This may be new. It may not. Who can keep track? But do sign it.
Humphrey, There seem to be a few buzzing around. I sign 'em all.
me too - but I suspect Jeremy Hunt will be too busy bombarded with selfies at the mo!
Managed to sign this one as I put in a UK post-code !
What does it mean that by signing you agree to cookies?
It means that you'll get bombarded with e-mails from them. This is why I stopped signing petitions, it's made very difficult to unsubscribe.
i think cookies are trackers which follow your usage of internet to see what sites you visit for the statistical info of the people whose site you got the cookie from.i believe they are generally harmless,however you can get rid of them by running a quick clean on your computer
tried to sign,but it refuses to allow my (australian) postcode
Most probably have private health insurance too, and they can choose what and where they're seen. Maybe a home call-out! I wonder how many MPs have hypothyroidism within the family.
I have signed it and also printed it out......I think it is time to contact my MP......spreading it to my friends is not enough as I don't think they really understand.........they are not sufferers.
I agree wholeheartedly with the petition but am put off signing by the cookies thing. Is there ever any response when the petition is handed in?

HypoT2years, every site uses cookies. You can opt out by not agreeing to the Cookie notification that appears but you may not be able to access much of the site. You set your browser settings to not allow 3rd party cookies.

You can accept cookies, do whatever it is you want on the site, then remove the cookies for that particular site.
I use Firefox. If you go in to Options, then select Privacy, there is an option to remove individual cookies. All the sites you have visited that have left cookies on your PC or gadget/tablet/notebook/whatever will be listed in alphabetical order. Find the site you want to remove cookies for, click on it then select "Remove Selected". Then close the options screen.
I'm sure other browsers have the same feature, but I've only used Firefox for years, so I can't help with those.

I should add - I'm not sure that removing cookies will stop them bothering you. They only need your email address for that, the cookies are irrelevant.
I am a keen e-petition signer. As there is no longer an effective Opposition to this new government following the collapse of New Labour and the LibDems at the last election IMHO these petitions are about the only means citizens have of having an impact of the legislation government wants to implement. I also make sure I bother my (Tory) MP on a regular basis, just so he knows his electorate is paying attention.
Yes, there can be huge ramifications from petitions. In the past month petitioning has caused the TTIP vote in the EU parliament to be postponed: ditto the vote regarding fox hunting. Further ago, Malala Youssafsi became a Nobel Laureate due to international public pressure. Raif Badawi's weekly floggings were suspended due to international e-petitioning.
I can't remember any more specific successes offhand. And it is true that one does not get to hear about them all - I have a lot of followups to petitions I sign dumped straight to 'junk mail' - one does have a life!
E-petition sites like 38Degrees and do not have a minimum number of signatures that must be achieved before any action is taken - the petition site delivers the petition and can publicise the petition at any point in any way it likes (usually electronically). The government petitioning system, by contrast, seems designed to have people chasing their tails for signatures (many thousands are required) to get a few minutes debate time, after which the issue is quietly dropped. There is no publicity for those, except what the petitioner can drum up. That is a hard row to hoe.
Do admire you humphrey for your efforts, it is the only way to instigate change. Apathy rules as far as Joe Public is concerned and the turnout for the GE proved that, it isn't acceptable and we should all play our part.
Just signed, but I won't hold my breath. If 1 in 20 of us have a Thyroid disorder why are there so few signatures ?
Share in the e-places that you go - twitter, Facebook, email contacts, other thyroid forums.
humphrey - I already feel that I can bore for England with regard to thyroid matters!! Need to rein myself in a bit more.
Don't do Twitter or Facebook.
Surprise surprise, in my inbox this morning was another petition that 38 degrees want me to sign. Have now unsubscribed.