Help how long does it take levroxine to start working? diagnosed three weeks ago with under active thyroid still don't really understand it all quite yet tbh.
Underactive thyroid: Help how long does it take... - Thyroid UK
Underactive thyroid

As your dose is increased around every six weeks you should, with a bit of luck, begin to feel better. It takes about six weeks for your body to absorb your dose initially.
I hope you feel better soon as I expected to be given a dose and be up and around as normal - unfortunately, like you, it wasn't like that at all.
As Shaws says some symptoms should improve quickly but it can take up to a year or longer to begin to feel about normal.As my GP put it it might take as long as it took to become ill and my first symptoms appeared( with hindsight) at least eighteen months before I wad diagnosed.
Awww thankyou all, crazy been feeling tired and shaky, depressed etc the list goes on lol for roughly 3 years. But because i went through a nasty divorce i put it down to tha, i never visit the doctors maybe every 3 years but all of a sudden its once a month just hate being a pest, went back today because my levels was pratically non exsistant it will take a while. No numbers was given though just another blood test, just dont understand how hormorns can leave make you so low and foggy brain
it may have been the stress effects that did that as you say. I've been there done that also Debs, left my husband just before a lot started to go wrong with me, take comfort from fact you are not alone, sorry I can't do or say more to help, the admins are great at interpreting results, I'm lousy at that.
However, yes listen to your body and your head - please don't just don't fill yourself up with antidepressants, not good for the liver and that will also mess with your head, making you feel worse physically and emotionally. Stick with the Levo, sort your thyroid probs out 1st if possible, it's taken me nearly 3 years to be back to feeling like normal again!
The best decision for me was leaving my husband, yes I still have 'caring' feelings and do think about him a lot, but not with anger or malice like I did - I guess it took me a year to get over the effects of separation after a 45 yr marriage, and his lack of concern at my brain haemorrhage effects shortly after.
I can now think of times past with some happiness and regrets, but after deciding my health, happiness and personal wellbeing should come 1st, I found myself less emotional and ready to take on the world - nearly!
I wish you well and hope you can also find some peace and happiness in your life, as well as a return to good health. Best wishes. sambs.
forgot to say it's my personal story, not medical advice.
45 years gosh, its so scary doing every thing on your own i know i'll get use to it. I'm just looking at how strong you are and how much youve actually gone through, your such a strong person i hope 1 day i can be like you. Thanks for your reply Debs xxx
Nah not me - just pigheaded and stubborn, now the good days outweigh the bad ones, you'll find that also quite soon I hope, and You'll get there as well Debs. you have choices now, so choose to put yourself 1st difficult though it may be at present, read the advice you get here on your test results, explain your health symptoms, and dosages and you'll get loads of support here. take care, S xx
Hi Debs, when you go back for more bloods don't take your levo til after your blood test. Leave around 24 hours between the two and fast before the test taking water only and get the test as early as possible. xx
Jo xx
Is there are reason why Stourie? I just aint got a clue ;( thanks Debs xx
Hi Debs the reason for leaving 24 hours between meds and the blood test is because after 24 hours you should still have a good enough amount in your system to feel good hence the reason you take your meds daily. If you take your levo before your blood test your blood will show too much t4 and a too low tsh and the doctor will want to drop your levo . Hope that explains it ok.
Jo xx