Did you have any improvement of your tiredness after 6 weeks of right dose levo? How soon did you feel better and more energic? I'm wondering since I'm still very tired still 6 weeks on the right dose.
How soon did you feel less tired on right dose ... - Thyroid UK
How soon did you feel less tired on right dose levo?

Sorry do not understand Please read and .....

Beenies - how do you know it's the right dose? What are your most recent results/current dose?
Ft4 19.4(10-19.8) on 100mcg Levi
Think I have conversion problem so we'll need T3 since I'm still feeling unwell and results on 75mcg levo showed
Ft4 18.5(12-22)
Will do a new test to see how well I'm converting in a couple of weeks.
Yes, you do have a conversion problem based on those old results with 75mcg Levo. Your FT4:FT3 ratio is 4.5 : 1 whereas good conversion takes place at 4:1 or less.
Now you're on 100mcg Levo, you really need FT3 testing at the same time as FT4 to see how your level is now.
I haven't read all your other threads, but are your vitamins and minerals all at optimal levels and are you supplementing with selenium - all needed to help conversion.
I've asked before and they are all good 5 weeks of supplementing selenium.
Is it likely that the conversion will be better next test on 100mcg? Or do I need T3?
Beenies, you won't know if you need T3 until you have your next FT4/FT3 test now you're on 100mcg Levo. Selenium could well have improved conversion, I don't know how long it takes after starting supplementing to make a difference, and as long as nutrient levels remain optimal that will help conversion.
My Endo said it would take 6 months for me to feel right once on the right dose, but she had thyroid test results for me going back to 2014 and my TSH was 1.6 back then so that is what we are aiming for personally I'm aiming for a TSH 1 but I will cross that bridge when I get to it.
Do you know your results?
If it takes six months, how would you know it was the right dose? If she's just aiming for a TSH number, and thinks that that will be the right dose, then she knows nothing about thyroid.
The right dose is the one you feel well on. You should get retested six weeks after a dose increase, and have another increase if necessary. So, it would be necessary to feel well within those six weeks, before you increase again. If you see what I mean. You can't wait six months in between increases, it's too long.
SO TRUE . The RIGHT dose is the DOSE that ONE FEELS BEST ON . What difference does it make if the TSH look normal but patient doesn't feel right ?