Urine flow issues with decrease in dose? - Thyroid UK

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Urine flow issues with decrease in dose?

Hypoguy profile image
24 Replies

Hi All,

Two weeks ago I decreased my Levoxyl dose by 25mcgs. I have felt better overall, and think this lower dose is an improvement for me – BUT for the last week I have been having issues with my urine. The flow has been greatly decreased, and I feel like I can't fully empty my bladder. It's very uncomfortable and unnerving. I was having no issues before.

Could this be related to my thyroid via the reduction in dose? Or is it likely something unrelated? My immediate thought is prostate enlargement, but it has come on so quickly and I'm only 30.

Any thoughts?



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Hypoguy profile image
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24 Replies
gabkad profile image

Doesn't this depend on how much you were drinking before? Generally we need about 2 to 2.5 litres of fluid per day (and that includes water in foods so not as in 'drink 8 glasses of water per day'... that's rubbish)

If for whatever reason you are not consuming enough fluid at this time since the GI tract mobility is reduced with a reduction in T4 dosage, your urine may be too concentrated. Look at the colour. It doesn't have to be clear but if you are peeing (what we used to call) highlighters, then increase fluid intake. Concentrated urine can cause irritation.

Pee into a glass container and take a look at it. Is it clear and light yellow? Is it turbid? Is it dark yellow? Does it smell 'normal' or 'bad'? (if bad, then it's infection. If it's really turbid, then it's infection.)

You'll find the answer.


I would say this is yet another symptom of your unbalanced thyroid hormones.

Not only have you just reduced your Levo dose but may have possible reverse T3 issues.

I have experienced bladder trouble previously when my thyroid hormones were unbalanced and read the bladder & thyroid hormones are intricately connected.

Normal functioning of the urinary bladder is dependent upon regular function of the detrusor muscle during the storage and voiding phases. The relaxation and contraction functions of the detrusor muscle are mediated by several neural circuits, including sympathetic, parasympathetic, and somatic nerves.

Thyroid hormone levels in the blood circulation are highly effective on the autonomic nervous system and alterations may interact with lower urinary tract (LUT) function.

Traditional Chinese Medicine considers the bladder big time looking at the yin & yang imbalances between muscles, tissues and organs and treating with acupuncture and herbal formulas. As an energy system the bladder is intimately related to the functions and balance of the autonomous nervous system because the energy meridian runs along the back of the body from head to heel.

My bladder has righted itself completely since my meds are right for me.

I suggest your reference to T3 making you blow up like a puffer fish could have been a reaction to the RT3 ? ? ..


What effects bladder behaviour


Thyroid dysfunction and the bladder


(Old) reported cases of urinary retention due to hypothyroidism.



Disclaimer: I am not a medical professional and this information is not intended to be a substitute for medical guidance from your own doctor. Please check with your personal physician before applying any of these suggestions.


Heloise profile image
Heloise in reply to

Flower, you have opened my eyes to a whole new area. I just thought nerves were sensors for pain and messengers to the brain but I see those messages are very involved. Who thought that going to the bathroom was so very complicated. I had read that snoring was controlled by some nerve in the nose and wondered how and why.

A doctor on the internet was always expounding about the importance of the relaxation response which ultimately relieves stored stress which was vital to your health and I think I am finally connecting the dots. It is so vital and yet doesn't cost anything as it is a practice that can be learned. I'm sure it is just as important as hormonal balance and possibly even more.

in reply to Heloise


I think the two go together and equal importance.

When suffering psychosis earlier this year my bladder spasmed. I was devastated as became incontinent (as well as incoherent ! ! ..) for several days. After the incident it didn't take me long to begin investigation... as you would ! ... lol..

I was sore and bruised for a while (mind & bladder) but got over it. Now properly medicated I am absolutely fine.

We know thyroid meds effect every cell in our bodies but most still fail to appreciate just how intricate our systems really are.

Flower ( Now controlled in mind and bladder)...


Hypoguy profile image
Hypoguy in reply to

Great points. Thanks Flower. The links were helpful as well. Weird thing is, I feel better overall so far on this lower dose. I have more energy, not less. I don't ache. My mood has improved. I've lost fluid weight. The only negative so far has been this bladder / urine issue.

So, I'm going to keep an eye on it. It could be my hormones re-adjusting to the better dose. If it doesn't improve soon, I will visit the doctor and look for other causes.

I have found since being on a brand and dose of NDT that seems to suit me my usual urine incontinence has stopped. It does affect us down there.

Hypoguy profile image
Hypoguy in reply to

I think it's all about the correct med and dose combo. It really is a "Goldilocks" situation with these hormones. Not too much, not too little. You need to find the dose that suits you, and that can be a very narrow therapeutic range – not to mention a difficult process.

faith63 profile image

when i was hypo, i had this uncomfortable, irritated bladder and ended up see a urologist, who wanted to scope my bladder, i got scared and didn't go back. It stopped on its own. I am sure its not the only symptom that you have. Make sure you don't drink lots of fluids, its not good for hypo's..they will get water logged, because the kidneys don't work like they should.

jimh111 profile image

Thyroid hormone levels can affect intracellular magnesium levels. In cases of low intracellular magnesium the detrusor does not fully relax leading to impaired urine flow. You could have marginal magnesium levels, it's very common, try supplementing with magnesium, e.g. magnesium citrate.

jacrjacr profile image
jacrjacr in reply to jimh111

GOOD POINT...when I take magnesium glyn b4 bed, the next morning I have awesome urine flow....always notice........awesome...many are deficient in magnesium not eating enough of the right foods or the foods deficient in magnesium...it helps me fall to sleep, and although this is the form that doesn't cause diarrhea, it helps keep me regular

jacrjacr profile image
jacrjacr in reply to jacrjacr


Hypoguy profile image
Hypoguy in reply to jimh111

Great point jimh111, and I hadn't thought about this. I regularly supplement magnesium – every night before bed. I had run out for the last few weeks and hadn't been taking any as a result. I wonder if this could be part of the problem. I'm back supplementing mag now.

Jeremy72 profile image

I think it's important not to forget that other things can cause problems with voiding.

There's always the danger of blaming every symptom on whatever chronic illness a person has.

Personally I feel this should be checked out by a doctor,if increased fluids hasn't help and you feel you cannot empty your bladder properly,or have any other voiding problems.

Let us know how you get on.

Hypoguy profile image
Hypoguy in reply to Jeremy72

Thanks Jeremy – you're right, us Hypos tend to blame everything on our Thyroids. In most cases symptoms are related, but not always.

I will be keeping an eye on this, and if it doesn't improve soon, I will definitely get a checkup.

Brewtime1 profile image

I was in hospital with same issue about a month ago.turned out to be kidney infection.course of antibiotics and its back flowing like a river.

Hypoguy profile image
Hypoguy in reply to Brewtime1

Did you have any other symptoms? Pain, fever?

Brewtime1 profile image
Brewtime1 in reply to Hypoguy

Yes,felt a bit like flu for about a day and then there was so much presure when going to the loo but just drips coming out.i had an ultrasound to check bladder before and after.i definitely recommend a trip to your gp and may be a urine sample to eliminate infection.

docbernie profile image

T3 is present in every cell of your body including the muscles of your bladder, so it is no surprise that your bladder is not functioning as well on reducing your thyroxine.

You don't mention whether you have any perineal pain or discomfort on urinating which could imply mild prostatitis which can cause the prostate to swell and obstruct bladder flow,but it would be worth checking with your GP to see if your prostate is tender or enlarged.

Otherwise you will probably find that the symptoms will settle when your body adjust to the new dose of thyroxine but meanwhile you can try dandelion and nettle teas which act as mild diuretics

Hope this helps

Hypoguy profile image
Hypoguy in reply to docbernie

Thanks docbernie. I do have some discomfort, and a mild burning. Mostly I just feel like everything is slowed down and I have to "force" more. I also don't feel like I've emptied all the way. Sorry for the detail :) I'm keeping an eye on it.

milnerb1 profile image

When I'm dieting and drinking tons of water and waiting too long to go to the bathroom, this happens to me...the flow is just super slow and it takes forever to empty my bladder. Not sure if any of those factors are at play. Trick is to not try to hold it too long!

Teuchter profile image

Hormonal imbalances can cause prostate enlargement, but only after many years as far as I know.

But I have found my urine is darker and smellier if I am running a bit under medicated. Also, I find this can be precursor to a flare up of gout (which is caused by your body not ridding itself of uric acid, and is more common in hypos).

On a good day, when I'm feeling more energetic, I often feel less bloated, less thirsty, and pee is clearer. Also, if I've upped my dose, I tend to sweat more, which means having to drink more. So I would suspect there is a relationship which could explain your symptoms, but your doctor may well disagree, and may well treat as a separate issue, as they tend to do.

Good luck


Rick68 profile image

I'm following this with great interest, as I also have flow issues (very slow, and takes forever to finish). I've just increased my NDT by 1/4 grain (now on 1 1/2), so I'll see if there's any improvement. I will continue increasing by 1/4 grain every 2 weeks until I find the right dose, so after reading all the above I'm now hopeful of some improvement with this "symptom". I had assumed any odour was down to the raft of supplement I take, but maybe under-medication is a factor. Very interesting thread.

Hypoguy profile image
Hypoguy in reply to Rick68

My hunch is it's related to the hormone Rick. I had no issues with flow until my decrease in meds. However, I don't think I'm under-medicated now, my guess is that my body is just adjusting to the lower dose. I think this new dose suits me better, but sometimes funky symptoms can appear when you change things up. I'm keeping an eye and hoping things will settle down.

Interestingly, I was on NDT prior to all of this. I went back to T4-only in the form of Levoxyl because NDT didn't suit me. We're all so different. One size definitely does not fit all when it comes to the treatment of the thyroid. Best of luck with your treatment. I hope things improve and you find that sweet spot.

Rick68 profile image
Rick68 in reply to Hypoguy

Hypoguy, that's great. Thanks for the additional info, you have given me much food for thought and I'm now optimistic of improvements when I finally reach my sweet spot. Been on Levo for approaching 2 years before recently swapping to NDT, so here's hoping.........

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