Hi folks
Actually this a follow up to my other post regarding the same thing chest pain, i have just got back from seeing the Cardio who said i do not have Angina but due to my family history(heart disease on both mother and fathers side) i need a Cat scan with dye of my heart to see if i have mild furring of the arterys.
My cholesterol is raised 6.2 good cholesterol 1.7 both my parents had high cholesterol and she said it was in my genes.
If the Cat scan comes back okay no further treatment is required but if there is mild furring i need to put on statins as she said due to the fact i am post menopausal my risk of heart attack is very much raised.
I have very mild mitral valve leakage and the Cardio reckons the pain was coming from that. i am so nervous about statins and would appreciate any bodys input regarding them and the effect they have when taking Levo.
Dotti x