Has anti-histamine tablet got to be taken apart from levo (like supplements), or can it be taken more or less straight after ?
Anti-histamine: Has anti-histamine tablet got to... - Thyroid UK

I would take it an hour before or after Levothyroxine.
Wondering this myself as I am now having to wake up twice before rising, first to take thyroid meds, then to take antihistamine. It's driving me nuts. Knowing I have to wake up a second time means I may not fall asleep again between the first and second alarms. Needs must though, my hay fever is diabolical and taking the pill at night as directed means it wears off halfway through the day.
foxglove are you suffering w hay fever as well? I am clawing my face off.
Yes - a fellow sufferer. And have the same prob.re. thyroid and anti-histamine doses. I usually take thyroid first and try to take anti-histamine as long after as I can stand but sometimes hay fever so irritating that I cant sleep and the anti- histamine I use is one of the "drowsy" types so helps a bit with sleep Supposed to be once daily but like you I find effect wears off so take another even if it shouldn't be necessary
Just fyi, I did some (google) research to see if I could overlap different antihistamines (the long-working kind tend not to help me much and even when taking the more effective 4-6hr ones I begin to develop a tolerance quickly) and the answer was no, you shouldn't take double doses either of the same AH or different ones. AH OD can cause psychosis, sleeplessness, delirium, confusion, mania, aggression, depression, nightmares.
I have started taking a decongestant and using allergy eye drops alongside the AH. This gives me periods of relief but really I'm firefighting all day.
Have you tried steroid nasal spray? I used it years ago and it worked really well but you need to use it for some time (a week or two) before it will start to relieve your symptoms.
Although it is an expectorant and not a decongestant as such, I get great results from guaifenesin, which is available as cough syrup. It really clears my nose and stops me sniffing all day. I can't take meds like sudafed anymore, they make me feel awful.
Agree the nasal spray works well, thanks for reminding . Oh dear what a list of results of taking double doses. did you mean AD OD or AH OD? Try not to over do . I have always had vivid dreams even as a child and now a lot are nightmares sometimes I'm afraid to sleep (not that I can easily anyway!) I find that an anti-inflammatory e. g. ibuprofen helps a bit Will Google the decongestant you suggest - got to be an answer somewhere!!! Good luck to us both.
Argh, sorry, I did mean AH (antihistamine) OD, have corrected it.
I was thinking if you're taking 2X the recommended dose you may be putting yourself at risk, not that I haven't been tempted believe me! When I was taking the Piriton kind of 4-6hr meds I used to take an additional half a tablet when required and never had a problem but when it comes to the 12hr dose I was hesitant.
Interesting, I have never tried an anti-inflammatory. I do wish I'd realised how bad it would get and I would have started the nasal spray ages ago. I think now it is my only hope as I build up a tolerance so quickly, these tabs will eventually stop working for me.
Good luck to you too!
It's recommended that if you think you may be allergic to fillers then to take an antihistamine an hour before medsxgobsee if it stops the irritation and prove it's the fillers so I reckon thstvits safe to do thstpludcitvmesns food isn't clouding a later dose.
thanks, not allergic to fillers, just don't want levo. compromised.