Just got my T3 in: SO just got my t3 in and... - Thyroid UK

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Just got my T3 in

Hypo101 profile image
8 Replies

SO just got my t3 in and advice on what to do next. My head has been feeling better but my mucles feel really weak,periods where all of a sudden feel really bad, insomia chest feels funny, heat regualtion out of wack and numbness in groin an anal area. Various parts of body skin/texture feels numb but can fee pinches.

Last bloods few weeks ago had TSH over 1, free t4 23 (overrange by 1) and free t3 wasnt tested. On 100mcg of levo so drop levo down to 75, cut T3 into 4 and take 1 piece which is about 6.25mcg?

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8 Replies
shaws profile image

Some are nervous about taking T3 but I am sure you will feel much better. I, personally, have always taken dose once daily as it is more convenient (I do know many split but tablets are made to be taken once). If you are nervous, it's right to drop down to 75mcg levo but I'd take half a T3 tablet to begin with (then increase by half after 2 weeks -or quarter if you prefer). Always take note of your pulse and temp several times a day before you begin and afterwards, i.e too fast or high, drop back to previous dose. T3 I think you are aware is the active hormone and it is T3 only which is needed in our receptor cells, its work then begins and lasts between 1 to 3 days.

Two links may be helpful:-


Excerpt from link below:-

These clinical and experimental findings argue against that idea of "cycling" enabling patients to maintain improvement after stopping their use of T3. With increases and decreases in dosage, the only thing that has cycled in our patients is their fibromyalgia status. So, do I believe that "cycling" will "cure" cellular resistance to thyroid hormone? Unequivocally, no!

Third, the leaflet on Cytomel pharmacies give patients when they fill their prescriptions states, "POSSIBLE SIDE EFFECTS: NO COMMON SIDE EFFECTS HAVE BEEN REPORTED with proper use of this medication." This information is accurate—when plain, full-strength, one-time-per-day doses of T3 are used properly, there are no adverse effects. The only adverse effects occur when a patient takes a dosage that for her is excessive. With Cytomel, if overstimulation occurs, it can be stopped with one or two small doses of propranolol. Or the patient can simply reduce her dosage of Cytomel the next time she takes it. I want to emphasize, however, that when our protocol is used properly, there is no overstimulation to be avoided by using timed-release T3. The protocol has safeguards against adverse effects. And finally, why do I specify that the typical patient use one full dose of non-timed-release Cytomel for life? Because extensive testing has shown that this is safe, effective, and most economical—when used within the context of our entire protocol.


The above doctor was also a scientist and logician who also took one daily dose of T3 (150mcg). Dr. Lowe is a devout critical rationalist and before his death was an Adviser to Thyroiduk.org.uk.

I am not medically qualified - only have my own experience and am well now.

SeasideSusie profile image

Why are you considering taking T3 at the moment?

Looking at a few of your previous posts you have been advised on optimal levels of vitamins and minerals being needed. You also said that your last FT3 test was 6 where top of the range was 6.8 and you were advised that you are high enough in FT3 for you to be converting as your FT4 was only 1 pont over range, that it could be an absorption problem (which is why you need optimal vits and mins), and what were you expecting the addition of T3 to do for you.

I was going to suggest the 24 hour adrenal test but see that was also suggested in a previous post. Did you get that done? Thyroid, adrenals, also sex hormones all work together and if you are deficient in any it will affect the whole endocrine system.

My practioner likens T3 to rocket fuel, if you need it then yes go ahead with caution, but only if there is a shown need for it. With the results you are using at the moment you have a very good FT3 which shows conversion. If it's not being absorbed well enough then your vitamins and minerals need optimising. Your adrenals could be out of whack and causing symptoms but you don't know as they've not been tested. You could even do a 24 hour thyroid urine test which, instead of giving just a snapshot in time of what is in your blood that the serum test does, is supposed to show what is actually going on at cellular level over 24 hours.

In your shoes I would be doing up to date tests for thyroid, vitamin and mineral levels, adrenal test also to see where things are now and then see whether you need the addition of T3. Have you ever had thyroid antibodies tested?

Hypo101 profile image
Hypo101 in reply to SeasideSusie

Vitamin d in high 90s, last b12 checked in mid 300s but on shots, ferritin in 30s but taking supplements. Adrenals haven't been checked in a while. I will do that when I have money for it but atm I'm not stressed. Actually I am but that's because of symptoms I'm still getting. Magnesium and other one tested by hospital and they were at top of range. I still do sometimes take magnesium supplements though.

Waiting to see immunologist and another urologist. Thenumbness, pain and tingling on genitals is scaring he'll out of me. Funny thing is can fee a pinch though. Also just because my levels are fine doesn't mean my body is accepting the levothyoxine. Yeah bloods are better but only thing it's really helping with

Marz profile image
Marz in reply to Hypo101

Thyroid anti-bodies ??

Hypo101 profile image
Hypo101 in reply to Marz

They were 130 but last testt hey were at 75 maybe the decrease was because I was taking selenium as well. Also had ultrasound which showed inflamation

SeasideSusie profile image
SeasideSusieRemembering in reply to Hypo101

Hypo101 When was your ferritin tested? You haven't put a range but it seems very low. When supplementing it takes a long time to raise it, and your thyroid hormone doesn't stand a chance of working until it's at least 70. Have you had it retested, if so what is it now?

As for adrenals, stress comes in many forms, you don't necessarily have to feel stressed. With my adrenal problem the stress is coming from long term hypo (long term diagnosed and treated that is) plus years of poor sleep. I am the least 'stressy' person that I know, I am very laid back, so to be told I had a stress problem was a surprise but there you go, it's not necessarily what we think.

You also mentioned in a previous post that you had a diagnosis of Hashimoto's confirmed. Are you addressing that by being gluten free, also by supplementing with selenium, both of which help reduce antibody attacks.

Also this is part of a previous post of yours:

"My little I had of T3 trial has gone up a little. New symptoms

Hypo101 7 months ago 2 Replies

My GP has written saying about symptoms im having and trial of T3 and my neurologist is also doing lettet saying all my symptoms are endocrone disorder and that my ultrasounf shows hashimotos as do bloods. I wont be seeimg him til december though.


I don't really understand the title of your thread but did you get your trial of T3? What happened?

Hypo101 profile image
Hypo101 in reply to SeasideSusie

Tried gluten free for while and didn't really help. Actually felt worse going gluten free. Also I'm very very lussy eater and never used to eat vegetables. Now I do have vegetables but have to juice them. I eat plenty of fruit, chicken and meats.

I tried for ages to get t3 but specialists wouldn't budge so I ordered some myself

SeasideSusie profile image
SeasideSusieRemembering in reply to Hypo101

So what about your current ferritin level?

With the old test results you've given you are showing no need for the addition of T3. Members are trying to help you find answers, current levels of vitamins and minerals, plus up to date thyroid test results, are what are needed. You can get the Blue Horizon Thyroid Plus Ten or Eleven (finger prick test or vacutainer whichever you prefer) will cover everything, plus adrenal stress test would be useful.

As mentioned, you need optimal vits and mins, adrenals addressing if necessary, for your thyroid hormone to work and you need to look at reducing the antibody attacks.

As your blood test results look good, low TSH, high FT4 and very good conversion of T4 to T3, then you need to be looking at why your thyroid hormone doesn't seem to be working. Some reasons are low levels of nutrients (already mentioned), adrenal problems (already mentioned), food allergies (such as gluten, already mentioned), hormone imbalance (adrenals and sex hormones already mentioned).

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