It's me again. I noticed that I am getting posts that are "recommended" to me first and then I have to look for new posts and I have to scroll down to see them. This posts that are "recommended" to me completely don't interest me! Is there something in the settings that I can change not to see this?
Why do I see posts recommended to me? - Thyroid UK
Why do I see posts recommended to me?

This is HealthUnlocked's view as to how they should be managing their site.
It is difficult for the admins to respond properly as we do not see what you are reporting. Please consider reporting your view to HU themselves. Their feedback form is here:
If you have the ability, you could create a PDF of what you are seeing and post it somewhere (e.g. DropBox or anothert file sharing platform). That would let us all see what you are seeing. (This is only a suggestion, don't feel bad if you have little idea of what I speak!)
I brought up the way that brand new users are seeing different things and was told that there are special settings for the first 24 hours of membership.
I'll try to make the image of what I see. But I am member since October, not for less than 24 hours?
I don't understand that aspect! I don't even know if that is 24 hours in an individual forum or across the whole site. Or what other criteria are being used to determine what you see.
I much prefer it when we all see the same and can sensibly describe things by reference to that. Differences between phones, PCs, tablets, etc., already make it difficult enough.
I get the same - totally infuriating; especially when you're viewing in small devices such as the phone!!
I have found the only way to bypass this is to click on the 'square made up of circles' and then it brings up the communities you are following and select "Thyroid uk". That way you get all the recent posts.
My god, now they are "recommending me" this post I wrote! Really stupid, I sent HU feedback that I don't like this but they haven't changed anything. I still can't figure out how to make the image of this but those of you who see it the same as me know what I am talking about. First there is a whole list of posts they are "recommending to you" and when you scroll all the way down only then you can see the recent posts.
It's a symptom of the general "big data/social media" approach that we should not ever be allowed to see anything that doesn't agree with what a machine says we already know or like. No challenges to our opinions or additions to our knowledge - we might start thinking for ourselves.
Having never had a smart phone I don't know how people use them. Assuming you have Thyroid UK set up as a bookmark or favourite link on your phone perhaps you could use a different link to view recent posts?
I use a normal PC and my bookmark for the site is this link :
I don't see recommended posts at all. (Hooray!)
Good for you. I see the same on my mobile and laptop and they have no intention of removing "recommended to you" in my case
The point I was trying to make is that for people using PCs there are several links which take you to see the forum, not just one. I don't know if this is true for people who use other gadgets, but I wouldn't be surprised. I was trying to suggest that if you use a different link to get to the forum you might avoid seeing the "recommended" posts.
I can use any of these links :
I don't know the equivalents for other gadget users.