Grinding teeth is caused by stress and you have had enough of that. Go to a sports shop and put in a mouth gaurd at night or see a dentist about them making one for you. Learn to meditate and give your brain a rest before you go to bed. Hope you feel better soon.
Grinding teeth: Grinding teeth is caused by... - Thyroid UK
Grinding teeth

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Terryldactyl, the night shield my dentist made successfully stopped me grinding my teeth during sleep which reduced gum inflammation and significantly improved the TMJ, head and neck pain which had made it necessary to see a cranial osteopath up to 3 times a week.
So pleased to help any poor soul with so much stress they grind their own teeth away.
I ground down my front teeth and set off the nerves in my jaw and the dentist couldn't see anything wrong with my teeth on Xray but, had to pull one because the continual pressure had made it loose. My doctor had me on tranquillisers for the pain. The dentist realising what was wrong, made a gum shield. This simple thing has stopped me grinding and crushing my own jaw while I sleep.
I think, only think, that grinding teeth is also a sign of a vitamin/mineral deficiency, possibly calcium, think you'd find the one in Earl Mindell's Vitamin Bible.