My results
Blood results: My results - Thyroid UK
Blood results

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JNaughton Are those the results from your tests when you were originally diagnosed and started 50mcg levo on 13th January?
I'm guessing (from the reference ranges) they are
TSH: 11.3 - (0.2-4.0)
FT4: 11.7 (10-20)
So your very high (above 10) TSH confirmed Hypothyroidism and your very low FT4 is in keeping with that.
What is the top result for >1300 (<100).
Other than knowing what the >1300 represents, there isn't really anything else to add that wasn't in the replies to your first thread
Have you done anything about getting vitamins and minerals tested yet?
They are my result before taking thyroxine. I don't have more bloods done till April.
So what extra advice are you after then, after the replies to your other thread? It's not clear from your first post on this thread what you want members to comment on.
If you started levo on 13th January then your next test should be 6-8 weeks later not 3 months, so end of February/beginning of March, not April
And what is the result of >1300 for?
And did you arrange for the vitamin and mineral tests to be done?
The 1300 is serum thyroid peroxidase antibody concentration
Ah!! So you have high antibodies which means that you are positive for autoimmune thyroid disease aka Hashimoto's. This is where the antibodies attack the thyroid and eventually destroy it. Hashi's isn't treated, it's the resulting hypothyroidism that is.
To help reduce antibodies you should adopt a strict gluten free diet which has helped many members enormously. Gluten contains gliadin which is a protein thought to trigger antibody attacks.
Gluten/Thyroid connection -
Supplementing with Selenium L-selenomethionine 200mcg daily and keeping TSH suppressed also helps reduce antibodies.
Hashi's Information:
So amuch I on wrong medication. And what causes this?
No, you're not on the wrong medication. As I explained, Hashi's is an autoimmune disorder, the antibodies are gradually destroying your thyroid, and Hashi's isn't treated it's the resulting hypothyroidism that is treated.
You need to keep having thyroid tests done and increases in your Levo until your TSH is suppressed (to help reduce the antibodies) and your symptoms abate.
If you read the links I gave you then you will learn about Hashimoto's.
And if you adopt a strict gluten free diet and supplement with selenium, as suggested, then you will be helping to reduce the antibodies.
You are on the right medication. Levothyroxine replaces the low thyroid levels autoimmune thyroiditis (Hashimoto's) causes. There is a school of thought which thinks that the gliadin in gluten may trigger an autoimmune response. There is no cure for Hashimoto's which causes 90% of hypothyroidism.
Many people have found that 100% gluten-free diet is helpful in reducing Hashi flares, symptoms and eventually antibodies.