Hi I have a question please .. I have lost 1 and 1/2 stone with Slimming world but now feel over medicated ?? Could it be by losing weight I need less thyroxine ??
I have hashi I have been hyper before 12 years ago and then after meds from the hospital my thyroid went euthyroid .. 18 months ago went hypo on 100mcg and 75 on alternative days .. Have been feeling fine on that dose until I lost weight ,and now I'm eating for England and can't put any weight on ... Not sleeping and can hear my heartbeat in my ears feel hot and my hair has grown like grass and where it was receeding at the front through being hypo its growing back π ..I'm getting my bloods done tomorrow but have to pay private as my GP can't get the lab to do the FT3 which is so annoying I have to pay every time grrrrr Hope someone can help ? Many thanks xx