wondered if anyone here has this problem and is hypothyroid. I am forever trying to get rid of it and I'm wondering if any one has any tips on how to deal with it.Thanks to any of you who might be able to help π π
Does anyone else have a problem with excess fac... - Thyroid UK
Does anyone else have a problem with excess facial hair?

I don't think it is a particularly hypothyroid trait. I had dark hair on my upper lip which I used to wax and post menopause I have some coarse dark hair on my chin which I pluck.
Hi. Yes, I have hair growing on my chin also a little above lips. I shave every day, sometimes twice, using electric razor.
When I saw a medical Consultant back in 1988, he said it was a symptom of Underactive Thyroid.
However, he left.
I was diagnosed in 2011 with Hashimoto's & Hypothyroid.
i had shaved it at one time but think it grows back even stronger. I've tried waxing, threading and plucking them is all I tend to do now. Think laser treatment is an option but expensive ππ x
Mine first started to appear after a particularly traumatic time long before Hashi's, during which I completely lost my appetite. I went down to under six stone and periods stopped. I later learned that this is what happens after anorexia. A friend recommended Nair - it seems to eventually weaken any regrowth and you then need to use it less often.
Thank you Polaris, but I should have said I can't have anything with perfumes and certain chemicals in it because of my breathing troubles. Shaving is more convenient for me as I also have problems with my fingers due to severe neck (C-spine ) problems. So plucking, although it has longer lasting effect, would be more troublesome for me. I tried Nair once (as a teenager) on my hairy legs! It didn't work. Maybe I washed it off too soon because of the smell !!!!
I had waxing in hairdressers once and got a rash!
I now have a little Babylis shaver which does the job. It cheaper than the replacement part was for my expensive one.
Thank you for you for thinking of me and your advice.
Mine was due to PCOD
Thank you all for your replies wondering if laser treatment or one of the devices you can buy have been successful for anyone ππ x
I have issues with this and go with hair removal cream on upper lip and plucking under chin. I'm sure the under chin has been less since on levothyroxine but this may be my imagination
Just read recently of the causes for facial hair and how to get rid of it. This research showed that estrogen progesterone imbalance was the cause and by supplementing with progesterone it would fix the situationπ
Yes! Ongoing since 16 - 18 and never lets up. After 60 getting worse and many white hairs coming thru which are stronger and harder to treat with electrolysis. When younger used go for treatment about monthly but now it wd be so expensive usually, l spend most evenings or every other snipping off as it spreads out from chin towards cheeks and down neck. l go to a local College Beauty Dept (where students are very well supervised) but am there far longer than most clients ie l may have 2x 45+min sessions whilst most have 15 mins and l go weekly when its on. they have restricted Electrolysis to only one Term of the year because of change of syllabus. l will ring round and try other Colleges but here its always 15 miles+ to travel. Locally it is Β£10 for 5 minutes. GP of course doesnt want to know. Have tried DIY machine, and do occ use NoNo which doesnt appear to do a lot. l am wondering if it might improve when after 40 years of complaining of knockout tiredness - l get help with just diagnosed 'low Cortisol' by lovely hospital Endo Consultant in Thyroid Clinic.
Me too, started off with a stray single hair on my chinny chin chin, it has multiplied and now growing a mini beard get them plucked out once a month. Upper lip seems to be getting noticeable now but scared to fettle with it incase it comes in darker / stronger.
I do! I have finally started IPL (permanent laser removal) of facial hair - mainly chin and upper lip. For years, I have had facial hair removed with wax at the local beauty parlor, but it kept growing back faster than I could have it removed...
Like others have pointed out, I don't think excessive facial hair is something you'd typically expect to find in hypothyroid people. However, Dr. Thierry Hertoghe writes in his book "Comment rester jeune plus longtemps" (How to stay young longer) that "excessive facial hair growing in a male pattern" is a sign of estrogen deficiency.
Thank you all for your replies. anna69 how are you finding the IPL treatment is it very expensive? Continually plucking out the hair is getting me down π
I use a cream facial hair remover. This weakens the hair. If thy reappear I pluck them out.
The only problem of plucking regularly is that it may stimulate hair growth which is why I alternate
hair removing cream such as Nair. Sugar wax is meant to be a good way of waxing, though there
are products with strip wax which you can just pull off. I look for safe products - if they tingle within seconds - just remove the cream with tissue and wipe with cold water.