So hav had test done.. come bak low so dose has been adjusted..have had seperate test down which revealed adrenal so not coping mentally can anyone help i stuggle to fuction an am so scared of not been mental in control when will this stop..ive never suffered with mental issues till thyroid got removed..will this get better how can i help myself to get thru this
Omg i feel like im goin mad...: So hav had test... - Thyroid UK
Omg i feel like im goin mad...

So sorry you feel so poorly. What was you dose reduced to? It looks like you were on one grain of NDT and 100mcg of levothyroxine - what will you be taking now?
the 100mcg n 65mcg is my new dose went into test today yet to get back how im feeling gana get better im n tears everyday cos i feel so un human..
Farie, big hug x
It can take a while to find the right dose unfortunately but most folk do eventually find the right one - especially if they hang out here. Do you have a copy of your last blood test results?
I did post results on post tsh was high t3 was low so was t4 im to scared an mental challenged to function..she only upped my t4 meds tho to see what that ive been sitting on 65 ndt and was on 50 t4 she uped that buy 50
Sorry - it's not always easy to spot older posts! This forum isn't the most navigable in the world. So...
TSH was 3.93 free thyroxine 13.1 and free t3 3.4 (no ranges given?). In that case, yes, you were undermedicated and will likely benefit from the increase in dose.
It'll take a little while to feel the benefit from the additional Levo but hopefully in another week or two you will start to feel better x
Ive been on new dose 2weks an i feel almost worse started rages n anger burst then cant mentally the point of even sortin t..
If we feel we are losing control it does frighten us as we wonder how bad it will get. Try not to worry as many people have had similar experiences. You have been underdosed, so it's no wonder you are struggling.
So, I figure it out that you are taking 100mcg levo and 65 NDT. 65 (also known as 1 grain) which is approx 200mcg of thyroid hormones. (65mcg of NDT is equal to around 100mcg levo).
Give it a few weeks and hopefully you will feel much better. Take your temperature and pulse several times a day and keep a record because sometimes it's difficult to know if we're taking too much or too little and sometimes small adjustments are needed.
Im not sure of the whole temp and pulse do you do that an wat dose it mean?? My liver is not functioning wel an am bit worryed that toxic build up is happening Causen some of the symptoms wat test would i ask for to rule this out..
Farie, a liver function blood test will show if you have a liver problem.
It can take up to six weeks to feel the full impact of a dose increase but your symptoms should improve in the meantime.
This link explains how dose adjustment works
Thanks heaps for that has helped heaps understanding that
Farie, sorry I've just edited my post, symptoms should improve not increase
If you have reduced adrenal function then you'll need to support that before you take thyroid meds. I saw Dr P with a saliva test result of very low DHEA and other than the morning sample my cortisol was also very very low.
I'm now having a weeks break from thyroid meds then starting on nutri adrenal extra building up from half a tablet to 4ish. A week after starting the adrenal meds I reintroduce the NDT at a low dose (30g raising every 10 days)
Are you able to make an appointment with Dr p?
Are you under an Endo? Try getting an appointment with Dr P