Hi, everyone. Can anyone recommend a good endo in or near West Wales? I am desperately need to see one that specialises in Hypothyroidism. Thanks all.
Can anyone help, Need Endocrinologist? - Thyroid UK
Can anyone help, Need Endocrinologist?

None of them do in UK, they are all diabetes specialists with thyroid disease tagged on.
Bear in mind that you may be disappointed, many are useless. You can get better value out of a good private GP, which is also more cost effective.

My gp is lovely and in fairness to her she was prepared to prescribe natural porcine supplements but didn't know how or what to prescribe...she spoke to her colleagues in surgery who basically said she should not do it and then the practice manager stepped in and said she was not to prescribe.. I have felt unwell for a long time with muscle/joint pain headaches heavy menstruation and seen by a endo who, as u mentioned was a diabetic specialist and was not prepared to listen to what I had to say..just tested for anti bodies looked at my tsh levels and more or less suggested I was making it up.# so annoying. I am desperate to see someone who is passionate, knowledgeable and caring towards patients with thyroid conditions. So any recommendations about private gp' s or endo's in my locality that my gp can refer me too, or I can arrange appointment with I would be truly grateful. Thank you for your support.
Have you tried Dr Sarah Myhill? in UPPER WESTON, LLANGUNLLO, KNIGHTON, LD7 1SL:
You may be better off just buying ndt online and self medicating. It is so much easier than having ignoramuses hold your health hostage. You never get back the years you lose waiting for someone else to help. I speak from personal experience

Thank u Bluedaffodil, I'd love too, but wouldn't know where to start. I nearly did last year but was put off when someone told me that the repetuable companies , like Forest etc would require a prescription, with other suppliers u could not be sure of doses. This scared me to be truthful. So after having to try several different brands when they discontinued the levothyroxine brand that I was much better on, I'm now on 175mcg of levothyroxine. Actavis brand. Now whilst I'm better on this than other brands, I am in no way well. I suffer as many do with severe musle spasms and bone pain, brain fog, and severe fatigue, heavy menstruation and being referred to this consultant and that consultant only to be told they can't find anything wrong. I go back to the same old onion...could this be to do with my Thyroid. As u so rightly said Bluedaffodil, I'm aware that I'm not going to get these years back. So while I wait for docs to educate themselves about the very real health problems hypothyroidism can cause, I'm trying to find a way to do it myself, hopefully with the help from the understanding individuals on this forum. 😑