I'm new post here, looking for some advice on starting levothyroxine.
I'm a 26 year old woman, and was diagnosed with subclinical hypothyroidism a year ago, with Plasma TSH at 9.58 mU/L, normal range 0.3 - 4.2mU/L. My T4 was within the normal range so when the GP gave me the option to treat it or not, I decided not to and to see how it went. I was tested for thyroid antibodies and they were present, at 139 IU/ml (normal range <60 IU/ml) and GP thought goitre might be present. Since then, it has gone up and down and eventually I decided to try levothyroxine to see if it would help because I was feeling very tired (needed to sleep at least 10 hours a night, found it hard to get up and didn't feel refreshed), kept getting leg muscle and hip joint pain, got recurrent infections and my hair had become noticeably thinner. I was also feeling depressed. I used to be able to run 3 times a week and at that point I started getting muscle pain after just walking around.
I have been on 75mcg of levothryoxine now for 4 weeks, for the first two weeks I felt much better and had more energy and even woke up before my alarm clock. However, now I have started feeling nauseous everyday and light-headed. I am also finding it hard to concentrate and to focus on words on a page, and generally feel out of it. My mood is also low and I feel teary quite easily, although it is hard to tell if this has got better or worse.
I am not sure now if I should keep going with the medicine or whether it was better before I started taking it. What have other people experienced? Do the side effects go away? I am also really worried about even more of my hair falling out. Is it better not to treat when T4 is normal? It is so hard to tell whether or not symptoms are really related to thyroid or not, or whether this is just 'normal' for me.
Thanks for any advice.