Probably a silly question but does anyone else suffer with feelings of nausea when their thyroid levels are low or have just had their meds upped?
Or is it the fact that I am not on the correct dosage or meds?
Probably a silly question but does anyone else suffer with feelings of nausea when their thyroid levels are low or have just had their meds upped?
Or is it the fact that I am not on the correct dosage or meds?
Hi Bird-Girl, I am suffering with slight nausea at the moment and I know my blood levels are low, but I think it can also be because adrenal glands are low.
Geez! Could I be dealing with that AS WELL? More stuff to research about then!
Thanks for your reply - do you have low adrenal glands?
Hello Bird-Girl.....poor adrenal function and thyroid problems go hand in hand.
Oh blimey Elsa142 I didn't realise that more research then
Fingers crossed for your results J_Bee there's nothing worse than waiting for them to up your dose so you can attempt at feeling somewhat normal again!