One of the receptionists from my GP just called me. She said they had a reply from endocrinology dept saying "you don't need to see an endocrinologist, just get a random cortisol done"... Huh?
My TFTs are "normal" but my GP refused to do thyroid antibodies. Two days ago I went back to him expecting a fight, but he was lovely and agreed to send me to an endocrinologist anyway as we both thought it was worth thinking outside the box.
I don't know what is going on - I felt there was a glimmer of light at the end of the tunnel but now feel the carpet has been pulled from under my feet. What happened to looking at the clinical picture/symptoms as seeing what the possibilities are? Ok, so I may not have a thyroid problem, but I might. If not, I need to find what's going wrong.
I am so desperate it have booked a private consultation next week cost £200. I at least want to rule this out. I feel very deflated and nearly in tears.