Hi how would I feel if I was over medicated?
Over medicated: Hi how would I feel if I was over... - Thyroid UK
Over medicated

Maybe nervous, anxious, very fast pulse and heartbeats.
I actually felt very hypo. Sleeping lots disconnected from reality crying a lot which now I think it was too much NDT 3 grains. Feeling better now on 2. It's so confusing.
Elevated pulse and blood pressure, anxious & jittery but exhausted, hot & sweating, difficulty sleeping, depression & crying, hungry, dizzy...........

I feel like that hypo!!!
If I'm over medicated would my bloods show? X
Is over medicated the same as 'hyper' xx
It just means you feel overstimulated - not hyperthyroidism. Some people use the word 'hyper' for how they're feeling.
It's confusing isn't it??
I thought if you were over medicated it would've taken your levels to overactive!!
I have a lot to learn!!!
well your blood test will eventually show but it may take 2 months...that happened to me and blood test didn't show it so dr insisted I stay on it but I had migraine headaches, stress headaches, felt hot and flushed, felt over energized, heart would flutter time to time, I sweat more,didnt sleep as well, my eyes felt dry and irritated, etc........I was on 2 grains of nature thyroid and the dr was suppose to have me on 1 grain.....
If you feel that bad you need to miss a few doses of T3.
You could try missing for a couple of days and see how you feel.
This would give it time to reduce in your system. Are you taking temps and pulse am & pm..?

Not my pulse but have been taking my temp, it never goes past 35
35.8 is the highest it's been
I'm really in 2 minds to stop my levo, the only difference I've felt, which was slight, was when I added t3!
I'm sure it's my period, I'm always more snappy and tense, also my son is horrific in the nights so I'm lucky to get 5 hours!! And that's broken sleep!

Flower how should I check my pulse?

76 beats per minute?
76 bpm is good. You do not have an elevated heart rate atm.
1. Checking your pulse on the wrist
1. Gently place 2 fingers of your other hand on this artery.
2. Do not use your thumb, because it has its own pulse that you may feel.
3. Count the beats for 30 seconds, and then double the result to get the number of beats per minute.
Most adults have a resting heart rate of 60-100 beats per minute (bpm).
The fitter you are, the lower your resting heart rate is likely to be. For example, athletes may have a resting heart rate of 40-60 bpm

I done it 3 times, once counting for a minute and twice for 39 seconds and doubled it,
I got 76 first time 74 second time and 76 third time!! So it's averaging 75!!
Temp is also 34.9!!
Don't think I'm over medicated! X
How are you feeling that you think you may be on too much. If so, just reduce slightly for a number of days to see if the new symptoms go.
I'm feeling a bit more tense,but more 'drained' BUT I am on my period, very heavy and anemic anyway so hoping its down to Mother Nature
Everything in our body is connected to the thyroid gland and this might interest you.
Very interesting thank you!
Can you explain reverse t3 to me? Is there any chance that could be happening to me?
I don't think much about reverse T3 as I believe it goes out of your system quickly if it did happen.
Thanks so much for your help and advice
I had my dinner at 7pm, by 9:45 my stomach is rumbling so hard I'm starving!
How things change! Only since I've been medicating!!
Eat something - we have to have a little consolation until we get to an optimum of meds.
t3 will give you a energy jolt when you first take it or it does me bec it doesn't have to be converted like t4....and if you are not used to it, it is a big difference from just t4only.....and most people take half of their t3 in the morning and halfin the after noon or 6 hours later.......instead of all in one dose