Link between possible hypo and cholesterol - Thyroid UK

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Link between possible hypo and cholesterol

dianef2303 profile image
19 Replies

Does anyone know if there is a link between high cholesterol and hypothyroidism?

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dianef2303 profile image
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19 Replies
Marz profile image

Happy reading !  The answer is YES !

Marz profile image
Marz in reply to Marz

The above link takes you to previous discussions on cholesterol ..... almost 3000 ....  !

dianef2303 profile image
dianef2303 in reply to Marz

Thank you Marz, I have read several of the posts and threads and they really do make interesting reading. My GP has been pushing me to take statins and he has virtually ignored the fact I have a goitre, cannot lose weight, tired all the time, constipation and numerous other symptoms, he says my tsh is fine so refuses to rest t3 and t4. Armed with the info from this site I will hopefully be able to argue my case at my next appointment.

Marz profile image
Marz in reply to dianef2303

....or go for private testing through Thyroid UK.

What was the result of your TSH that your GP said was fine ?

I expect you know that you can legally have all copies of your test results.  It does make it easier for posting here and for you to monitor your own progress.

Before thyroid testing came into being - raised cholesterol was treated by treating the thyroid !!

dianef2303 profile image
dianef2303 in reply to Marz

TSH was 1.3 range 0.5 to 4.5. Have further appt with doc in 2 weeks yo discuss cholesterol.

Marz profile image
Marz in reply to dianef2303

I have read on here about Central Hypothyroidism - when it is a Pituitary problem - so the TSH - FT4 - FT3 are all low in range.  Usually it is Primary Hypothyroidism - when the TSH is raised and the FT4 and  FT3 is low.  That should baffle your GP - so without further testing he cannot waffle  or overwhelm.  Hold your ground ....

The above link takes you to other posts about Secondary or Central Hypothyroidism ....

I learned of the link two years ago when I first went to see my Endo,who said that raised cholesterol is a common symptom in hypothyroid patients.

However,have recently had a full blood count and was asked to see my GP after the results came back.

The only thing he was interested in was my raised cholesterol-   LDL 4.5 ( 0.5 - 4.0) and read me off the percentage risks of heart attack and stroke even though I told him of what my Endo had said.

I also had a below range TSH level.         0.10 ( 0.27- 4.2) but was told we didn't need to discuss it  as that  is my Endo's territory.!!........I wonder why he ticked it on the test form in the first place  if he didn't want to know about the result ???? 

I could go on but suffice to say it is making me consider the future!!

bluebug profile image
bluebug in reply to

What was your HDL to total cholesterol ratio? What was your triglyceride to HDL ratio?  These numbers are more informative than just reading your LDL or total cholesterol level.  Even then if the ratio is wrong you need to find out why rather than dump a woman,  or a man who has never had heart disease on statins.

dianef2303 profile image
dianef2303 in reply to bluebug

Don't know details just got call from drs receptionist to say cholesterol is 7.4 and Dr needs to see me. Could give no further info but will def ask when I see Dr I. 2 weeks time.

bluebug profile image
bluebug in reply to dianef2303

The only reason I'm mentioning this is that it's been proved that just knowing your total cholesterol or LDL is not a useful predictor of heart disease. 

So if your doctor didn't even look at your ratio I would ignore him or her as they are not up to date with current thinking. Though personally any GP who doesn't lookup what a specialist says to confirm it for themselves that a disease impacts something should be avoided as bodies are systems not individual parts.

Some doctors and researchers think cholesterol levels aren't a useful indicator of heart  disease anyway as older healthy adults have higher cholesterol levels than the range. They are more interested in measures like blood pressure, obesity and medical history.

This is because no one is exactly  sure how cholesterol is useful, so mucking around with it by taking statins can cause detrimental effects to the rest of the body but not help decrease the risk of heart disease. Statins have only been proven to work in men who have had heart attacks already. There is no evidence they work in women at all.

Finally when you have had blood tests always ask for a print out of your results a week or so later for your own records. Being told you are normal or whatever isn't useful. You get a more indepth explanation on this board by printing your results with ranges than what a doctor can give you. Even if the doctor is helpful and up to date they simply don't have the time to explain it to you.

Stourie profile image
Stourie in reply to dianef2303

When I was diagnosed hypo my cholesterol was 14.85 and my tsh was over 100.  I was put on levo and all I did different was take my levo and my cholesterol came back down to 4.6.  So yes the connection is there.

Jo  xx

in reply to bluebug

Bluebug...........My triglycerides  ........ 0.84  ( 0.0 -1.7).    HDL 1.66 range given. However,when I tried to link results to being under medicated for my thyroid and maybe that would make my liver struggle ,I was told that there was no connection!! There would only be concern if I had gallstones.!!..............I do have gallstones!!.....he diagnosed them!!  Thank goodness for my Endo who always tests my FT3..............What do TSH and FT4 results tell you if you are taking T3 and your FT3 isn't included in the test? Primary hypothyroidism has been my main health problem since diagnosis in 2002.I live with the ups and downs every day.   However I am told I think too much about it!! 

My FT3 is barely inside the lower end of the range,but that doesn't seem to matter.I am trying hard to understand the thinking........They don't want to over medicate you in case of the risk of heart attack or stroke.However,if you are left under medicated and your thyroid is struggling to convert your T3 and deliver it to your receptor cells which are responsible for your metabolism and well being what then?..........

I see my Endo in May. Thank goodness.

My list of questions is already growing.

Coastwalker profile image
Coastwalker in reply to

FT3 should be in the top third of range Marfit74, not barely inside the lower range, like yours ???

(FT3 and FT4 are both measures of thyroid hormone,) 

High cholesterol has an inverse effect with thyroid hormone levels, as you treat your low thyroid hormone level with Thyroid medication your  high cholesterol levels come down and hormone levels FT3/4 should go back up and vice versa. 

in reply to Coastwalker

I totally agree with all that you are saying. I only wish our GPs would do their research too.I thought we were making headway and moving away from BTA 's  guidelines but apparently not!

If I could raise my T3 to midway I would be quite happy as I am 75 yrs old now. But 3.2  ( 3.1 - 6.8 ) is too low.......which was my test at the beginning of February.

What makes me mad is that my GP knows I'm on T3 (prescribed by my Endo) but didn't even ask for it to be tested and the phlebotomist wouldn't do it even though she asked what medication I was on and had to write it down !! Is it any wonder that so many are now managing their own thyroid journey and self medicating? I feel that we are just statistics on a computer these days and not patients with symptoms. My appointments are conducted with my GP's eyes glued to the screen for 90% of the time.

Coastwalker profile image
Coastwalker in reply to

Apologies Marfit74, you know your Thyroid stuff.   :)

I agree with all what you say. It is such a fight, they are more concerned about cholesterol than sorting thyroid out, yet they link together. Crazy.

Drs. never get Thyroid levels right, no one apart from yourself can tell how much thyroid hormone medication YOU need. How can a Dr. feel how much thyroid hormone YOUR body feels it needs. ?

Have you ever gone down the self medication route or thought about it ? 

in reply to Coastwalker

Yes .I am on Armour 11/2 grains at the moment as I have taken myself off Mercury Pharma T3 and Levo which is my NHS prescription,because of fuzzy head and anxiety. My pharmacist is presently using batches that only have a small time left until expiry date(May) and I was not feeling good.He says it's OK but I can't carry on with it when I don't feel well supported.......My Endo agreed to monitor me last Summer on Armour (though couldn't prescribe it) I was doing well until a gastric attack at Christmas but now think that was probably due to rich food and nothing to do with meds.However,I developed palpitations and loud heartbeat when back on MP T3 in New Year so have just had a 24 hour heart monitor to see what's going on.Thankfully the symptoms have now gone,but may be thyroid related after all.......waiting results which will go to my Endo.It may confirm being under medicated as I this space. If I do need to see a cardiologist it's best to get on with dealing with it as soon as possible.It 's all a guessing game but at least I feel that my Endo tackles things positively for me. I am slightly puzzled on how to increase my T3 level on Armour without sending my TSH level lower still ( 0.10)  can you mix NDT and  T3 ? If that's OK I do have some T3 from Greece.Perhaps I could take a small 1/4 tab in the afternoon .I don't want to take more Levo.

Coastwalker profile image
Coastwalker in reply to

Pop your Questions up on another post up Marfit74, about taking T3 and NDT together. 

Also about your being under medicated, but slightly puzzled  on how to increase your T3  without sending TSH level lower still. 

I think it is more to do with how you feel rather than being worried about your TSH falling further, my TSH was also very low on Levo and since taking NDT might be even lower again. 

I think T3 and NDT can make your TSH lower, but good idea to ask other TUK members who know more about low TSH


in reply to Coastwalker

Thanks Coastwalker......will do so later.

dianef2303 profile image

Thank you, hopefully doc will have tested them this time, nurse asked for them 2 weeks ago and hospital didn't test for them. 

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