Hi wondering if anybody could help.. i have issues with building muscle and size but now have major issue with erection problems etc. I want to know if there is any private endocronologists that I can see in Yorkshire? Leeds, Huddersfield Bradford anywhere around here. I have been seen by docs in past about hormone issue and have been told it was low but nothing to worry about. Now this erectile dysfunction problem and still not making improvements in gym at all. I would like to see a specialist . Any information greatly appreciated. Thanks
Testosterone issues and erectyle dysfunction - Thyroid UK
Testosterone issues and erectyle dysfunction

Welcome to the forum, Ravs347.
Email louise.warvill@thyroiduk.org.uk for a list of member recommended endocrinologists. Please bear in mind they have been recommended on the basis of their thyroid treatment.
Hey thanks for the info I actually have emailed her and it says failure meaning it wont be sent I don't know why. Is there another form of contact? Please let me know. Regards
Ravs, that's the usual email addy. Try the last webform link at the bottom of this link thyroiduk.org.uk/tuk/About_...
Yeah they have stopped contact via email. Plus they deal with more thyroid related issues. Do you still think they will help? They have a contact number i can ring tomorrow.. but would you know anywhere locally?
I will pm you a private specialist
I have emailed him and will be booking a consultation. How much did he charge altogether? Plus what supplements did he prescribe you with out of interest. He has good reviews hope he can help me. Regards
Ravs are you referring to my private message to you, if this is correct, private message me and I will give you further details. When answering a blog it is helpful if you mention a name so we know whose advice you are referring to, thanks.
Google the medicine Tostran and ask your gp once you have the info in your hands .
I am female, early menopause due to chemo and this med has done wonders to my love life !!!

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