When I shown the the doctor the lump on my Thyroid last week and with all the other on going issues, informing her that the chiropractor she sent me to will not touch me as I have had no diagnosis since my vertebraes collapsed.
She said right we need an ultrasound on the thyroid an full body isotope and a referral to orthopedic surgeon loads of bloods.
I went yesterday as I have put my blood results up on here and I wasn't happy with them, the doctor tried telling me that they were fine and asking if I was depressed several times asking me, last week I thought we had a plan but since leaving her room on the 1st Feb up until yesterday she had not made a referral to anywhere for me, my wife was with me yesterday so she could see that I a not going mad, so I asked if I could be referred privately to see an endorcologist she said yes that it maybe a good idea, so we left her office yesterday 7th of Feb, but something didn't feel right, so this morning I awoke in pain and sent her and email at 6.30am saying that I still want the plan off ultrasound full body isotope and referee to orthopedic surgeon, that I will see endorcologist privately regarding my bloods that she is saying are fine.
Received email this evening to tell me that the letter for the consultant was ready to be picked up, also that she would not refer me anywhere until I have seen him because it can get confusing and she doesn't want to be sending me here and there, can I just say she has sent me know where.
I just hope the endorcologist looks at these bloods and sees what I see and what most people on this forum and the PAS forum see.
Thank you all for your advice