I want to find a replacement for Armour since the price went way up last year. Has anybody switched from Armour to Thiroyd and been happy with the results.? Tried NatureThroid but it had something in it that made my tongue feel swollen.
I want to find a replacement for Armour since the price went way up last year. Has anybody switched from Armour to Thiroyd and been happy with the results.? Tried NatureThroid but it had something in it that made my tongue feel swollen.
My supplier has been having trouble with Thyroid expiry dates recently. Worth checking before you buy. He is switching to something new. I didn't pay all that much attention because I don't but that from him, I buy Thyroid S.
If you pm me your email address I can forward the email.
I switched from ERFA to Thiroid, and find it a lot more effective. You may need to up the dose slightly (I'm taking 2 1/2 grains compared to 2 of ERFA) but other than that you should be fine.
Nicole6, This link lists the ingredients of different brands of NDT stopthethyroidmadness.com/a...
I switched from Armor to NatureThroid to Thiroyd. I have done the best on Thiroyd. I find it very potent - as in I can actually feel the difference. I never felt such a difference with the other two. One factor I think is that I take it sublingually and I think this works better for me than swallowing a tablet.
My mum also takes it and has had quite remarkable results - she had previously been on T4 only.
I would say it is worth a try. I buy mine in 250 tablet batches so it stays fresh and I've used it up quickly, although it costs slightly more than buying the 1000 tabs. It is fairly inexpensive if you compare it to buying NT or Armor.
This sounds interesting - but where do you buy it? and do you need a prescription?
could you pm me too and tell me if the conversion was the same as the prescription armour ,and NT to thiroyd.....THNKS
Does that mean it melts under the tongue - sorry if I sound silly X
Would also be interested to know your source