How did you learn that your T4 was not being converted to T3 but instead into Reverse T3? I ask because immediately after taking T4 25mcg I started feeling worse than before. So, I'm just wondering if I am converting it to Reverse T3 or whether my worsening state is coincidental.
I know the dose of T4 I'm taking is low, but would I feel worse from it? Would I not feel the same rather than worse from being under-medicated.
Note: I've been on T4 only for 10 days now. But, I've been bedridden for the last 5 days.
Current symptoms: Weakness, fatigue, dizziness/vertigo, lack of appetite, air hunger, brain fog. I feel like I have taken 4 shots of tequila and smoked a joint. I'm really out of it.
Fortunately, I am not anxious, nor am I jittery.