Hypothyroid, adrenal fatigue and Candida - Thyroid UK

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Hypothyroid, adrenal fatigue and Candida

Nikki28 profile image
10 Replies

Hi folks. Just wondering if anyone has experience of the above. I'm at the point now where my thyroid results are great, my adrenal fatigue is controlled (on ACE and DATs are good) so my integrative doctor is saying that my remaining symptoms of fatigue, anxiety etc are due to candida. He has recommended a low carb, no sugar diet alongside probiotics, digestive enzymes, grapefruit and oregano oils and Bioresonance treatment to tackle. He also thinks I have an issue with heavy metals so the amalgam fillings need to be replaced and NAC to be taken. I'm hoping this will be the final parts of the jigsaw for me so if anyone can share their experiences I'd love to hear from you.

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10 Replies

Hello Nikki,

I am pleased to hear your thyroid issues are great. I am so nearly there...(few menopause issues now.! )..

I have been treating for candida (& parasites.! ) since june with a very strict diet and sups (Super Artemisinin, Tannalbit & Berberine) and & am actually due to test again to see if all has been eradicated.

There is strong controversy as to whether to take probiotics before Candida has cleared (although Saccharomyces Bollardii is ok) as it can be thought this will feed not only the good bacteria but the bad as well. My plan is to eradicate and then replenish with something like BioAcidophilus.

I also supplement Betaine, digestive enzymes and biliary support. My gut issuers have improved tenfold.

I am having all my amalgam out and like you hope this will resolve my remaining issues ( weird mouth issues and high TPOAb levels which will not reduce).

Most people choose a dentist who belongs to the Holistic Dentistry Association to ensure of good methods but this is not strictly necessary if the dentist understands the procedures and follow all protocols. Also ensure white replacement fillings are BPA free. Mine are all porcelain and the crowns will have zirconium in them to add strength.

My dentist is not holistic but uses a rubber dam, masks and gowns and some sort of sucky air thing and fresh oxygen.

I am half way through treatment and have had many inlays (cross between a filling & a crown) as my teeth have disintegrated as fillings were removed .! ! ..(Arghhh! ! ..) .. .

I was going to leave my crowns & bridge to be replaced until next year but now am just going ahead with it all. I have had about 8 hours in the chair so far and am about half way through treatment.

I am chelating with DMSA supported by all the usual nutrients we take for good thyroid function plus also MetaLipoate 300 (High strength Alpha-Lipoid Acid) and Celapro (phytochemical).

I will do the Toxic Element Clearance Profile (which is a urine test by Genova) a month after having all amalgam out to see where I'm at.

Good luck with EVERYTHING..! ! ..



Disclaimer: I am not a medical professional and this information is not intended to be a substitute for medical guidance from your own doctor. Please check with your personal physician before applying any of these suggestions.


Nikki28 profile image
Nikki28 in reply to

Thank you so much Flower! 😊 So much good information there.

My stool test shows an imbalance with my good and bad gut bacteria so that's why I was initially given the probiotics. I take Profase and 11 strain as well as the Biofase probiotic. Thankfully there were no parasites detected.

I'm booking in with a holistic dentist for my fillings removal as my own dentist knew about the rubber dam but not the sucky thing and oxygen. Lol. Going to be costly but a friend had it done a while back and feels better for it. I'm a bit of a chicken when it comes to dentists and some of my fillings are whoppers so I'm afraid of them breaking once the fillings come out.

Is DMSA a better chelation therapy than NAC? NAC made me a bit constipated and the sulphur smell is pretty off putting so if there's another effective treatment I'd be keen to switch.

My last test for heavy metals was a saliva one that was processed in Germany but I can't do that any more due to Royal Mails new rules so it's good to know Genova have one.....will look it up now. 😊

Thank you again for your help. X

in reply to Nikki28


I am taking NAC which is brilliant as helps the body neutralise toxins and heavy metals such mercury from dental amalgam fillings.

It is a precursor of glutathione which I am also taking as have MAJOR detoxification issues .. hence having all mercury out.

Dimercaptosuccinic acid (DMSA) is a drug (CHEMET) approved for use in the treatment of heavy metal poisoning. It is a chelating agent that binds to heavy metals such as lead and mercury, which are then eliminated in the urine as the DMSA is excreted. A significant benefit is that it does not remove substantial amounts of other beneficial metals such as iron, calcium, magnesium and zinc.

I have Heamochromotosis (iron overload) so can't take anything that would bind to iron as fast elimination would make me too ill.

DMSA does not go inside your cells. Instead, it floats around outside the cell bodies. Glutathione lives inside your cells and pushes out the toxic substances. Glutathione is considered to be your bodies first defense against toxins. Generally, glutathione can handle regular exposures to heavy metals and will naturally chelate (get rid of) these toxins but recent genetic testing showed me to be totally absent of the glutathione gene.! ! ...

Different practitioners use different chelating methods. You may not require DMSA. You are already taking NAC which is the precursor to glutathione and better than taking glutathione directly as this is not as effective.

Hope it goes well for you.




Disclaimer: I am not a medical professional and this information is not intended to be a substitute for medical guidance from your own doctor. Please check with your personal physician before applying any of these suggestions.


Nikki28 profile image

Here's hoping that NAC is good enough for me then. Thank you again for all the information.

You sound as if you have a lot going on and I hope you get yourself back to full health soon. 😊

BeansMummy profile image

I have Hashimoto's, am waiting for cortisol testing results, and have a private nutritionist helping me with what she strongly feels is candida, bacterial overgrowth and goodness knows what else. I have been fobbed off by doctors when I've tried to sort out my extreme nausea and tummy issues.

I am now on a huge pile of supplements - many of them are ones I had read about already. For the first time since forever, the nausea has gone. Giving up all sugar (including fruit) has been hard, but I was prepared to do just about anything. I have made a lot of changes to my diet, not eating certain things and increasing other stuff.

I think I still have a long way to go, but I have more faith in the nutritionist than any doctor.

Nikki28 profile image
Nikki28 in reply to BeansMummy

Thank you so much. Sorry to hear that you're going though all this rubbish too. My gut bacteria were out of whack too but good probiotics and enzymes have definitely helped.

Giving up sugar is difficult but I'm finding low carb more so. No bread, pasta or white potatoes is tough. I think cauliflower is going to be my new bulk buy. I'm hoping that it will all help to get me back to normal, or as close to it as I can get. 😊

BeansMummy profile image
BeansMummy in reply to Nikki28

I didn't have to give up carbs - I occasionally have gluten-free pasta. I didn't eat much bread anyway as I didn't really find any gluten-free bread that I liked. Giving up potatoes was hard, for sure. I didn't ever think I could crave a jacket potato!

I already ate a lot of vegetables as I am a strict vegetarian, by choice, but have been trying a lot of new ones. I have had to increase my protein a lot, my nutritionist believes I have little or no stomach acid so have not been absorbing nutrients for a long time. I feel very badly let down by the medical profession.

I feel like I have turned into a bit of a freaky health-eater, but I know that it is doing me good. It doesn't stop me missing chocolate and biscuits though :(

Nikki28 profile image
Nikki28 in reply to BeansMummy

I will miss bread and potatoes a lot! It doesn't bother my digestive system so maybe once a I get the candida sorted I can reintroduce them in smaller amounts. It's a good opportunity to try new foods. 😊

My stomach acid has improved greatly since starting on NDT and I have come off esomeprazole after taking it for over 7 years. I was told it was excess acid causing my problems but with the benefit of hindsight it was obviously low. Apart from Vit D I'm not aware of any other deficiencies. GPs just aren't interested in deficiencies unless they are rock bottom. 😕

BeansMummy profile image
BeansMummy in reply to Nikki28

With advice from my nutritionist, I have been taking Betaine to help sort out low stomach acid - I am taking a high dose at every meal, and still waiting for "the burn". I am still waiting (two months and counting). She believes my stomach acid has upped and gone on holiday, and said that it can take a while to sort out if it has been a problem for a long time.

I was severely deficient in vitamin D, so have that on prescription (although this has recently been refused, and they won't test any more either - probably another cost-cutting exercise :( ). I also get B12 injections, and I think they will probably stop those too now. I am usually low in iron.

There is no joined-up thinking that maybe all these things are linked. I don't think my GP surgery is interested even if my levels are at rock bottom now, I have used up all my NHS quota of help.

in reply to Nikki28


I buy the frozen cauliflower florets & make them into mash instead of potatoes.

We have always been "kinda " gluten free but am now totally committed and my family have just had to get used to the anti-candida diet and this whole new way of eating.

Once into it though everyone is now enjoying & there are loads of yummy receipes out there.

Having an "uncomplaining" tummy is so worth it...


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