confused.: Hi again, im going to the doctors... - Thyroid UK

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Charcharxoo profile image
59 Replies

Hi again, im going to the doctors today of being cold all the time i had it for weeks do you know what it could be?. I looked it up and something to do with my thyroid is it true??

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Charcharxoo profile image
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59 Replies
Kitti1 profile image

Hi Charcharxoo

Other than feeling cold do you feel poorly in other ways ?

Charcharxoo profile image
Charcharxoo in reply to Kitti1

No. Not that im aware of

Kitti1 profile image
Kitti1 in reply to Charcharxoo

There usually is other symptoms with an under active thyroid, but not always, everyone is different.

Symptoms like feeling tired, not just sleepy, but feeling like your too tired to do the things you normally do. Or feeling like you can't be bothered to do the things you normally do. Feeling sluggish and fed up.

Putting on weight. Constipation. Loosing hair - when you wash or brush your hair more comes out than normal.

Are you experiencing any of those ?

Have you taken your temperature with a thermometer ?

Charcharxoo profile image
Charcharxoo in reply to Kitti1

Yes ive been feeling tired not sleepy, i have difficulty sleeping i jave been losing hair when i wash it and sometimes alot when brush it what does this mean??

shaws profile image
shawsAdministrator in reply to Charcharxoo

This is a list and you can tick off the ones you have. Fatigue and hair loss are two but that doesn't always mean we are hypothyroid.

First ask your doctor for a full thyroid function test but he'll probably do just the basic.

TSH, T4, T3, Free T4, free T3 and thyroid antibodies.

The test should be the earliest, fasting and if you take thyroid hormones you'd allow a 24 hour gap between the last dose and the test.

Get a print-out from the surgery and post for comments.

Charcharxoo profile image
Charcharxoo in reply to shaws

Thank you c

shaws profile image
shawsAdministrator in reply to Charcharxoo

We also have recommended labs if you would like the full test and details are below.

Any blood test should be the earliest, fasting (you can drink water) and if you were on thyroid hormones you'd allow a gap of 24 hours between last dose and test and take afterwards.

This procedure allows the TSH to be at its highest as that appears to be the only thing the doctor notices. It is from the pituitary gland not the thyroid and tries to flag up more hormones from the gland if it is failing.

Charcharxoo profile image
Charcharxoo in reply to shaws

Okay thanks for info

Kitti1 profile image

Difficulty sleeping can be a symptom also.

As I said I'm not medically trained and you must explain all these symptoms - cold, tiredness, difficulty sleeping and hair loss to the doctor.

Sounds like you may need a blood test. I hate them and always look away and think of something nice or something that makes me laugh. It only lasts for seconds.

It could be something else. But if it is thyroid problems , its just a case of taking a tablet every day and you'll be better. Its as simple as that.

As another poster has put it's only a few people that don't feel fully better. I was 18 ( now 48 ) when I was diagnosed and was perfectly fine after being diagnosed and taking my tablets. Its only since my hysterectomy that I've not felt as good.

Kitti1 profile image
Kitti1 in reply to Kitti1

As one of the other members said if you have blood test get your results and ranges and post them on here. Its important you do that.

Please try not to worry you'll be fine. Have you spoken to your mum or similar about this ?

Rapunzel profile image
Rapunzel in reply to Kitti1


Its only since my hysterectomy that I've not felt as good.

doesn't that scream sex hormone disturbance ? Just thinking out loud x

Kitti1 profile image
Kitti1 in reply to Rapunzel

Hi Rapunzel

Can you explain a little more please.

As I explain on Kerrylb's thread its always been easy to explain away my thyroid problems with other things. I had the hysterectomy for major problems with my female hormones. Extremely bad PMS with bad depression and mood swings from the start ( my periods didn't become regular until I was 21 and then they never lasted longer than 6 hours ).

First pregnancy at 23, miscarriage then 2 years severe post natal depression including full nervous break down a spell in hospital and ECT. 2 further pregnancies both too scared to go through with, terminations and both followed by bob-on 2 years of severe post natal depression. I did see a specialist in female hormones towards the end of my second spell of post natal depression. But she said I was fine ! I knew I wasn't fine and started to push for a hysterectomy. But as I didn't have children nobody would entertain it till I found a specialist at the age of 33.

My health regards my thyroid probably hasn't been anywhere near right since my mid twenties to be honest if ever. But there's always been so much else going on its been hard to tell.

I would love to hear your thoughts / wisdom

Rapunzel profile image
Rapunzel in reply to Kitti1

Aw ((((Kitti))) what a sad story I'm so sorry. I wish I had some wisdom to share 😕My understanding of hysterectomy is sketchy at best but I recall from my long over meno ( done at 46) that progesterone and oestrogen have to be in harmony. If you haven't read this book get hold of it, lots of the stuff in there is about good female health not just menopause.

I lent my copy and never saw it again ;( this is another Dr Lee ( not the thyroid one ) and he suggests that living in the modern world makes us oestrogen dominant. Maybe have some tests and see how you're doing with progesterone ? I think it's a spit test 😕

Put another post up about it and some real wise ones may help :)

Kitti1 profile image
Kitti1 in reply to Rapunzel

Thank you so much for that. And I so didn't mean to do the poor me bit, I'm not into that stuff. But have always wondered about my other hormones, other than thyroxine. And whether there is a link between starting so young with hypo and all the other problems I've had. I'm similar to greygoose that suspect my thyroid problem started long before diagnosis at 18 and what, if any, impact that has on my development through puberty. Especially after reading the role adrenals play in the big hormone picture. Still trying to get my head round that one.

Since finding / joining this forum I have thought of doing posts concerning the above and what you mentioned, the oestrogen and progesterone element. But felt my first priority was sorting my thyroid then I can perhaps look into other things.

Thank you for the book recommendation I will definitely get on to it. And I've heard bits about that before about how we are swamped with oestrogen from our food. Definitely lots more reading to do.

Thanks again x

Kitti1 profile image
Kitti1 in reply to Kitti1

Ps. I did really want kids but Ive got 3 gorgeous dogs that are my babies 😊 And 7 cats lol !😂

Ellie-Louise profile image
Ellie-Louise in reply to Kitti1

Me too Kitti1, but I only have a couple of cats now. The most we've ever had at one time was 5 of the little rascals. 😁

The only explanation we were given in the 70's as to why we weren't successful after lots of infertility testing in hospital, was that no-one knew why it wasn't happening. Personally I blamed it on the pill and when I said as much to the doctors, I was told that they didn't believe the pill was to blame in this country (UK).

I later discovered after reading and research that they did recognise that as being a possible cause in America.

I was only diagnosed hypo in the later 80's. So I reckon I could have been hypo in some way for years without knowing anything about it. It was certainly never mentioned in the early years of our marriage.

Kitti1 profile image
Kitti1 in reply to Ellie-Louise

It really does make you wonder what they teach them in medical school. Just the ability to write a prescription I think and as we all know nobody can read them lol, going back a few years there.

But it also makes you wonder the levels of collusion and deception that are practised. They must spend more time learning what not to say than what to say !

I recently saw our practise nurse and ended up talking about my recent results TSH 5.9. 0.35-5.7. T4 13.4. 10-20 . I mentioned the 'trust me I'm a doctor' programme and that I was planning on self medicating with t3. At first she was 'oh everyone has seen the programme and thinks they know better and you shouldn't be doing that' By the time I'd finished with her, mainly quoting knowledge gleaned from this forum and recommended articles. She seemed very apologetic and frustrated on my behalf, repeatedly saying ' I can't say what I want to say' ! ! ! How wrong is that !

Kitti1 profile image
Kitti1 in reply to Ellie-Louise

Sorry to hear that you weren't successful in the pursuit of motherhood I know how that feels 😕 It does make you wonder if they realise the impact they are having on our lives.

Charcharxoo profile image

Yes i spoke to my mum shes going to take me to the walk in centre today! Will they refer me to the hospital by any chance?

Kitti1 profile image
Kitti1 in reply to Charcharxoo

That's good that your mums taking you. They may do but not straight away, certainly not today. If and I'm saying if because I don't know about other medical conditions. If it is thyroid / the doctor suspects its thyroid problems, he'll / she'll take a blood test, hopefully today and send it off. The results should be back in about a fortnight so make an appointment to see the doc when the results are due back, then they'll take it from there.

If your results clearly show under active thyroid then the doc will refer you to an endocrinologist at the hospital. Its just routine stuff. No operations or anything. The endocrinologist will sort out some tablets and you'll start to get better. It may take a little while to get on the right dose but you'll be fine.

As I said post your results on here and the more clever people than me can advise you on them. If you have a blood test for thyroid get your results from the gp, even if the doc says they are normal, and post them on here that's important. Its your legal right to have the test results

Good luck and don't worry please 😊

Charcharxoo profile image
Charcharxoo in reply to Kitti1

Thank you ever so much!😋x

Charcharxoo profile image
Charcharxoo in reply to Kitti1

Will they have any cream for the blood test because im scared if hurts and i want less pain as possible

Kitti1 profile image
Kitti1 in reply to Charcharxoo

You can ask, not sure on that one. It does only last seconds and it sounds important that you have a blood test. It only feels like a little scratch. Truely its nothing to be worried about 😊

Charcharxoo profile image
Charcharxoo in reply to Kitti1

Yes. My mum wants to try to reffer me to the hospital only if gp is okay with it.

shaws profile image
shawsAdministrator in reply to Charcharxoo

It's always best to have a blood test at the very earliest in the morning as that's when the TSH is highest. It drops throughout the day and may mean remaining undiagnosed.

The test should be fasting also.

Charcharxoo profile image
Charcharxoo in reply to shaws

If i dont come back with anything 'normal' can i still be tested and have medication. Even if my mum is aware of it

shaws profile image
shawsAdministrator in reply to Charcharxoo

Doctors know little about diagnosing and treating hypothyroid people so we've had to read and learn ourselves.

Normal doesn't mean we feel normal but that our bloods are within a normal range.

Members can interpret your results better than the doctor so get a print-out with the ranges and post on a new question.

Kitti1 profile image

That's good that your mums concerned and on your side. The reason why I said it is important to post your blood test results on here is you may be border line and refused treatment. The knowledgeable people on here can help with that. As I said, when the blood test come back, we can take it from there.

If your bloods show that you are quite obviously under active, then the doctor will refer you no problem. There may quite a wait, so it may be an idea to go private if that is an option for you. If that's the case do a separate post and ask members to private message you names of good endos ( endocrinologist ) in your area.

If your bloods come back and the doctor says they are 'normal' you could have what's called subclinical or borderline. Other people may be better than me at explaining this. So read other threads under those headings. Click more at the top then search...

I'll do my best - subclinical / borderline means really you need some treatment but according to NHS guidelines you don't.

For example I was on a does of 150mg / day for 25 years and OK. 5 years ago they decided to reduce my dose to 125mg / day based on my blood results and since then I've not felt good.

My recent results

TSH ( thyroid stimulating hormone ) 5.9. Range 0.35-5.7

T4 - ( levothyroxine ) 13.4. Range 10 - 20

Always post your ranges because they vary from lab to lab

According to most doctors ( apart from good endos ) these results say I'm fine. But I'm not. Ideally my TSH should be less than 1 and my t4 in the top of the range. But its far from that, that's why I feel poorly - tired, can't loose weight / very easily put it on, sleep problems, hair loss, brittle nails, foggy brain and cold.

If this is the case for you when the test results come back. Then you may need to go private. Again post to ask for info on a good endow near you.

But we are getting quite ahead of ourselves. There is a lot of its and buts in all that. Take it one step at a time and people on here will always be here to advise you.

Best of luck 😊

Charcharxoo profile image
Charcharxoo in reply to Kitti1

But what happens it i come back and nothing's wrong with me but my mum sees that something is wrong will me,will i still have medication or referred to an endo?

Kitti1 profile image
Kitti1 in reply to Charcharxoo

As I said let's take it one step at a time. By the sounds of it you will have test results saying you are under active. I can't say for sure I'm not medically trained. But when I was poorly before I was diagnosed, being so so incredibly cold was one of my main symptoms. Along with weight gain and extreme constipation.

But if the results come back what the labs and gp's call 'normal' then there are ways forward. Don't worry, between your gp your mum and the people on here, many of whom are very knowledgeable we'll get you well. What is your gp like ? Is he/ she understanding and listens to how you feel ?

Has your mum read what I put before ?

Charcharxoo profile image
Charcharxoo in reply to Kitti1

Yes yes i dont really like my gp but i think hes okay...

Button11 profile image
Button11 in reply to Kitti1

Kitti1 hi sorry to butt in just wondered if it was possible to not have a diagnosis from gp (but everyone on here says I have hashi's or heading towards it/thyroid problems) but feel stuck between under and over ? I feel my body flits between the two I'm cold all the time but then sensitive to heat or have a hot flush (can't even cook on the hob without feeling sweaty and like I'll faint) think I'm slowly losing weight it's been a while since I've put any on but now I think it's slowly dipping


Kitti1 profile image
Kitti1 in reply to Button11

Hi Button11

Just to let you know I'm quite new to all this and there are a lot more better informed people than me and I can only really speak from my experience and the bits of knowledge I have gained since joining this forum a few months ago.

I've just had a quick look at your previous posts. First of all I'd change your gp he sounds shocking ! To say you having private blood tests just makes his life harder as a gp is the biggest load of guff ! And quite shocking.

Secondly don't let any gp try and convince you this is all in your mind and stick you on anti-ds and forget about you. Been there done that and wasted many years feeling totally crap because it. Its the equivalent to a sticking plaster for a broken leg.

Have you had a private full thyroid bloods check ? I've just ordered the plus 11 from blue horizon. See other peoples links please as I don't know how to do links. Change your gp and push for an endo referral. Either ask other members ( do a separate post ) for recommendations of a good endow in your area or look through the post as I know you can email one of the administrators for a list.

You need to get this sorted its no way to live. Good luck and keep posting

Button11 profile image
Button11 in reply to Kitti1

Kitti1 thanks for your reply. I know he's not the first to tell me it's just anxiety which is why I think more it's all in my head.

I had all the bloods from blue horizon except the reverse t3 an t4 is it?

But yh he kind of said. my parents wasted their money which made me mad as the test was not cheap!

Janethaywood profile image
Janethaywood in reply to Button11

I'm exactly the same, not overweight just ideal for my height but I have chronic pain syndrome/fibromyalgia also have peripheral arterial disease, but for months I've been bunged up at the rear end lol, have no get up n go, I'm cold constantly,but sweat too ,clammy like cold sweats...if that makes sense? I feel so down with it all at times

Button11 profile image
Button11 in reply to Janethaywood

Hi Janethaywood I'm the same clammy as you said that's why he says it's anxiety but it's more like I can't control my own thermostat! I don't have constipation either just stool changes which is why they said ibs but ibs is either or or both but I don't get that either. Just feel so confused!

Angel_of_the_North profile image
Angel_of_the_North in reply to Charcharxoo

Probably not. But she can try to insist on getting a full thyroid panel (probably have to go private through medichecks or Blue Horizon) FT3 FT4 TSH TPo and TG antibodies, and ferritin, B12, D3 and folate. NHS refuses to consider thyroid problems until your TSH is about double the top of the range, or your Ft4 is under range and/or you have positive antibodies. You can get a list of more clued up doctors and endos from

Kitti1 profile image
Kitti1 in reply to Angel_of_the_North

Glad you've joined in Angel_of_the_North. I'm quite new to this forum and can only offer my personal experience and the bits of knowledge I've gained. And tried guide based on my experience and reassure Charcharxoo as she is young and worried.

As Angel_of_the_North says there are lots of ways forward, things to take into consideration and further reading to be done and advice to be had.- if that makes sense ! Brain fog alert !

Charcharxoo profile image
Charcharxoo in reply to Kitti1

Thank you for helping me im sorry im a pain in the backside its because im just worried and i want this all sorted and i hope i get better. X

Kitti1 profile image
Kitti1 in reply to Charcharxoo

Your not a pain don't be silly 😂 That is what this forum is all about helping each other. And if mine and other peoples experiences can help you then that's great.

Please post on this thread when you've seen your doctor and let us know what they've said and we can advise you from there. As Angel_of_the_North has said get your mum to back you up and request / demand if ness. a full thyroid check. No one knows you better than your mum 👍

Charcharxoo profile image
Charcharxoo in reply to Kitti1

Plus my mum is a qualified first aider so she knows a bit. And will do

Janethaywood profile image
Janethaywood in reply to Angel_of_the_North

Think I'm going to have to go private, my doctor won't tell me my results from 16 months ago, just kept saying they were ok, I said whats ok as the results were in red but he wouldn't budge and say ! I also asked what actual tests I'd had and he declined to answer that too 😩😩

Angel_of_the_North profile image
Angel_of_the_North in reply to Janethaywood

If you are in the UK, make a subject access request (need to use this term) in writing for all your electronic medical records under terms of the Data Protection Act. It costs £10 and the GP HAS to comply. You can really annoy them by paying £50 for all the paper records as well. But it does sound as though you need to go elsewhere.

shaws profile image
shawsAdministrator in reply to Kitti1

Your dose is far too low. TSH should be 1 or lower and some of us need it suppressed.No wonder you feel awful.

Tell GP you want an increase to bring your TSH to 1 or lower and say you've taken advice from the NHS Choices for information Having a TSH somewhere 'in range' isn't good enlough if we are already diagnosed. That's only for people who aren't. We also need a FT4 and FT3 as well so ask for these too. If he wont or lab wont if TSH is in range you can get a private test from one of our recommended labs.

Charcharxoo profile image
Charcharxoo in reply to shaws

What medication will i need to take?

shaws profile image
shawsAdministrator in reply to Charcharxoo

If you are diagnosed as being hypothyroid, it means your thyroid gland has stopped pumping out thyroid hormones.

You will be given thyroid hormone replacement which is usually levothyroxine, also known as T4 for short.

You begin on a small dose, 50mcg and there's an increase about every six weeks until you feel better with no symptoms.

Then you will have a yearly blood test. Initially you should also ask for B12, Vit D, iron, ferritin and folate as we can be deficient, so everything has to be optimum.

Charcharxoo profile image
Charcharxoo in reply to shaws

Okay thank you. Will i need to go hospital at times?

Angel_of_the_North profile image
Angel_of_the_North in reply to Charcharxoo

It's unlikely you'll need to go to hospital.

Charcharxoo profile image
Charcharxoo in reply to Angel_of_the_North

Just regularly to the gp?x

Angel_of_the_North profile image
Angel_of_the_North in reply to Charcharxoo

GP *ought* to test your blood every 6-8 weeks.

Charcharxoo profile image
Charcharxoo in reply to Angel_of_the_North

Will i have to go hospital to get the medicine x

Kitti1 profile image
Kitti1 in reply to Charcharxoo

No you just get a repeat prescription from your gp once you are settle on a dose that suits you, with regular testing. Its usually every 6 -12 months.

Have you seen your gp today ? If so how did it go ?

shaws profile image
shawsAdministrator in reply to Charcharxoo

As angelofthenorth states it is not usual to go to hospital unless we have a problem such as a swelling gland etc.

With a bit of luck your dose will be gradually increased and you will begin to feel well. You will have blood tests regularly until on an optimum dose and then if some symptoms appear you'd get a new blood test.

Levothyroxine is a tablet and we begin with a 50mcg dose then about every six weeks it's increased by 25mcg until we feel well.

Charcharxoo profile image
Charcharxoo in reply to shaws

What happens if the medications wont work?

shaws profile image
shawsAdministrator in reply to Charcharxoo

There's no reason why they shouldn't as they are hormones of which we don't have sufficient. There are also other types if levothyroxine doesn't work but you might have to source these yourself.

Charcharxoo profile image
Charcharxoo in reply to shaws

Alright thank youu. X

Kitti1 profile image
Kitti1 in reply to Charcharxoo


Have you seen your doc ? How did you get on ?

Goldilocks22 profile image

Hi, yes feeling cold is a big symptom of thyroid problems. I get it quite frequently. Drives me crazy sometimes. The suns out and I'm walking around in ugg boots and sometimes even a hat.

Janethaywood profile image

That's so odd because I'm always cold too !

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