So I've just had an appointment at the hospital, thought I was going for a scan, I had high antibodies last year, spoke to a new doctor recently & she said I should've been scanned for my thyroid.
Anyway, he was exactly the same as a doctor in my local practise, he literally did not have the time of day for me, in his eyes, all my levels are 'within range' (results in previous posts) so I'm
He said he couldn't understand why I was there & shouldn't be seeing me unless I had cancer 😳 excuse my language but he was a complete asshole..... he said we all get antibodies & mine was over 800 which just meant my medication needed to be upped & in time, I may get them again & they will up my meds again!!!!
I asked him why my ranges go up & down & everything is just normal in his eyes....I mentioned T3..... game over..... he rolled his eyes & said basically it doesn't mean anything!!!!!!
What an absolute joke....I'm seeing the doctor who referred me at 5pm so will see what she has to say!!!!