They "reinvented" T3. "Smart drug that improves... - Thyroid UK

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They "reinvented" T3. "Smart drug that improves cholesterol and lipid metabolism but...

Justiina profile image
4 Replies

"Development of a „smart drug“ to treat metabolic complication of obesity by transport T3 exclusively in the liver and brown fat by the group of Matthias Tschöp and Timo Müller together with two Thyroid Trans Act partners (Köhrle and Biebermann)

Researchers Helmholtz Zentrum München (HMGU) and Technische Universität München (TUM), Germany have developed a ‘smart’ drug that safely clears the liver of fat and prevents blood vessels from clogging up. Similar to a trojan horse, the drug enters the liver with a trick: It uses the pancreatic hormone glucagon as vehicle to shuttle thyroid hormone T3 the live while keeping it away from other organs, thereby improving cholesterol and lipid metabolism while avoiding typical side effects of thyroid hormone.

Smart drug clears fat from liver and blood

The constant rise in obesity and diabetes represents a major burden of our society. Fatty liver and atherosclerosis are frequent consequences of these metabolic diseases, but an efficient and safe medicine, which would reverse obesity, insulin resistance, fatty liver and atherosclerosis remains a major scientific challenge of global priority. An international team led by metabolism experts Matthias Tschöp (Technische Universität Müchen), Richard diMarchi (Indiana University) and Timo Müller (Helmholtz Center München) report in the current issue of the journal ‘Cell’ that liver-specific delivery of the thyroid hormone T3 using glucagon corrects obesity, glucose intolerance, fatty liver disease and atherosclerosis without causing adverse effects in other tissues. “While the ability of T3 to lower cholesterol is known for centuries, deleterious effects, in particular on the skeleton and the cardiovascular system, do so far limit its medicinal utility”, says Brian Finan, the first author of the manuscript.

Toward precision medicines of the future

“Part of our trick is, that we use the pancreatic hormone glucagon as a vehicle to deliver thyroid hormone only into cells carrying a glucagon receptor”, says Christoffer Clemmensen, who led several of the key experiments. He explains: “Since there are lots of glucagon receptors in the liver, but almost none in heart or bone, our molecule concentrates thyroid hormone action to the liver while keeping it away from places where it would be harmful”.. “The next task is to see whether this drug candidate will reach the same level of targeted tissue-selectivity in clinical studies”, says diMarchi. “If the molecule shows equal efficacy and safety in humans, then this particular ‘smart’ drug design may indeed offer perspectives for metabolic precision medicine”, summarizes Tschöp."

A) Importance of T3 is underlined, known for long how efficient it is

B) If high cholesterol is symptom of hypothyroidism, why T3 cannot be used as it is ? Who tells you to over dose?

C) Does this smart drug leave one very hypo only helping with cholesterol and fat? If it only affects only liver it has no impact on other organs that can be very low on T3

D) I assume this cannot be taken if on T3 already as if this smart drug improves cholesterol, lipid metabolism etc adding T3 to get rid of more disabling symptoms like brain fog, fatigue, depression and anxiety would add on top of smart T3 possibly leading to unwanted weight loss and too low cholesterol?

E) Is it safe at all in the end ?

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4 Replies
shaws profile image

If people have high cholesterol levels the doctors put it all down to what we eat.

I wonder if they've checked everyone's TSH and other thyroid hormones during the research especially FT3 and FT4. If either was low despite TSH level could that be the cause.

Also, if women want to become pregnant, do they all have a blood test to ensure they're not hypo? as babies' devlopment can be seriously affected if Mum has low thyroid. Excerpts:

Currently the CDC states that 1 in 68 children in the US has been identified with ASD — a shocking 289.5% increase over the last 12 years. ADHD has increased 33% in the same time frame. One child in six in the US is found to have a developmental disorder including learning disabilities, ADHD, developmental delays and autism.

Likewise, the American Thyroid Association in conjunction with the American Association of Clinical Endocrinologists estimates that 20 million Americans are afflicted with some type of thyroid disease. The vast majority are women with hypothyroidism — 60% of which are currently undiagnosed and untreated. This translates to a lot of moms getting pregnant unaware that they are deficient in thyroid hormones required by a developing baby. and

A recent study published in the Journal of Physiology and Pharmacology made some incredible advances in our understanding of the autistic brain and how it relates to thyroid (2). Postmortem brains of children age 4-16 were studied against age-matched controls. It was found that levels of T3 were low in localized critical regions of the brain in the ASD children. This deficiency may not occur in the rest of the body. Further, the expression of several thyroid hormone dependent genes was altered in ASD and oxidative stress was increased.

p.s. re 60% of undiagnosed/untreated - is that due to testing only TSH and not the Frees?

Justiina profile image
Justiina in reply to shaws

Well as they admit it's known for centuries how effective T3 is I bet they just wanted to see how to take advantage of the situation and didn't think much if these people were hypo or not. Clearly they have done their homework and have material that shows clear connection between improved cholesterol and T3.

Tho the idea is good , if hypo slows down cholesterol receptors which causes cholesterol to build and pool as no T3 to convert cholesterol to other hormones , it sounds far better option that statins that lower the cholesterol but not improve the conversion to other hormones.

But I am afraid it would lead to nowhere. Less side effects maybe , lower cholesterol, losing weight etc but being skinny hypo that has low cholesterol ain't much better as you are still tired and feel awful.

Marz profile image

Glad you have turned your find into a post. Great bit of info. So that's where all the T3 is being sent !!

guysgrams profile image

I find that article interesting. My gosh, my Cholesterol numbers were creeping up and triglyceride numbers were over range for many years. Since taking T3 only my numbers have been very good, In fact, I do not remember either of them being as low as they are now. Don't need the 'smart drug' for it!

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