Hello, im am new on this site. My youngest daughter is not at all well. Had lots of Blood Tests. Thyroid showed low TSH of 0.01 19/021917, 1 month later it showed TSH of 0.88.Her FT4(Abbot) were fine. Lab said her Antibodies are normal:- Anti-TG Antibody - 1.96 iu/ml - reference-<4.11... Anti-TPO Antibody - 0.30 iu/ml - reference-<5.61...TSH Receptor Antibody - 0.89 iu/ml . reference-<1.80. DR also did - Liver Function Test - S - Bilirubin conjugated - 4 mol/1 - Reference - 0.3......S - Albumin - 29 g/l -*Low - Ref. 35-50......Serum Proteins - S - Total Protein - 59 g/l - Low - Ref. 60-80.....S - C -Reactive Protein - 20.0 mgl/L - High -Ref. 0.0 - 5.0....S - Potassium is Low and S - Chloride is High...Endocrinologist says not doing treatment now. So she continues to be ill.....if anyone can help, i would be forever grateful.....Bev
Thyroid Issues: Hello, im am new on this site. My... - Thyroid UK
Thyroid Issues

Are there any results for B12 - Folate - Ferritin - VitD ? If any of these are low your daughter will be unwell.
How old is she ? - symptoms ? Diet ?
Hi there, thanks for replying...Kirsty will be 33 June 28th...her diet is lots of vegetables, i know she eats right, she is dairy intolerent, so watches everything she eats.....her symptoms were extreme exhaustion. then she landed up in hospital with terrible stomach pains,,,. she had scans etc and blood tests in February and then blood work again again a month later under an Endocrinologist. Last Saturday she had bad tummy pain again and bad nausea......Endo wants to see her in 6 months time.....to redo bloods.....dont know if this is significant at all, but she came out of a 5 years relationship and was a basket case by his treatment of her for breaking up....emotional not physical...panic attacks etc....
Welcome to our forum,
I am very sorry your child is ill and it is even more worrying when you don't have a diagnosis.
She has had a FT4 test but not an FT3 and I'll give a link and see why both are important but rarely taken.
Before levothyroxine and blood tests were introduced doctors diagnosed upon symptoms alone and they had a trial of NDT and if they improved they were hypothyroid.
Others who are better at blood tests than me will respond.
Just a thought - the following may be helpful:
Perhaps the most well-known symptom of Lyme disease is a rash that looks like a bull’s-eye. The scientific name for this rash is erythema migrans. It occurs in 70-80 percent of people infected by a tick bite. The area directly around the tick bite may be red and raised and look like a normal bug bite. The rash often spreads in a circular pattern that’s lighter in the center and darker on the outer ring. However, not everyone who gets Lyme disease gets the target-shaped rash.
Classic signs of early Lyme disease include:
muscle aches
Symptoms can start at any time between three and 30 days after infection. The incubation period can also lead to confusion about your symptoms. If you don’t remember being bitten, you may think you have the flu and you may not connect the tick bite and your symptoms
Hi Bev
I'm not medically trained so just some suggestions of things I've read that might be good to look into or rule out.
The basics would be any form of malnutrition for low protein/low potassium. Does she eat enough or have restricted diet or stomach issues or eat healthily. However, this might not really explain everything.
Is she on any other meds??
Her CRP is high so suggest something inflammatory/immune somewhere.
From everything I've read,there's possibly a problem somewhere with adrenals/diabetes/kidney and liver function. Has she been referred to someone to figure out kidney and liver function tests?
Diabeties can cause supressed tsh/subclinical hyperthyroidism, problems with potassium and sodium levels, low protein and kidney/liver issues. High blood sugars can also cause high cortisol and problems with adrenals.
Problems with adrenals can also cause the same issues as above and problems with sugar levels and diabetes. Low cortisol levels would normally cause high potassium and low sodium which is the other way around so more likely to be too high cortisol if this is the issue. Things like cushings and high levels of the hormone Aldosterone caused by a few different things can cause all these issues too.
Which one of these might be likely, I can't say so you can only really look into each of them more if they are no longer willing to help. Blood sugar levels can be tested easily at many pharmacies and you can buy a cheap testing kit to monitor for a few days and possibly HbA1c. You can get cortisol checked easily and Aldosterone (ALD) and adrenocorticotropic (ACTH) hormones for more in depth look if you think this might be the issue. You can pay for these yourself on medichecks or blue horizon if docs wont do them. And I do think she should be referred for closer look at kidneys/liver.
Obviously, these issues may or may not be the cause and might be something completely different that I'm completely oblivious too in my limited knowledge but might be good place to start if docs aren't helping?
I hope she feels better soon though
Thank you....i hope we get to the bottom of this.....I know the signs of Cushings, my niece has it. Moon Face,lots of hair on her legs, the top, Buffalo Hump. and she's always got infections. her neck and face were like one. from under her chin her neck went out and across her shoulders and was like a grayish color. Kirsty is petite, gyms every day, weighs 52kgs...and eats healthily....i will look into all you told me...thanks so much 🙂
What was the result for FT4? Fine is not a number. The high CRP indicates inflammation from something, but doesn't tell you what - but it is worrying.
Hi....her FT4 was 12.9 pmol/L in February and a month later in March FT4 was 11.1 pmol/L.,,,Thank you 🙂
What range? In the range our lab uses that would mean rock bottom or even under range Free T4.
the range is (they call it Reference) FT4 range is . 9.0 - 19.0 february it was 12.9pmol/L march 11.1pmol/L
After FT4 ( Abbot ) probably the kind of test they ran
Sorry to come to this discussion so late, but my daughter was hospitalised three times with mysterious but debilitating abdominal pains. It was eventually diagnosed as an inflamed gall bladder which she had removed aged 18. The medical and surgical teams largely ignored the fact that she was bulimic (and anorexic) but I am firmly convinced that it was connected. Dangerously l Iow potassium levels are also symptomatic of bulimia. My daughter had gone through a very traumatic break-up with an emotionally abusive partner.