Blood test photo the right way up, had to take it upside down. Can you tell me what it means please. Val
Photo of blood test.: Blood test photo the right... - Thyroid UK
Photo of blood test.

Low MCV and MCHL and barely in range haematocrit indicate iron aneamia
Low heamocrit and low mean cell volume suggest iron deficiency anaemia. Have you had ferritin tested?
A long-term decrease of iron in the body can cause low MCV levels. Anaemiia can also cause a low MCV level. Low haemoglobin also points to anaemia.
Have you had your Folate and Ferritin checked?
Hi Buddies, I asked for vitamin tests from Doctor but this is what I received. Will ask on Monday if he will do vitamin test - Please. Things are tightening up with costs I think. Many thanks Val
The reason why you haven't had your vitamin levels tested is because your GP thinks there is no need - remember GPs aren't taught nutrition - and also thinks s/he can fob you off.
So if you don't want to be fobbed off again don't use the word "vitamin tests" state the names of the specific vitamins you want tested and the logical reason why you should have them.
Point out to the doctor your haematocrit and mean cell volume are below the reference ranges and you want them investigated. Mention you are aware that deficiency in ferritin or folate may cause the problem so you want these tested along as your vitamin B12 levels.
Thank you all for your advice, it is very clear. I'm sure he will understand my need to get better ASP. I will write it down or i may faulter. val