Feel free to join in guys
I bought some T3 in March this year but it didn't have a chance to kick in as I was too ill at the time. Multiple organ failure, a cardiac arrest and several days in a coma made me think a bit more about all sorts of stuff.
I spent 3 weeks in hospital altogether then after a couple of weeks just flopping at home I decided to take the 25mcg tabs I had at home regularly. So four months on I am happy to share my T3 experiment.
So....gone are the twice daily naps, having to rest several times while making the bed, fainting fits and low blood pressure episodes (down from 10+ a day to a couple of times a week).
I am now taking 25mcg T3 and 100mcg Levothyroxine daily. I am finding the T3 wears off before my next dose is due so am now working on having smaller gaps between doses starting at 23 hours. I am wondering if anyone here has experience of self adjusting their thyroid meds too.
While I am here I just wanted to thank all those peeps here who have offered me so much help and encouragement since I have been posting here.