Hi.. Was wondering if there's ever been a link between having had glandular fever when younger, and Thyroid issues or even having had a stem cell graft in one eye in 40s and having to take Cyclosporine for yrs?
Glandular fever & Cyclosporine : Hi.. Was... - Thyroid UK
Glandular fever & Cyclosporine

According to Dr Peatfield yes. In his book 'Your thyroid and how to keep it healthy' he says:
...... What, however, is not realised by Doctors is that in a proportion of cases the causative virus holes up in the colloid (hormone producing) tissue of the thyroid and progressively damages it. It may not be apparent fo many months or even years, since the thyroid may be able to compensate with tissue so far undamaged; but as time goes on, the symptoms of under-activity, usually put down to something else, may slowly begin to show themselves. In my clinic about 30% of thyroid patients give a history of glandular fever some time before the became ill wie their thyroid problem."
I had Glandular Fever when I was 16 and only last year at the age of 30 I was put on Levothyroxine. It's been years and years of struggle with no one believing how ill I have been. I have read the Glandular Fever never leaves your body as it hides in the Thyroid gland slowly destroying it.
How odd.. I am going to mention I had this next time i see endo in July, but as it was so long ago I didn't even think, and she ever asked!! I remember being really unwell and these injections and I don't know what they were.. Hoping you are getting help and feel better soon... It's horrible to think it's been inside all this time 😡
I hope your Endo is knowledgeable as few seem to know much about what can harm the thyroid gland.
I've just written a stinging letter to Pals re hrt consultant who has referred me to Barts as he said it was rare to be itchy over oestrogen.. Called barts central appts they've not heard of me... More unacceptable wait!! So, I may be ill but I can still write complaints!! As for Endo she is under a bloke but she seems ok, but I still feel like an experiment as she has added t3 20mcg gp ok about that but I was told get a bone scan and no sign of that as they are quote"backed up" I go back in July and was told probably wont be done by then!!! She the doc made it sound important and I'm unclear if it's not done by July if I'm in danger or what... So mixed and irritable feelings about everything grrr 😊
If you take thyroid hormones the only thing you will develop if on too much, is probably severe palps and you'd drop down automatically. The give all these scare stories to frighten the doctors from prescribing and the patient from asking.
You made me laugh with your statement:-
"As for Endo she is under a bloke but she seems ok"
To be serious now - problems will more probably develop if we are undermedicated than over.
My heart was going like the clappers before and after diagnosis. It is now calm, relaxed and happy as I am:-
As a child I had continual painful, swollen lymph nodes ( neck, armpit, groin) and although tested for GF, never received a diagnosis. I now believe I had the beginnings of lymphatic thyroiditis, the prelude to Hashimotos which did not become evident or diagnosed until my mid 40's.
Chronic infections can trigger autoimmunity by molecular mimicry when your immune system attacks a stealth microbe such as a virus or bacteria, but the infection looks like your own body tissue such as the thyroid so your immune system attacks it as well. As long as the infection is active, the immune system will continue to attack the gland.
GF can be caused by the Epstein-Barr Virus which is common in people with Hashimotos who may be more vulnerable due to a genetic variation in the immune cells (CD8+). EBV can result in swollen lymph nodes and fatigue and lie dormant, reactivating in times of stress. The classic visible symptom is the cold sore.
I recently had extensive testing for many bacterial infections & viruses, and auto immune conditions and the only diagnosis was (again) Hashimotos, leading me to believe there are many more unknown preludes to Hashimotos.
High doses of Vit C & selenium are recommended for GF or EBV, and as these are also the general recommendations for improved thyroid hormone conversion & good adrenal health, it seems prudent to supplement them.
My antibodies remain high (300+) although I feel well and have taken every effort to reduce them.
wow... I had GF about 30yrs ago.. Was quite ill and received injections back then, but can't recall what they were. The cyclosporine stripped me and that was on 2001 and I've never felt the same since taking it... Will any of what you have flag up when i have the plus thyroid test? Sounds like you have had a rough time of it... I can't understand why docs can't sort things out quicker, as being ill so long must cost them more... Glad you feel better 😊
I don't know about Cyclosporine but read it is an immune suppressive. Anything that lowers T cell activity would I imagine “strip you”. I am sorry to hear about your eye. It must have been horrid.
Conventional medicine doesn’t offer treatment for Hashimotos (other than prescription thyroid hormone which doesn’t address the autoimmunity.) Autoimmune diseases are commonly overlooked along with the causes. A journey to wellness can be a long one and necessitate the unravelling of long-established cycles of inflammation, restoring immune balance, and determining whether a bacterial or viral infection, an environmental toxin, or something else is provoking the autoimmune attacks. My testings were looking for other as I hoped to establish the original cause of my Hashimotos but nothing showed but I guess if the virus is dormant or the antibodies low, they may not show as present anyway.
I consider keeping all antibodies low is the way forward and have addressed my serious gut issues, now eat gluten free, keep nutrients optimal and thyroid hormones balanced on a level where I function best. The higher the antibodies, the more chance we have of feeling unwell and developing other autoimmune conditions.
The Thyroidplus12 is testing your thyroid function by measuring the hormone levels and the possible presence of thyroid antibodies. It also includes ferritin, folate, Vit B12 & Vit D and C Reactive Proteins (inflammation). Post results complete with ranges (numbers in brackets) for members to comment.
Thanks I will keep all this in mind... The autoimmune stuff, where or what tests shows you have these? Jo
Thyroid Peroxidase antibodys attack an enzyme found in the thyroid gland. Thyroglobulin attacks the key protein in the thyroid gland. Both are essential in the production of the T4 and T3 thyroid hormones.
Either of both denote Hashimotos and will lead to destruction of the thyroid gland and a depletion in hormone.
Thyroid Peroxidase antibodies are written as TPOAb and Thyroglobulin antibodies are written as TGAb on your test results.
One auto immune disease predisposes you to others and other common ones found together with Hashimotos are Rheumatoid Arthritis, Pernicious Anaemia and Celiac Disease.
Thank you for this.. I would be well upset if I had Celiac as I love a bit f bread.. Although probably the best to have as a health issue out of the others.. I'm going for my test Friday at a hospital although I am due a call back 😊 will let you all see results so we can see what's going on in my messed up body 😊
Hi Scorpiojo. Sorry you have been unwell.
Glandular fever or the Epstein Barr Virus is very nasty and as radd explains the level of antibodies can be tested very easily. It does not live solely in the thyroid but affects all B cells and epithelial cells so can affect all parts of our body including the thyroid. However the most worrying aspect is that if the antibodies are too high it can lead to numerous additional illnesses. At least 200,000 cases of cancer occurred last year due to this virus and these numbers are only based on the fact of a Doctor actually understanding it. Also many CFS (80%) cases have been attributes to this. Additionally MS and RA have been attributed to it.
I would strongly suggest anyone who has suffered from what appeared to be glandular fever has the test. Levels of 350 plus (from memory) can be dangerous and I know of several people whose levels were 550 to 700. The antibodies can be reduced but need antiviral meds valacyclavir- not cheap or easy to take but effective. The research is fairly new but the results are very good.
And yes I have first hand knowledge of the damage it can cause. It took me a year to get the answers I wanted but with persistence I did and am hopeful the future is far brighter.
With regard to your Cyclosporine I have not read that this can affect the thyroid.
Good luck x
is that the same antibody test included in the Thyroid plus test? Is it the BH blood test? Sorry you haven't been well
No it is not a thyroid test - the classification if I remember is D62 which tells if you have had Glandular Fever and the level of the antibodies from this infection. A small amount is fine but a large amount is now recognised in research as potentially harmful.
Thanks and good luck. Let us know how you progress.