Hi every one. I have posted recently but apparently haven't introduced my self. I am 55 and for about 6 years have noticed things changing health wise and thought it was just "that age" for a female. About 3 years ago I finally got fed up, went to the doctor and they did query thyroid but result was normal. I went away and carried on. Another year later, thyroid test and still normal. This year I have even more unexplained symptoms and in a weeks time will be seeing a different doctor, same practice. I have cold/heat intolerance, muscle and joint pain, tinnitus, badly ridged nails, very dry curly hair (used to be vaguely wavy), dry skin, tired dry eyes, puffy face, used to have cheek bones, gained a stone in under 3 months, poor memory and concentration, sometimes anxiety instead of looking forward to doing things. What a catch I am! 😁 There is more but I can't remember...
Sorry this is long winded. How can I convince my doc this is not just my age and actually get some help? I haven't eaten gluten for 3 years as I am intolerant, had my gall bladder removed 5 years ago, unbearable nerve pain in one hand 1 year ago, also can't process lactose now. My daughter is Coeliac, my maternal female cousin has hashi and gluten intolerant, her daughter is Coeliac and has hashimoto's. It seems to be in the family.