The following link offers some very positive and useful information on how rebounding can help increase bone density...
Rebounding and osteopenia and osteoporosis - Thyroid UK
Rebounding and osteopenia and osteoporosis

I've edited your post to make the link clickable.
Thankyou for sharing this article. I recently found out that I have osteopenia and would be delighted to fix it with exercise rather than medication
You're very welcome. You might want to look at the save our bones site, along with Dr Marilyn Glenville, and Dr Myhill. I've recently been diagnosed with osteoporosis and I'm determined to improve my bone density without medication. I'm following Dr Myhill's protocol, along with exercise and diet. Good luck!
I too, like someone else here, have recently been diagnosed with early stage osteopenia and have been looking into alternative methods of reversing the condition. It was great to come across your link so thank you.
Have you noticed any benefits from rebounding at all, other than what it might be doing to your bones (I guess it is too early yet to have another DEXA scan).
Hi linlow, you're very welcome. I wish I'd taken serious action when I was at the osteopenia stage - I hadn't expected the decline to be so fast. I hope to have the rebounder in a couple of weeks (the order takes 6 weeks), but I continue to read positive feedback. If you're considering one, I have learned that for it to help with bone density you need to go up a strength level when ordering. I'm planning to have my next DEXA in a year, and I'm expecting great news, which I'm looking forward to sharing! Good luck to you.
Ahh, I already have a little rebounder stored away in the shed that I was hoping to resurrect. Haven't a clue what strength level it is as I acquired it 2nd hand just as the days I did serious exercise were beginning to wane. (Just been off looking for a buyer's guide and it looks like the one I have may be OK after all.)
At the same time I found out that there is another test that can be used between Dexa scans to monitor progress and a home test to keep your eye on it (you learn something new everyday, why is it the doctors don't tell you these things?).
Thank you for your advice and good luck for your next scan
That's perfect!
Thanks so much for the very interesting link. I've just done a ph test and my body is far too acidic, despite my 'healthy' diet.
Have today bought The Alkaline Cure by Dr Stephan Domenig. It looks very easy to follow, giving you weekly shopping lists, and menus, along with many useful tips. Doctors! Mine offered no advise, just wanted to write a prescription, which I politely declined. Happy rebounding!
Hi Lynndeb how's the rebounding going? I have been struggling with my cfs but am managing to do a little most days.
When I was here before, I was so excited about finding out about rebounding rebuilding bones I didn't think to mention turmeric and kefir and I don't think I have caught up with you anywhere else. These both help in the preservation of bone structure, protecting against fracture. Kefir has also been proven to rebuild osteoporotic bone.
I was just downloading an exercise video off youtube and it sparked a memory so I thought I'd pop back and see how you were doing
How lovely to hear from you linlow!
You and I have a little more in common other than osteoporosis, we both have cfs! It is often quite difficult to exercise when the cfs takes hold isn't it?
I used the rebounder every other day until a month ago when my knees began to complain (I used to run/walk/ride/ski - a lot, and my knees are now making me pay for the pleasure!), so I've had to take some time off. However, I'm so pleased to hear that you're managing most days - well done you!
Thank you so much for the links, they are both very encouraging. Coincidently, have just bought some kefir and turmeric roots - great minds... In fact I used the root in a curry the other day, and have subsequently stained everything I touched in a beautiful ochre! I wonder about the efficacy of a turmeric capsule?
Personally, I'm really worried that the cfs is going to make it hard for me to exercise the way I want and need to, in order to increase my bone health. So, I'm now researching vibrational platforms, so please watch this space...
One thing I am now doing is taking bio-identical hormones, just began a couple of weeks ago, but the specialist also mentioned that the mix should help with my fatigue - oh happy days!
Final thing, I don't know if you watched Dr Lani Simpson's pbs series... I only saw this one, however I found the simple exercise she had the audience do easy and hopefully effective:
Take care of yourself linlow