18months ago I had my left side of my thyroid removed due to a goiter growing in there. When it was removed the surgeon said there was clear signs of thyroiditis in that left side. After 7months of struggling after the op the gp put me on 50mg of levothyroxine even though my levels were within normal range but just at the lower end. I started to feel better for a long time however in the last two months I have felt awful, I went back to the doctors and they have now found my prolactin level is raised (866) but my levels are in normal range however my thyroid abtibodies are really high (404). I have also had issues with my voice which they can't yet find a cause for! Feeling helpless, keep being passed from consultant to consultant! Anyone got any advice?
Raised prolactin : 18months ago I had my left... - Thyroid UK
Raised prolactin

Voice and throat issues are very common with thyroid problems. My voice is quite gravelly more often than not and constant feeling of lump in throat. Have you checked the Thyroid UK website page, there is a list of symptoms that might surprise you.
From your antibodies it is clear that you have Hashimotos (autoimmune hypothyroidism) but can't comment on the prolactin levels I'm afraid. It sounds as though you're under medicated and need an increase in your levo.
What are your latest thyroid results with the ranges TSH, FT4, FT3. It's fine for your Dr to say they are normal but what exactly is normal when the range is so wide.
Hoarse voice and feeling of a lump in the throat is typical of an underactive thyroid but the nerve serving your larynx may have been cut during the thyroid gland removal. Mine was cut when I had thyroid cancer removed nearly 4 years ago and I have the same sensations. I kept being treated as though it was an underactive thyroid but I developed a really bad ear infection 18 months ago and I explained this situation to the ENT consultant. He put a camera down through my nose to check and his diagnosis was that it had been cut during the surgery and that I should have had speech and language therapy within 12 months. He said that because it had been two and half years since the surgery that thcae nerve will never repair. I suggest you get it all checked and ask for speech therapy to protect your voice. I was a teacher but can no longer teach because I lose my voice if I talk to much.
Good luck.
During my operation they paralysed my left vocal fold but with speech therapy it did get better, had the camera down yesterday and they said all looked ok but now got to have another test with strobe lights! So strange, I am a teacher also PE!!! Hoping they can sort it out soon! 🙏
Prolactin levels are linked to Pituatory problems and thyroid antibodies are linked to Hashimoto's disease (an underactive) thyroid.