Switched from Armour to Naturethroid and.... - Thyroid UK

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Switched from Armour to Naturethroid and....

abby3216 profile image
10 Replies

 feeling really bad. Taking split doses of 2 grains since April 22nd but just feel very weak and I thought I would feel better because its slightly more grains than Armour.  I feel always hot and its only Spring.  Can you change AND feel worse and do I stick it out for a few more weeks?

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abby3216 profile image
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10 Replies
shaws profile image

It's not easy sometimes when we switch. Naturethroid has been developed to take one daily dose with 8oz glass of water on empty stomach.

With NDTs it is usual to take a dose, more or less equivalent to the dose you were taking with your previous thyroid hormones.

You should also take your pulse/temp several times before you begin NDT, so you have a starting point and if you feel unwell you check both and if either are higher you drop dose slightly. It can also be a guide when trying to find a 'perfect' dose for you.

It pulse is too fast/temp also you reduce dose slightly and/or miss the following day's dose.

For info:-




Maybe start from the beginning again. Take the amount of NDT equal approx to your previous thyroid hormones, or a little less.  The every two weeks a small increase till you feel much better.

(I am not medically qualified - I have hypothyroidism but feel well now).

waveylines profile image
waveylines in reply to shaws

Good advice from Shaws! 

Though in theory you can switch to the equivalent dose, this is only a guide. Different NDTs have different fillers and release mechanisms. This is why different people respond to different ones. 

In your shoes. I would first of al do a check on your current signs and symptoms as Shaws has shown above. I would actuall stop taking  probably for a couple of days as it might be you have over cooked yourself. It's difficult to know as feeling hot is not necessarily a sign of actually having a higher temperature. Than normal. So it all depends on what your check of yourself turns up.

I do sympathise, have been there and dine this myself because I was so anxious and keen to get well.  

I've found in the NDT that I switched to I had such a good uptake of it into my system that I have ended up taking a while grain less per day! Amazing isn't it as it has the same active ingredients as my previous NDT but the effect in my body is very different.

Hope this helps. Keep posting on her -there are some really clever and experienced people on here who can help you.

 First step is to get a proper record of those signs and symptoms on a daily basis, keep against it what meds you are taking, vitamins and supplements and the daily routine. This gives you good info to look back on.

You will get there! 

radd profile image


Sorry to hear you are having issues. 

Medicating T4 only for so many years can mess up our bodies big time. MTHFR complicates everything further. I have the same and Hashimotos.

All thyroid meds need optimal nutrients, iron and cortisol but I always read NDT is the least sympathetic to deficiencies. Are you supplementing with methylcobalamin (Vit B12) & L-5-MTHF (folate) and supporting adrenals with a healthy life style and Vit C, etc. Do you keep thyroid antibodies low with a gluten free diet and supplementing selenium, etc ? Have you addressed any gut issues (IBS, Candida, etc) ? .. 

We are all different and our health needs continually differ and unless we try different meds we won't know how beneficial they will be but maybe your body is intolerant of Naturethroid for the same reasons as it was to Armour.

My adrenals were shot to bits and are recovering on T4 & T3. It is my hope to eventually move onto NDT in the next year or two..

jamesal0 profile image

Sorry to hear. 

Try the following. 

1. Split your NDT into 3 doses, take 50% at 3am, 25% at 7am and 25% at 4pm.   stopthethyroidmadness.com/t...

2. Get a Coeliac Blood test.

3. Cut your NDT dose in half for a few weeks, check and record your temp each time you take your NDT.  The moment you see your temp drop  1-2Deg you are now under done.  If you don't see your temp drop,  you are still taking too much.  Keep reducing until your temp falls.  As soon as you see this happen start bumping your dose up by 10-20% on your most recent low dose.  At some point you will begin seeing your bad symptoms reappear.    Hopefully you will find a balance where NDT side effects vs how you feel are livable. 

Note - I speak as a Hashimoto - Hypo - (underactive thyroid)

Note - Hashimoto's auto immune disease is mostly caused by a reaction to gluten.  Strongly Consider Gluten Free and FODMAP Diet - med.monash.edu/cecs/gastro/...

Note I was on 125 Thyroxin and felt like you know what.  Changed to NDT 1x Grain but started getting Hyper.  Using above techniques I now only require .5 Grain and feel great. 



Hellsy profile image

I was going to suggest similar to jamesa10 above but I wouldn't do it exactly the way suggested. If you check out the link suggested to STTM you can find out more from there. There are some important points to be aware of when taking your dose before you get up

This is called the circadian method by Paul Robinson and is suggested on the STTM website. Are you aware of it?

I wasn't doing well on NDT until I used that method. I can say more but no point if you are already aware of it!

abby3216 profile image

My sincere thanks to you all for your suggestions.  Yes, the MTHFR and my Hashimotos is part of the dance too.  I will do as you suggest and will report here.  Again, you are all marvelous to help and I so appreciate you all..!

waveylines profile image
waveylines in reply to abby3216

Be wary though of the circadian rhythm method. It is extremely potent!! You might be best to look at this once you have got your thyroid meds more optimised but are still having some symptoms which shows up as adrenal insuffciency. I used to do this method very successfully but have stopped it in the last year as my body has recovered and no longer needs it. Amazing!! 

If you are interested in it have a look at Paul Robinsos website -think it's called T3. 

abby3216 profile image
abby3216 in reply to waveylines

Thank you wavylines!  Its all so confusing with take the Naturethroid all at once versus split dose versus circadian rhythm.  Thank you!

waveylines profile image

Absolutely Abby. Very confusing. Because thyroid treatment is not an exact science it's always best to make one change at a time, give it seem time then review before making the next change. If you do too many at the same time you have no idea what impact which change is having. So my advice would be to get the thyroid meds gradually sorted first. Unfortunately the nature of it all means that you don't get quick results. This is a case of the tortoise winning over the hare! 😊😊

abby3216 profile image

Thanks wavylines....I so agree!

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