Question about starting NDT. If I am hypo but with symptoms of anxiety( my t3 is at the low end by the way) will adding T3 from th NDT make me more anxious? It seem to have that effect on people. Will keep you posted on progress.
Hypo and anxiety: Question about starting NDT. If... - Thyroid UK
Hypo and anxiety
If you are low in T3, then medicating NDT (that contains T3 ) will help, but maybe not if you have other deficiencies (usually) caused by the low T3 ! ! ....
Anxiety can point to low iron levels or adrenal issues and addressing these will help make any thyroid hormone replacement work better for you. Your doctor sounds open minded if she is prepared to prescribe Armour but ensure she understands T3 psychology.
Anxiety associated directly with T3 ( and not other causes) is usually due to elevated levels. Many members have found introducing T3 " low & slow " enables a better tolerance of this much needed hormone possibly missing for many years. Do not perform a straight switch but lower Levo dose gradually, combining with a gradual increase of NDT (Armour).
Test six weeks after any dose adjustments but be aware that adding NDT will distort blood test results, as the added T3 lowers TSH levels, which in turn lowers T4-T3 conversion. Therefore, do not reduce T4 too much or you may risk lowering levels in spite of a dose increase.
Have you had cortisol tested ? Have you had thyroid antibodies tested ? ?
Post any results complete with ranges (numbers in brackets) and members will comment.
I did have cortisol tested but it did not have a range. It just said 13 . Anyway I heard it is best to get a saliva test for that which I will look into. Have not antibodies tested.
I suffer from anxiety for which I have previously had counselling, I recently decided to switch from thyroxine to ndt. I was on 100g Levo and stopped one day started taking naturethroid the next, started at 1 grain increasing by half a grain every two weeks, I am now on 2 grains and will hold and test bloods in 6 weeks. My anxiety has not increased at all , if anything it's lessened. Good luck.
Start on a low dose of NDT and build it up over a few weeks. It should stop the anxiety raise till all your symptoms are gone.
Hi Ayorkor
When Im hypo I suffer really badly from anxiety, also when on any flavor of Levo, no mater how well adjusted the dose is. Pretty sure you will find it as a side effect on the documentation provided in the packet.
As I swing more to Hyper I still have a form or anxiety, but I become emboldened, more brash, risk taking ect.
Example, One of my anxieties, is I worry about loosing my job, hypo I keep my head down, don't get noticed etc. Hyper, I organize new projects, bring in new work, taunt fellow workers about under performance etc. But under it all I'm anxious about loosing my job.
Since moving to NDT I am far better, not perfect but much better than Levo. I self medicate NDT, keeping me some where between neutral to hyper. Hyper is great for sailing, riding MX, weight training, distance swimming etc. I also take a Testosterone supplement and keep really fit , they both help.
best of luck
Split dosing really helped me. When I started ndt Id split it up 3 times during the day
What ndt do you take? I have been hearing some negative reviews re armour

In Australia we have a thing call Compounding Pharmacies, they can make approved drugs like NDT (require prescription). So the NDT is pharmacy brand sorry. The thing that helped me take NDT was split doses and slow release formula. I take 30mg at 10pm, 4am and 12pm. With NDT you need to work out your dose for yourself, start with 60mg split in 2. Then add more slowly until you go hyper, then back it down slightly. I tune NDT continually, always trying for more. Over medicating is far less of an issue than under-medicating for long periods - kidney damage etc
Think of Thyroid Hormone (NDT and Levo) as a catalyst you need to burn fuel in your cells. Your needs change daily depending on what you are doing. With Levo the Doctor is using your TSH as a guide and saturating you with the stuff in the hope that on average you will have a buffer to call on when needed. But the problem with Levo is it has all these crappy side effects. With NDT because it also has T3 (active part) you need to tune almost daily - too much and you feel wacked to little and you start slowing down. I also suspect that the body gets lazy on NDT and becomes reluctant to convert T4 to T3 unless it really has to.
Thank you that was very helpful

I hear Armour was reformulated when the company was bought a few years back. I think it is no longer recommended.