Thyroid condition or ADHD: Hi everyone. I'm new... - Thyroid UK

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Thyroid condition or ADHD

Claire20585 profile image
7 Replies

Hi everyone. I'm new here. I was diagnosed with hypothyroidism 8 years ago when my little boy was 8 months old although the dr said it was most likely that I developed it whilst pregnant. In the last few weeks Ive been having many conversations with my sons school & filled out a few different forms due to them wanting to assess him for ADHD their main concerns are that he fidgits all the time appears not to listen & has no concentration. However I read somewhere that ADHD has been misdiagnosed before when it has actually been a thyroid issue & the concerns the school have coukd also be symptoms of hyperthyroidism. Does anyone have any experience of this & should I ask the drs to test his thyroid before going through the long process of an adhd assessment. Thank you

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Claire20585 profile image
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7 Replies
Saggyuk profile image

I don't know much about ADHD to be honest but yes, I would always want a full health check before accepting any other type of diagnosis especially any nutritional deficiencies such as iron, folate, b12, and vit d as will make concentration harder and I'd want to rule out any possible genetic issues family has first like thyroid. I do know there is a higher rate of coeliacs disease amongst those with ADHD and have heard that a gluten free diet can be helpful (and is also helpful for thyroid also). Some have looked at other food intolerance as well and other ways to help. Unfortunately, that's all I know about it. I do know how much foods can change behavior as my daughter is terrible if she has gluten and gets so angry and moody. She is diagnosed with non-coeliac gluten sensitvity. Obviously too much sugar doesn't help either.

It is always useful reading up as much as you can and giving each thing a go to see if makes a difference.

Is he the same at home?

greygoose profile image

I agree with Saggy. There has even been some concern that ADHD isn't even a real thing, but the symptom of something else, like thyroid problems. If I were a doctor, I think I would always check people's thyroids before looking at anything else! (Contrary to current practice, and if the holy 'guidelines' allowed, of course!)

bluebug profile image

The school should get more funding for him if he has ADHD. However like @Saggyuk said you need to get him tested for nutrient deficiencies, have his ears and eyes checked, see if there are any family inherited conditions that cause problems, etc.

In fact someone I knew son had loads of behaviour problems according to his teachers and all the boy needed was glasses!

Saggyuk profile image
Saggyuk in reply to bluebug

Yes, my godson had very bad behaviour and couldn't sit still or even play with one thing for more than five mins but he was eating a lot of highly processed carbs and a lot of sugar. Parents changed this and the differences are huge. Some highly intelligent kids do the same through pure boredom etc - there's a little boy in my girls class like this. Wont sit still for even register and they gave him a round red circle piece of carpet that he was supposed to remain sitting on which he just carried with him instead and it ended up being found down a blocked toilet lol. But he is very intelligent and never actually has a bad attitude - just bored I think and more interested in other things than stuff he already knows. Some others I've known are because they are not happy in the class or nervous around the other kids or they struggle with learning the stuff as not ready and don't want to do what they're supposed to do as easier to ignore as feel so negative about it.

You know your son better than teachers but sometimes it is worth asking them why they think they behave in a certain way - when I've asked my daughter sometimes and dug a little further if got any clues, it can often be something a little more obvious.

SlowDragon profile image

Article about Vitamin deficiencies that may be linked to ADHD

Interesting article about ADHD in adults (rather than children) and link to low B12

Syd35 profile image

Interesting post as have been wondering this about my own son recently. He is 9 and we've been having some behavioural issues and took him to the GP last week who thought it might be a mild case of ADHD and has referred him for assessment.

Another two friends of mine have sons that have suspected ADHD and surprise surprise the mum's have also hash's like myself. Sounds like there is a link I will bring this up with GP.

Claire20585 profile image

Thanks all for the replys I will try & get him an appt monday. Behaviour wise he isnt too bad he has his moments like all kids lol. He does have a limited diet cuz some foods just make him gag such as potato bit doesnt really eat that much sugar except some sweets on fridays when we have film nights. He is also quite pale in complexion & quite thin which could be thyroid related or could be down to his limited diet so will ask for a blood test. Also he does wear glasses & hearing check was fine but that was 4yrs ago so will probably ask for that 2.

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