I was just wondering if anyone has Silent Thyroiditis?.
I was given a link on another post i've posted on that lists the different types of Thyroiditis. I originally started out with Hyperthyroidism about 13 years ago and then my specialist diagnosed me with Hashimoto's disease about 18 months ago. I seem to have symptoms from all 3 ( Hyper, Hypo and Hashimoto's) and was wondering if it could possibly be Silent Thyroiditis?.
I've always struggled to take my carbimazole and found that my hormone levels seemed to go between high and normal by itself that even my doctor stopped my medication and told me i didn't have to take it. i still get some symptoms but there never painful and could be due to my Depression that i got first and not brought on by my Thyroid.
Does anyone have any thoughts on this and whether i should ask my doctor to do more blood tests for this and which ones?