I would be talking and feel that people were looking at me as if what I was saying didn't make sense. It was horrible. I think (hope!) I've gone back to normal now.

LMor profile image

I made my partner a cup of black coffee yesterday. He's never drunk black coffee. My neighbour knocked on the door and pointed to the lock......there were my keys I'd left in there. Lol. I painted my nails not long ago and put the nail varnish back in the fridge. I'm getting worse and worse....it feels like I have dementia. A lot of times I can't remember names or how to put words together. It's quite frightening sometimes. I'm still smiling though. šŸ˜€

Taytaydarz profile image
Taytaydarz in reply to LMor

Omg I do that all the time leave my car keys in the door šŸ™ˆ! I also lost my phone and found it in the kitchen food cupboard šŸ™ˆ It's stupid things like going up stairs to get something, get something totally different walk down stairs and remember why I originally went up there šŸ˜¤ Xx

CarolineC57 profile image

Yes, these are absolutely the same symptoms as I have. In fact, I used to be a university teacher but I got to the point where I had to give up classroom teaching (I still do a little bit of online teaching). I was getting feedback from the students that I didn't know my subject and didn't know what I was talking about! I'd taught for 20 years before that with no problems at all.

It's very worrying when you get symptoms like this but, yes, it's typical hypothyroid (underactive) symptoms I'm afraid.

Taytaydarz profile image
Taytaydarz in reply to CarolineC57

Aww thats sad!! I'm glad other people have what I have but the symptoms aren't great šŸ˜¤ Xx

CarolineC57 profile image
CarolineC57 in reply to Taytaydarz

Well, I'm 60 now - I was due to retire anyway. I've taken up writing/self-publishing now so I'm happy. Got fed up of working for other people instead of myself. :-)

Naomi8 profile image

How long have you been taking Sertraline?Are you stable on a dose that suits you?Only asking because it does make some people very tired,especially during the first few weeks.If you've been on it a while,then its more likely your underactive thyroid is making you tired.

Taytaydarz profile image
Taytaydarz in reply to Naomi8

I've been on there for a year now same dose I'm on 50mg I think I need them at a higher dose because I've started feeling anxious again šŸ™ˆ Xx

Naomi8 profile image
Naomi8 in reply to Taytaydarz

I've been on them for over 6 months.I started on 25mg & raised to 25mg alternating with 50mcgs.Now on 33.33mgs per day(ie 25mg/25mg/50mg)but will raise if I hit a stress wall.I do not find them sedating if on the right dose.My niece was taking 50mgs but has raised to 100mg.

SilverAvocado profile image
SilverAvocado in reply to Taytaydarz

Taytaydarz, Anxiety is also a symptom of being underactive thyroid. So the anxiety may start reducing when your dose gets sorted.

SlowDragon profile image
SlowDragonAdministrator in reply to Taytaydarz

Anxiety and depression are classic sign of being hypothyroid

You probably need dose increase

Dose should be increased in 25mcg steps until TSH is around one and FT4 towards top of range and FT3 at least half way in range

Highly likely to have low B12 (often responsible for word muddling

For full evaluation you ideally need TSH, FT4, FT3, TT4, TPO and TG antibodies, plus vitamin D, folate, ferritin and B12 tested

See if you can get full thyroid and vitamin testing from GP. Unlikely to get FT3

Private tests are available


Medichecks Thyroid plus ultra vitamin or Blue Horizon Thyroid plus eleven are the most popular choice. DIY finger prick test or option to pay extra for private blood draw. Both companies often have money off offers.

All thyroid tests should be done as early as possible in morning and fasting and don't take Levo in the 24 hours prior to test, delay and take straight after. This gives highest TSH, lowest FT4 and most consistent results

Link about antibodies


Link about thyroid blood tests


List of hypothyroid symptoms


Xanthi profile image

Oh yes! Re except from my post some months ago:

'.. oh and let us not forget the brain fog. Meeting up with a friend that I hadn't seen for many years. She asked me what my husband's name was, I was just mid sentence, finishing what I was saying & didn't seem to have the brain power to instantaneously adjust & answer her, which panicked me & yes, you may have guessed it; I had a complete blank - just couldn't think of his name! I hid it by prattling on with what I was saying until it came to me, and then answered her. Cringingly hoping that I'd gotten away with it! Lol! That's got to be an all time low! Thank goodness for Richard Magley, mentioning on TV that once, with his first wife, when introducing her, he panicked and forgot her name (as well as the person he was introducing her to) - made me feel a lot better! šŸ˜…

Abi-Abster profile image
Abi-Abster in reply to Xanthi

I think that's the first and last time anyone will ever say "Thank goodness for Richard Madeley"


nomemorytonight profile image

Yup..major symptom for me. For me personally, the cognitive disfunction is worse than the physical side--though that's bad enough.

Can't remember names of common household objects. Can't string sentences together, with effort I manage a few then I start 'blanking' as I call it..Word tangling..COMPLETELY forgetting what I'm talking about/reading/watching on telly - sometimes it comes back to within seconds or minutes, often it doesn't :( I am my mind. I use humour to cope, but it's actually devistating.

Sending you a bear-of-little-thyroid-brain solidarity hug x

Abi-Abster profile image
Abi-Abster in reply to nomemorytonight

Totally devastating. Humour essential!

Tiredofitall profile image

Have followed all these replays . Thank you all for sharing, I now know l am not losing the plot. Today l couldn't recall my neighbours name. Also found my missing hot water bottle in the shoe cupboard. Lol

Phoenix605 profile image
Phoenix605 in reply to Tiredofitall

Well theres some logic to it, you were probably thinking feet šŸ˜œ

Maggimay profile image

For me I am mid sentence and I know there is a word that describes exactly what I mean. I can think of others that sort of work but know there is a better one just out of reach. Really frustrating. Usually an adjective. Not sure if it is Levo lack of T3 or Statins which I hear can do this. Have been able to come off Statins and BP meds recently so am monitoring. But yes I get the grasping for words that I used to know well

humanbean profile image
humanbean in reply to Maggimay


Statins don't do women any good. They won't extend your life at all. The human body makes cholesterol because it needs it. Personally I wouldn't take statins even if you paid me. Read this by Dr Malcolm Kendrick :


His whole blog is worth reading - he has a special interest in statins, cholesterol, and cardiovascular disease generally.

Maggimay profile image
Maggimay in reply to humanbean

I don't take them any more. I. Think the damage is done though. I stopped taking them on the advice of an optician after they affected my vision?

humanbean profile image
humanbean in reply to Maggimay

I liked your post - but only because you've stopped taking statins. I'm sorry you've had permanent damage from them.

My late mother was put on statins. She developed prediabetes and cataracts. Neither of these conditions has occurred before in my extended family, as far as I know, and I blame the statins for them.

Maggimay profile image
Maggimay in reply to humanbean

Sorry about your mum. Stations evil l had vision probs agonising pain which l still have. I suspect the high chol and high BP caused by wrongly medicated thyroid. 6 emergency were caused by bowl ceasing to function and total collapse also caused by totally wrongly medicated thyroid. Several other severe health emergencies and misery caused by arrogant doctors not listening. Sigh

Hyburn profile image
Hyburn in reply to humanbean

Big fan of Dr Kendrick.

Marz profile image

Please make sure you have the following tested B12 - FOLATE - FERRITIN - VitD. Low B12 could be the cause of some of your cognitive issues.

ALWAYS obtain copies if all your test results with ranges - they are legally yours. That way you can monitor your progress and ensure the Doc has not missed anything !

The_will_of_Jill profile image

Yes :(

Tillycat1 profile image

Yea all the time. I'm so confused don't know whether to blame my anxiety/depression or my thyroid lol x

Tiredmum75 profile image

Yes definitely your not alone

hellybaybee profile image

Yep get that all the time... check vitamins for shaking if your medication seems ok

Valarian profile image

Had this with hyper too - one of the many symptoms we seem to share. (Fairly easy to sort hypers from hypos however- we hypers are the ones turning down the heating, opening all the windows and wearing t shirts in the middle of winter!)

Hyburn profile image
Hyburn in reply to Valarian

Beg to differ - I am hypo & heat intolerant, break out in sweat for no reason, wear sandals & t shirts in winter & windows open & no heating unless Baltic.

nomemorytonight profile image
nomemorytonight in reply to Hyburn

Same, AND was heat intolerant well before my early menopause. Think it started at some point in my 20s, I'm in my 40s now.

Valarian profile image
Valarian in reply to Hyburn

And some people who are hyper put on weight, even while thyroid levels still high...no hard and fast rules on symptoms !

Rmichelle profile image

Sorry have to say it but im exactly the same i get my words jumbled up and make a new word ftom 2 words its rubbish, and i talk so fast words come out a blur but im hyper!!

Taytaydarz profile image
Taytaydarz in reply to Rmichelle

What does hyper mean? Over active? Xx

Rmichelle profile image
Rmichelle in reply to Taytaydarz

Yes hyperthyroidism but our meds are different. I suffer crazy fast heartbeat, heat intolerance,vpanic attacks, muscle aches and alot more just like hypos do. You need to learn alot about your condition as basically its your life and you need to take charge, i am recently diagnosed and joined this site 1 month ago and the knowledge i have fained from all these lovely people who give up their time to support you when you are frightened and dont know what is what is superb!! You will learn alot and that is what you need as no useless gp will pull the wool over your eyes.xx

Phoenix605 profile image

You are not alone and have come to the right place, between us we have seen it all. Many find symptoms seem worse when they initially start treatment and it can be slow going as you cant rush hormones, it can feel very frustrating.

Go onto your profile and add a bit of back story to your bio, this will save you having to keep repeating basics, you can put diagnosis and other test results on there to show treatment history, which makes it easy to cut and paste into posts or replies. If you havent already tried it click on a profile name and you can read their bio if its been filled in, it helps give a sense of who you are talking to and their own experiences.

I know its hard when your brain is 'foggy' but you need to get reading so you can recognise whether you are receiving good treatment, unfortunately many GPs have only very basic knowledge, you need need one who listens to you and doesnt just see test results. Dont stick with a bad one.

The main Thyroid UK site is a good start as are reading previous posts, you will soon notice common themes especially when it comes to poor treatment. There is a good 'what to expect from disgnosis and treatment' section and a symptom checklist, you probably have a few you didn't realise were connected.

Cariad123 profile image

Its frustrating and scary when you worry about dementia , but its not , its hypo brain fog , frustrating and indicates your levels are not good , ask gp for blood test snd ask for it to include free t3 this should show up in balance , xx

purple64 profile image

All the time! I have overactive . I asked my friend how she got on with her fish instead of feet! Also asked her if the Cornish butter she bought actually came from Cornland. Good job she is underactive and knows what I'm talking about šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚ have to be careful when it's not someone I know have to concentrate on my words then.

GM50 profile image

This sounds so familiar. When at my worst, 13 years ago, brain fog was so bad I felt as though I was developing dyslexia (took me half an hour to read a page of a book and then couldn't remember what I'd read and my spelling became awful) and my mental maths was dreadful. I was convinced I'd got some form of dementia.(A brain specialist said this was a pseudo-dementia caused by hypothyroidism but once my meds were optimal I would be okay)

As for speech....My brain and mouth just couldn't work together and I developed a condition called spasmodic dysphonia. I went to speech therapy which helped but it was when I discovered a wonderful website by a lady called Julie Melody (no longer there now I'm afraid) who was hypothyroid and suffered from the same thing. She found relief from it once she was treated with - wait for it- T3!!

That was when I went on my mission to get this added to my meds. I had all the usual tests by a sympathetic endo and discovered I wasn't converting the T4 to T3. He added 10 mcg of T3 to my thyroxine and my life totally improved. It was as if the huge blanket I'd been living under finally lifted and my speech virtually improved overnight.

Eventually I was reduced to 5 mcg but periodically I know now when I'm no converting well just through 'feeling it' and for a few days go back to 10mcg.

in reply to GM50

Thats exactly what im suffering right now (from a lot of months ago!!)

in reply to

When someone watch me speaking they say "it's like he is locked in a dream" , only this is sufficient to notice my low perception of reality, its so awful :(

Yes I too have these problems of word finding difficulty, and losing the track of what I'm saying.

I find if I type as I think - I read it back and sometimes miss out prepositions and parts of sentences so I have to re write everything.

This can occur in many other conditions such as cerebral narrowing of the arteries, or in the heart.

With circulation difficulties and with high blood pressure.

The brain fog description to me is when you feel congested and have mucus in your ears or sinuses. I feel better on fine days than in damp wet weather.

What can you do to help your self? You can try and improve your auditory memory span.

Get your someone to repeat a series of numbers starting with three numbers and going up to

11 numbers the same as your mobile phone. Find a small recorder, and record your efforts

from day to day. Do this for about 5 minutes a day.

The next step is to listen to someone saying a short sentence and say it back in the exact word order. Increase the length of the sentence.

The next method is to read a short sentence aloud then say it back without looking - It's harder than you think!

Your family must not criticise or make any comment about your responses but keep a straight face or you will be put off and give it up as a bad job.

My husband is impatient - so I quit in a temper!

The B vitamin and blood tests for anaemia might be necessary. B 12 deficiency as Marz has mentioned is important as deficiencies of the b vitamins and c vitamins can give symptoms which

may be classed as intellectual deficit . Iodine deficiency can again affect your intellect even in the unborn child Playing games such as the Ministers cat -h were you go shopping and have to remember the articles in the shopping basket are helpful - not to be played at dinner parties with snobby clever folk! (Former Speech Therapist- Rehabilitation centres, Hospitals and Schools.).

Oh dear this is me, exactly. :( I was trying to explain to the builders redoing our paving today what I wanted and it came out as nonsense, pretty much. Sigh. It's worse if I'm anxious/stressed. I even do it when talking to myself or the cat. :D

The shaking I found had a connection to blood sugar, I find if I eat something then they go away pretty fast, but I haven't been troubled too much with that lately (until this week, because I'm stressed over the building work, and got the shakes again).

Angiemacm profile image

Happens to me all the time x

Ttmw profile image

Yes, totally can relate. Had a job interview earlier this week, thankfully the brain fog was not at its worst but still had issues stringing simple sentences together at times. It stinks!

DinaV profile image

Same here. Sometimes rarely but it happens that I say something and forget imediately what i said.

Lozk profile image

Yes I get tongue tangled at times. Also I apparently talk very slow according to my family!

maxart profile image

Yes!!! It's like I haven't put my teeth in. Really weird. Used to being a super-articulate fast talker šŸ˜§

Taytaydarz profile image
Taytaydarz in reply to maxart

šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚ that's so funny you've made my day hahaha xx

maxart profile image
maxart in reply to Taytaydarz

Isn't it great to know you're not alone? šŸ˜Šā˜ŗļø

ThyroidCoach profile image


Mouldyoledoll profile image

Yes! And even when writing sometimes, I just can't think of what to put, and also my handwriting is dire when I feel like that, and I also can't handle taking in any information

Shirley1968 profile image

Yes I get the same thing as well

wellness1 profile image

I would reply to this, but I can't... find... the words... :D

Margar profile image

I have this problem too..omg..I was feeling pretty stupid. Nice to hear I'm not alone, but I am finding it difficult to work even a 4 hour shift. I don't like to feel I might mess up..

SamanthaVictory profile image

Yes, this is one of the symptoms that prompted a diagnosis of hypothyroidism. I'd started to worry I was developing some sort of early dementia and had started recording how often it happened but after just a couple of weeks of Levo I'm definitely seeing a notable improvement already.

Shirley1968 profile image
Shirley1968 in reply to SamanthaVictory

Can any one tell me why I have so much pain in my hands and legs

SlowDragon profile image
SlowDragonAdministrator in reply to Shirley1968

Low vitamin D most likely

janey1234 profile image

I was having so many problems with words that I was sent for an MRI to check for a tumour (thankfully nothing found).

I mixed words up, said completely the wrong words, forgot what objects were called eg the TV. I knew what it was, just couldn't remember what it was called and slurred words too. It was a nightmare, embarrassing and VERY scary.

Fingers crossed I am properly medicated now (thanks to the EXPERTS here on TUK) and all vitamins etc are now optimal and this has eased a lot. However I still notice it seems to return just before my period is due, which are all over the place now. Think I'm premenopausal...šŸ˜† (I'm 50) and I have read women can experience word issues with that too.

I wish you well x

madge1979 profile image
madge1979 in reply to janey1234

Your body's energy is likely going into making your period happen and so lowers a lot of your values in minerals, vitamins and nutrients

Therefore maybe it's worth upping your vitamins and minerals a bit at that specific time

I d think your brain fog is certainly connected to your Thyroid Gland and not that you might be premenopausal


SlowDragon profile image
SlowDragonAdministrator in reply to janey1234

Are you absolutely strictly gluten free.

Does absolute wonders for improving brain function

See the Broken Brain series for how and why (episode 2 is good)


janey1234 profile image
janey1234 in reply to SlowDragon

I'll be honest I'm too afaid to watch this series, silly I know, as I am doing everything I've learnt here and by following / reading people like Dr Tom O'Bryan, Dr Dale Bredesen, etc... I will do anything to try and prevent dementia but my fear of it is also causing me great anxiety so I'm trying to busy & distract myself

I did think I was strictly GF, but coincidently bought some chips tonight and thought I'd question again how their chips were fried (previously told GF, seperate oil by a different member of staff) & apparently they're not. So now I feel gutted.

That's the only slip up I think I've had, but that's once a week so not good. Feeling really disappointed as I've made such massive changes in all areas of my life to improve my health.

wellness1 profile image

Many of us are familiar with they Thyroid Pharmacist. This funny prescription may have been filled by the Hypothyroid Pharacist:


Tizzyw profile image

This sounds like me just didn't put it down to thyroid. Some days it drives me crazy just started meds so nice to know it might improve

Eddie83 profile image

When I was at my most hypothyroid, I had incidents when people would say things to me and I could not understand; and incidents where I could not reply to a question addressed to me, because I could not string words together.

Rmichelle profile image

It helps to laugh about it doesnt it! I think we all have invented a different thyroid language called babble. Also forgetting where we have put things is another, i have just found my inhaler after 5 days - in the fridge hiding under a bag of swede and potato. šŸ˜Ø

researcherUK profile image

Could be signs of several things:

Low adrenals

Low T3

Deficiencies of vitamins and minerals

Side effects of Sertaline

Leaddoo11 profile image

It's funny this has been asked, as i have literally been experiencing the same a lot.

Im on 125mcg of Levthyroxine for my underactive thyroid. But feel it doesn't make a difference in me energy wise or mood wise!

SlowDragon profile image
SlowDragonAdministrator in reply to Leaddoo11


Then it sounds like you are under medicated and/or low vitamins and/or Hashimoto's and/or leaky gut /gluten intolerance

For full evaluation you ideally need TSH, FT4, FT3, TT4, TPO and TG antibodies, plus vitamin D, folate, ferritin and B12 tested

See if you can get full thyroid and vitamin testing from GP. Unlikely to get FT3

Private tests are available


Medichecks Thyroid plus ultra vitamin or Blue Horizon Thyroid plus eleven are the most popular choice. DIY finger prick test or option to pay extra for private blood draw. Both companies often have money off offers.

All thyroid tests should be done as early as possible in morning and fasting and don't take Levo in the 24 hours prior to test, delay and take straight after. This gives highest TSH, lowest FT4 and most consistent results

Link about antibodies


Link about thyroid blood tests


List of hypothyroid symptoms


Lrhsal profile image

I don't know if this is the same thing, it happens to me when I'm driving, I suddenly don't know where I am, and then i remember :(

Eddie83 profile image

Since dementia has been mentioned above, thought I should point out that "hypothyroid dementia" is a medical diagnosis. There is likely a significant proportion of patients who have been diagnosed with dementia, whose doctors don't have a clue they should have tested for hypothyroidism.

PaulB profile image


This is a fairly well reported symptom of being hypothyroid, suffered this myself as well as anosmia and woolly hearing, happily all much improved or resolved by levothyroxine st correct dosage.

Stay positive, things will get better


Jenwoo profile image

Hi, I have underactive thyroid and also Fibro and chronic fatigue at times. I've always thought my addled brain and word blindness came from having Fibro, never thought it might come from underactive thyroid x

SlowDragon profile image
SlowDragonAdministrator in reply to Jenwoo

Or low B12 and or gluten intolerance

Gluten crosses blood brain barrier and upsets brain

clearcom0 profile image

I would try turning off your wireless internet and cell phone if it is happening to you at home and see if that helps any.

Apples profile image

Reading this has made my day, I have had word blanks on and off for some time. At worst not daring to join a conversation or planning carefully before I spoke. I have been so scared that this is the beginning of dementia - suddenly a weight has lifted. Thank you all

vickilou profile image

Snap to all of above, yes trouble stringing sentences together, yes forget where I've put things, yes pains in most joints, yes im under active and have been since 6 im now 54 and Oh what joys, I've now been told I've got another immune problem since the menopause I've got low white blood count and anemia, feeling very tired, having problems with my job, due to infections and time off. And yes I take sertraline, im still just about smiling, but find it very difficult at times, and have a rubbish Gp who can't even read my results the right way, and actually lowered my dose of levothyroxine instead of increasing it. Oh the joys.

laura-mac profile image

I have found I am very much like this. I find that I know what I want to say in my mind but then the words come out wrong. I find its worse on days when I'm really tired (especially when I'm mentally tired) or when I have been doing to much. Its made me shy away from talking to or in larger groups of people. Am so pleased that its not just me that struggles with speech whilst suffering with an underactive thyroid.

I build a theory about this: when you are hypothyroid, you not only have hormone not well balanced but the body biologic rithm is also broke, all this end to gastrinal problem (gastric acid, nausea, pain in bowel) so we are unable to speak correctly and have all the vision and perception altered.

If you are still young probably dont havr gastro problems but hypo symptom are already kicking in

in reply to

Plus thyroid disfunction are correlated to adrenal fatigue, infact biologic rithm in the brain is also linked with the cortisol (stress hormone) level made by adrenal glands during the day

Busingye profile image

Dear friend, that sounds familiar... I have had that problem of trying to talk and can't...i call it mumbling or murmuring?? I have tried to explain to my Gp but he says, can't understand what it is! Also, I have had episodes of loosing my mind. I would be driving and al over a sudden, I loose the way am going to...the familiar place or road becomes strange and can't know where I am! It has happened three times in a space of a year between. I don't know if anyone has experienced that!! My Gp. tested me for early dementia years back but said, I was alright. This is like loosing your way amidst a place you very well know! Let anyone respond if has had something of the sort!!


Pajoy profile image

It's a big problem with me I feel like a stroke victim knowing what I want to say but the wrong words coming out my husband is continually guessing what I mean. I find it very frustrating

SunnyK profile image


I don't know if this has been mentioned but I'm currently having trouble with low thyroid and previously put on sertraline for symptoms (basically misdiagnosed) even though I've already had a goitre and it removed. You would have thought it would be quite simple to see.

My private doctor has now advised me to come off sertraline because it can have an influence on levels as well as levo. It apparently can surpress tsh and will not give accurate reading. Im yet to have a retest and see what has happened.

I'm slowly coming off them now. It's been a week so far. I'm not sure how long I've got to wait. Appointment next Friday.

Worth checking out and keeping a log of symptoms and any new ones since taking sertraline. Good luck


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