Just found this, which suggests that iodine based antiseptics used on prem babes could give them hypo. !!!!! It's a whole fairy story. The wicked witch NHS gives iodine in the cradle, then when the baby grows up and at 13 is putting on weight and feeling slow and sad, she goes to the GP with her mum, and finds the wicked witch is sitting in the surgery, shaking her head and cackling saying: "Your TSH is within range - it's only 2.5 - eat fewer chips."
I've shortened the version below.
Eur J Pediatr Surg. 2015 Sep 17.
Evaluation of Antiseptic Use in Pediatric Surgical Units in the UK -Where Is the Evidence Base? Ng AL1, Jackson C1, Kazmierski M1.
Our aim was to conduct a survey of practice regarding skin preparation products for premature neonates (under 32 weeks gestation, below 1.5 kg) in pediatric surgical units and review the evidence on the safety and effectiveness of the commonest skin preparation products.
UK pediatric surgical units were contacted and asked for unit policy and consultant preference for skin preparation in infants. 28 pediatric surgical units were surveyed. Ov 14 units had a standardized policy, with 8 units using Betadine (Purdue Products L.P., Stamford, CT), 4 using alcoholic chlorhexidine, and 2 using aqueous chlorhexidine.
There is moderate quality evidence to support the efficacy of chlorhexidine over povidone iodine for preoperative skin antisepsis. THERE IS EVIDENCE THAT PROVIDONE IODINE CAN BE ABSORBED CAUSING REACTIVE HYPTHYROIDISM. (my caps - had to shout, sorry.) Chlorhexidine can be absorbed but there is no evidence of this being significant. Both alcoholic and aqueous chlorhexidine can cause skin damage, including burns. Conclusion A majority of pediatric surgical units and individual surgeons use Betadine in premature and below 1.5 kg infants DESPITE THIS BEING OUTSIDE THE PRODUCE LICENCE. There is no ideal product choice based on current evidence but surgeons must be aware of the inherent risks and benefits of each product.