I have just been told by my local Boots that Wockhardt are no longer available as they are not doing it anymore. Does anyone have any information on this please? Think I will have to contact Wockhardt direct in case it is just Boots being awkward. I hate that they took over our lovely little independent pharmacy.
Wockhardt Levothyroxine: I have just been told by... - Thyroid UK
Wockhardt Levothyroxine

I was just about to post a message to ask how to find out where to obtain Wockhardt locally. Do you contact their Head Office?
mb008 I have just spoken to Wockhardt Customer Services (tel: 01978 661 261) who have told me that there is not a problem and we think it is just Boots being awkward. I am now going to phone them and complain. Or maybe I will go into the shop and make a fuss - hopefully there will be a shopful of people. Hate Boots!
Maybe boots are sourcing another levothyroxine and not Wockhardt.
What I don't understand shaws is that for the past 3 months they have been able to source it quite easily. To many fingers in pies I think, all trying for a piece. Boots obviously are not making enough money out of Wockhardt. I guess this is what comes of letting cut-throat companies take over British ones.
They may have used up the stocks they had but it is inconvenient for those who prefer one make of thyroid hormones. I say 'make' because there are no brands anymore. I think Eltroxin was the only one.
I did try MP Eltroxin shaws but it was like poison to me after Goldshield Eltroxin. Goodness knows what the difference is. It is high time the government owned up to the fact that the generics do not work and are making us ill.
There were lots of complaints even by some who'd taken it for years about Eltroxin so they changed something. I found of all levos that gave me the least symptoms.
I had been taking it for at least 5 years by 2010 and before that I had Norton,which was equally as good. Goldshield took over after Norton when I found that Actavis was not good for me, so I am sure that the generics are not good at all.
Have just heard back from my local Boots. They will only put Wockhardt through as a special order and, rightly so I think, my GP practice are not willing to pay for this. I do not feel that Wockhardt should be on a Special Order. Hope Boots goes bankrupt!
I'm not even sure Boots can actually do that as Wockhardt is a standard NHS levo. If you have any large supermarket pharmacies within reach, I would try them as they are often more amenable to ordering in specific levo brands in my experience.
Thanks for your reply RedApple . I thought the same, how can they charge for something that is not special. I have since earlier been to an independent pharmacy and after getting what I though was Wockhardt, since getting it home (I know I should have looked while at pharmacy) I have found it is Actavis. I have now rung the other two pharmacies in Witham and they cannot get it either. I really don't know what to do now as this is the only one I can take. Will have to go further afield.
I have just written to Wockhardt requesting where I might be able to get this Levo and telling them what Boots have said about a special order. Hope it has put the cat among the pigeons.
Strikes me you could score some points by contacting Boots directly.
Play the innocent, ask Boots if they would be able to help as your doctor told you to get Wockhardt levothyroxine but your local pharmacy didn't have any. Let them think is was not a Boots pharmacy.
Slightly later, and separately, use a different email address to ask their policy on dispensing the make a customer asks for, specifically Wockhardt.
If the two flatly contradict each other, you have some potentially useful material to show, or even make public. Take care to write it so that there is nothing you'd want to keep private (easy enough to take contact details off an email).
I agree with RedApple that I do not think it at all acceptable to class a non-special as a special.
helvella Boots is next on my list as well as my old friend the local CCG. I feel this really needs bringing out into the open now. How I wish I had opened the bag in the pharmacy. I usually do, but as I had asked for Wockhardt I thought this was what I would get. It was also on the prescription. Am sure something is going on between pharmacies and suppliers. All the pharmacies I have contacted have all blamed the suppliers
Thank you for the contact details for Boots.
OHHHH Shit Wockhardt is the only brand i can tolerate the best of a bad bunch, i too get my script done at Boots, and am due to take my prescription into boots on Friday for more Levo, will see what they say and will post on forum.
It makes me so bloody furious the way they mess us about its a disgrace the way we are all treated
Dotti x
Have decided i will ring up my usual boots where i get my script done in the morning and ask them about it will then post back on here instead of waiting till Friday
Dotti x

I have same problem getting Mercury Pharma. I pick up physical prescription from Dr's and then have to ring around. Last time I had to go 15miles to find a pharmacy with some
No help to you, but my non-Boots pharmacy supplies 25 mcg Wockhardt, which tastes slightly sweet. I get a mix of Actavis, Almus and Mercury. I suppose they're covering all bases
Out of curiosity i rang our main Asda store they have a large Pharmacy store in there, and wait for it the answer was a resounding NO when i asked if f they could obtain N.H.S Wockhardt Levo, their supplier doesnt deal with Wockhardt!
Dotti x
Won't an online pharmacy supply it?
I'm in Scotland my thyroxine isnt by wockhardt its mercury pharma but realised new prescription is Teva. It says new formulation. I'm new to this never appreciated there might be brands that affect me differently. I hope you get it sorted
Wockhardt are the only Levothyroxine I can tolerate too. I break out in horrid hives with all the others, so I would have to give it up altogether. My GP surgery has its own pharmacy so specifying the brand has always been pretty easy and they know now to get it in for me. Occasionally, they get it wrong, so I or my husband or daughter who usually pick it up for me if I can't, will always check before they leave the surgery and they've always swapped it there and then it's it was wrong. I only take 25mcg/day alongside my 45mcg T3, so it's not a huge dose, but I would certainly notice pretty quickly it if it wasn't Wockhardt!
I have just rang my local boots and they are contacting the supplier to see if they can still get it.
Some years ago in the NW the independent pharmacy used to supply a different brands all the time. I was not happy with this and asked why. I was told that it is price dependent and the decision was with their central office.
Try Tesco pharmacy, they gave me Wockhardt 25's on 29th March which was a change as they normally give me Mercury P. The 100's they gave me a month later (im out of sync) were Teva though so they may not do all sizes.
Just got a call back from my local boots store and they said yes they can still supply me with wockhardt!!
Dotti x
l will only say Boots are mega problem. They have taken over every Pharmacy in this small town(4) and kicked out the lovely older helpful Pharmacists. l only go to the Independent a few miles away between towns - and with own parking. They are incredibly helpful too. Boots had a new Italian CEO couple years back and this is when trouble started, and they took over Allied and upset all their staff so the nice ladies all left. Government are not helping either
Bluecat101 Even before Boots were taken over by Walgreens I never liked them. We still have two independent small pharmacies and I am now using one of them. They have been most helpful this morning and done all the necessary changing of prescription wording with the Gp surgery, whereas last time problems occurred Boots made me do all the running around. I agree that the Government are not helping patients at all and only making our lives more stressful. Have just heard today that Boots are another company not paying taxes. I do wish our Government would not allow our assets to be sold to overseas countries, and not allow big companies to have the monopoly. This country is known to be a nation of small shopkeepers, but is drastically changing for the worse.
I got my doctor to specify wockhardt and have to have it In 25 mg. so take 5 a day. Weldricks chemist got them in and boots said they could special order them But your doctor has to specify brand and in 25 mg. it took a bit of messing about but I got them. Hope this helps. What brand are you getting and what is wrong
i got the doctor to specify and now have to go through the same hoop as they did not update the online prescription but hopefully i will tet wockhardt again as i seem to beallergic to tevo
Get mine from Tesco pharmacy..they get it in specially for me...had to come off it though due to side effects!!! Now back on Teva.
Thanks for replying..Teva doesnt suit me at all but wockhardt had same syptoms but with a few extra added including bad aches and pains and sore throat and mouth ulcers.know its levo induced because i dont take anything else!!!waiting for next bloods and asking doctor for capsules or alternatives!!let you know what happens!!!regards...
That sounds horrendous Hurtlocker . Yes I had a burning feeling, especially my face on waking, with Wockhardt and could not bear to go back to it. NDT is much better and I think it should be made available to all who would like to try it, even if we have to pay something towards it. Keep us informed of how you get on. xx
Have blood tests next week and see whats recommended..will ask for capsules or NDT..lets see!!!let you know..doc is usually lovely guy.so let us hope!!i just want to be Meeee with no side effects..