Hi, I just wondered if anyone else suffers puffy eyes. I don't get it all the time but generally it is when I have over exerted and am depleted of energy, quite often I then feel very tired. I may recover after a snooze or some anti-inflammatories.
Puffy Eyes: Hi, I just wondered if anyone else... - Thyroid UK
Puffy Eyes

yes I do! Not as bad as when I was first diagnosed but every now and then after I've "overdone" it or lack of sleep my eyes get a bit puffy.
Are you gluten free? My daughter had very puffy eyes which went away when she cut out gluten and sugar.
Hi, no I am not gluten free totally but it doesn't seem to have been related to whether I have had bread/pasta/flour. Sometimes I just wake up like it. I don't eat breakfast, perhaps go for a brisk walk and then halfway through, get puffy eyes - odd. I don't rule out about gluten though and I do try to keep it to a minimum (perhaps that's not good enough!)
It's weird with timing, my daughter has a delayed reaction of 1-2 days between eating gluten and waking depressed and with puffy eyes. But it's very clear cut now as she so rarely has gluten and the puffy eye thing is very predictable.
May be worth going a week or two totally gluten free and see if it helps.
Yes! The top bit flops down over my eyes most of the time so that if I wore mascara it would just stick to the puffy bit! I do notice that it's much worse when I'm tired or have PMT. I keep buying lovely creams to try to help them....but nothing works....and some make me allergic and make it worse. I think the trick is good living and lots of sleep!
yes,I do
Yes, I have done. When I was very hypo they would also crack and bleed. NDT has improved then a lot. Hardcore moisturiser, and anything cold over the eyes soothed them. A silk eyebag is great!
Thank you SilverAvocado. Sorry to hear yours got so bad Mine just go very piggy and I feel like I have flu.