There is a new Comment paper out by Bianco and coworkers supporting the use of T3 as a supplement for appropriate patients. It is in The Lancet 2015 and Louise Warvill has access direct to the paper so if you wish to read it, pls contact her.
New paper on T3 supplementation: There is a new... - Thyroid UK
New paper on T3 supplementation

Thanks Diogenes and I wonder if the BTA et al will take notice.
Have just read the article. The implication seems to be that you have to have the D2 polymorphism gene in order to qualify for T3 substitution. This is not news. What about the rest of us? Do we all have that gene? Do we all have to test for it?
The article is really about rat experiments. With humans, pragmatism is more useful - that is, if T4 alone doesn't work then try something else. Regarding the polymorphisms of D2, there are quite a lot, also the protein ubiquitin can attach onto the enzymes and affect their activity. So I think that DIO2 testing is really an afterthought to confirm what difficulties in therapy the patient has and why, rather than a precursor to assigning treatment options.
Diogenes, so as I understand it, this article is not trying to suggest that Combined T4/T3 treatment should be used when T4 conversion is not sufficient......
Yes, it does suggest the possibility but of course is being cautious in the face of entrenched beliefs.
Thank you. By the way is your forum name taken from a spoof on D10(2)-GENE? Very neat!
Not because he lives in a barrel?
The article is also available via the main TUK website research section here
New insights into the variable effectiveness of levothyroxine monotherapy for hypothyroidism