Anybody else have type 2 diabetes and thyroid nodules? Trying to manage with diet and exercise as not keen on hormone replacements etc. But can feel the energy levels dropping sometimes. Any tips?!
Double whammy: Anybody else have type 2 diabetes... - Thyroid UK
Double whammy
Most people have thyroid nodules, hypo or not. But have you had a diagnosis of hypothyroidism? If you have, then you are not going to be able to control it with diet, and willbe obliged, at some point, to start thyroid hormone replacement. What have you got against it?
Trying to avoid the diagnosis but energy levels sometimes rock bottom and feels sometimes like somebody has gripped my throat and what is that with my voice? I sound like I smoke 50 a day. So really trying to make myself face up and go to the doctor
No point in trying to avoid it, it won't go away. And, if you're really hypo, it can only get worse.
The smoker's voice is a hypo symptom. It's had a terrible effect on my voice, it cracks and croaks all the time. And, before I was diagnosed, I used to keep losing it - mid-sentence!
Thank you for that info. The voice is embarrassing at times isnt it. I used to sing in choirs, now I am too shy to try. I am avoiding going to the doctor, but that is stupid. Its not going to get better. Sigh
If your voice has become deeper and coarser since being diagnosed with thyroid nodules your GP should arrange an ultrasound scan to see whether the nodules have increased in size and if one or more of the nodules is compressing your trachea. Nodules >1.5cm are usually fine needle aspiration (FNA) biopsied to rule out malignancy. 95% of thyroid nodules are benign.
Ask for thyroid blood levels to be tested and post the results and ranges in a new question for comment. Arrange the blood test early in the morning when TSH is highest and fast (water only) as TSH drops after eating and drinking.
Setting aside the thyroid issues, if you are T2D and want to avoid the downward spiral into medication and insulin then diet is the way. Read 'The Obesity Code' by Dr Jason Fung. Lots of folk report improvement in their hypo symptoms on a ketogenic diet, me included , but my medication requirements have not changed.
I have been on that diet 4 yrs ago, successfully lost 1 and half stone and been given the all clear since then. But energy levels really low and odd throat feelings make me feel depressed. So Reluctant to find I might need medicationafter all for my thyroid which was diagnosed with nodules about 6 yrs ago.
I have no nodules but have type 2 diabetes, coeliac, DH and chronic sinusitis. Finially diagnosed as hypothyroidism 18 months ago. Take NDT and my health has been improving in general in leaps and bounds.
Energy comes and goes but there is only tiredness now not absolute fatigue.
My diet is just good quality fresh food but I do have some goodies. Any processed food is low or no sugar (in all its forms) and my one rule is the least amount of ingredients is what I buy e.g 4 or 6 ingredients in a product, I buy the one with 4 but no canola oil, soy etc.
I just plug away and read, read and to do as much reasearch as possible for myself. That has paid big dividends.
My husband asks me if I told the doc off this time. It has become a family joke but I have been misdiagnosed on many health issues over 35 years so finally took my health care into my own hands. That has worked for me.
Excercise now is 1/2 walk in the morning and evening and I have stopped fretting about it all.
This is the best forum as so many questions can be answered and new information aquired.
Best wishes in finding your path.
Wow! My issues look minor! Although to be honest I started reading and experimenting after diagnosis of IBS 25 yrs ago after a diabetic pregnancy. I now eat the keto/paleo way with great results. But cant keep my energy levels up increasingly. Thank younfor your positive comments its inspirational
IBS is a syndrome, not a disease. It is a symptom of low thyroid.
I wish I had know that as a dear friend had IBS and suffered. She died from a brain tumor several years ago.
I'm sorry to hear about your friend. But, it really isn't supposed to be our jobs to know all this, it's supposed to be the doctor's...
Ok Bluejazz48,
Mine has been a very long journey with many misdiagnoses therefore incorrect medical help. I lived in the Middle East for 12 years and learnt to take control and responsibility of my health because there was a great deal of lack of knowledge of my conditions.
For me the throid was the last linchpin to my overall health and it was there from my early thirties. Same readings but considered 'normal', even told by a endo I was wasting his time. Stupid man.
It took a wonderful GP who specializes in fixing supposed unfixable health problems. Years and years of suffering and was started on the road to recovery 18 months ago.
He just increased my NDT and onsurprising result has been my blood pressure has returned to 120 over 70.
Diabetes is a family issue and I had gestational diabetes with both my children then no problems until I was 53ish and then until 68 was controlled by diet.
I have learnt - many times the hard way to pace myself otherwise I pay a price.
I also had severe adrenal fatigue but with hypo treatment that is not an issue now.
Hope this helps you although long winded but just keep plugging away, keep learning how to read your body and take notice. You will fined your path.