Hi, I am new here.I have Thyroid problems.Loved reading all of your posts.I am having hair loss.I go back in 3 months for more blood work Am.on no medicine at this time.I cannot lose any weight,afer reading some of these posts not sure I want to go on meds. Are there any other way to bring my numbers up?
Thyroid and hair loss.: Hi, I am new here.I... - Thyroid UK
Thyroid and hair loss.

If you are hypothyroid you definitely need meds. Levothyroxine is what the Dr will put you on to start which is great if it works for you. Some of us don't convert T4 (Levo) to T3 which is why we then have to self medicate with T3 or Natural Dessicated Thyroid.
Until you try you won't know so best to follow Drs advice at the beginning anyway 😀
You won't ever feel better and will get worse if you have thyroid disease and are not medicated.
Get them to test for antibodies too, very important to check to see if it's auto immune, Hashimotos.
Ideally you want T4, T3, RT3, Folate, Feretin, B12, Vit D
Selenium, magnesium and zinc always handy too but highly unlikely your GO will test all these due to cost.
Post results on here as they will be read properly as Drs only train for two weeks on Thyroid health so actually know diddly squat!
There are a lot of negative posts about Levothyroxine but personally - after finding the right dose - it's changed my life and alleviated my symptoms. i also had very low B12 which needs regular treatment. Suggest you check your vitamin levels too so you can start treating both at once. Good luck.
Hi aggg.
I'm fairly new here too. Joined 14 March.
What exactly is your diagnosis?
Have you any copies of your blood test results?
I'm sorry but the information you have given isn't really enough to comment on or advise. But I am not an expert or qualified, just someone with Hashimoto's Autoimmune Thyroiditis & Hypothyroidism! So can only speak of my personal experience.
Am I right in assuming your Thyroid problems are that you have underactive/Hypothyroid? If so then I don't understand why you haven't been started on Levothyroxine. The start dose is low usually either 25mcg or 50mcg. Then bloods are tested again after 6 to 8 weeks.
Is the next appointment in 3 months your 2nd or 3rd (I assume with the Endocrinologist).
Hair loss and putting on unexplained weight were 2 of my many symptoms. There has been some improvement with both since being on the Levothyroxine. I started on 50mcg now on 75mcg.
If you want to 'bring your numbers up' then you must be saying you have Hypothyroidism ??
This is why I don'the understand why you haven't been started on the Levothyroxine. Nor do I understand why it is 3 months till your next appointment.
Every cell in the body needs Thyroxine to function.
Hope you get fully diagnosis & treatment sorted soon.
yes, Mary I am from the USA.the DR. gave me no numbers.Just said they were low,to come back in 3 months.I did not ask questions,she is always in a hurry.I will have plenty to ask the next time.I had no ideal it was so serious.That is the reason I am on the computer trying to find out about it. Thanks for responsing.I will keep updated.
Have you actually been tested for thyroid problems? If so can you get a copy of your results and post them on here with the ranges. Ranges are important as they differ from lab to lab. Mary has said she can't understand why you aren't on meds but it depends on where you are and the doctor. Many say you have to have a TSH or over 5 and some say even 10 but if you are lucky you may have a doctor who realised your thyroid is failing and will get worse if you don't start on medication. So it's a bit of guesswork with your question and almost impossible to advise where to go next without more info and do a copy of results would be wonderful.
If you are offered meds then please take then. When patients get the right help then they will be fine but sadly that isn't always the case but if you need the meds but refuse then you could get much worse and then it takes even longer to get back on track.
Started to reply and then it suddenly "vanished" off the screen!! I've been taking flaxseed oil capsules for blepharitis. They haven't done a thing for my eyes, but my hair has grown again. Hope it helps.