Hi im wanting to no if anyone could please help n tell me if wholethyroid is toxic?? I have had this added into meds an my doc said that it is toxic now i dont no weather to take it or not..
Toxic or not..: Hi im wanting to no if anyone... - Thyroid UK
Toxic or not..

Can you explain a little better about 'whole thyroid'. What is it?
Also if you have a copy of your blood test results (with the ranges) your doctor says are 'toxic' so that members can comment. It may just be that your TSH is too low for your GP as many keep us 'within a range'.
Hello Farie,
By whole throid do you mean NDT? I am no expert on this as only just started taking glandular supports. However I do know that all hormones have to work in synergy and by adding one hormone when another may be comprimisèd can only lead to trouble.
I suffered t4 toxitity for 4 years and now with additions am starting to feel better.
My adrenals had been compromised, causing further imbalances and not allowing thyroid meds to work.
Have you had any saliva tests to determine cortisol levels carried out?
Please note must GPs only treat the thyroid but adrenals should be considered too.

what e symptoms of toxicity from t4..i feel like im goin ihc..to put it nice n i scared for my life memory is bad anxiett panic cant relate at times it not nice..im desprite to feel wel..wholethyroid is the natural or t3 added.
T4 toxicity is when it doesn't convert and overloads in your body causing terrible hypothyroid symptoms. It is very important to be tested to assess what amount of T3 is required. The test results will determine not only the meds required but also the amount and the duration of time that specific amounts can be added.
It is very important that you get help in determining your health action plan as balance and timings are vital.
I recently saw Dr P who has given me hope, guidance and a chance to be well again.

my body wasnt convertin t3 hence the t3 added wat test do i get to c if this is the case cos they up my levels more cos they are dropin
Farie02, You need to have TSH, FT4 and FT3 tested. If you have had them done please post the results with the lab ref ranges (the figures in brackets after your results) and say what medication you were taking at the time of the test and what medication you are taking now.
The T3 and T4 in NDT come from whole dessicated pig thyroid. It comes in a variety of doses from 15mg (quarter grain) through to 120mg (2 grains). NDT doesn't cause toxicity unless too much is taken, and the same applies to Levothyroxine and T3.
Tsh is 3.93
free thyroxine 13.1
free t3 3.4
I was on 50mg synthyroid t4 and 65mg wholethyroid t3
ive now been upped to 100mg t4 an 65mg t3 and im feeling things hav got worse..
Farie, By wholethyroid do you mean Armour, NatureThroid, or Erfa? You were undermedicated on 50mcg Synthroid +65mg wholethyroid as FT4 and FT3 look low as far as I can tell without the lab ref ranges and TSH 3.93 is too high.
50mcg is a large incremental increase so you might want to reduce it by 25mcg and raise it in another 3 or 4 weeks when you are comfortable on 75mcg. It usually takes 7-10 days for an increased dose to be absorbed and sometimes people feel a little worse in that time but it is usually temporary and you should feel improvement when the increased dose metabolises.
Yea i think its the same just different name
Lol, Farie, I'm trying to find out the name to check whether it is NDT with thyroid hormone or a thyroid supplement without hormone. Is it ThyroGold?
Think it must be this, Clutter.
NEW ZEALAND’S Whole Thyroid, which is compounded desiccated thyroid by Pharmaceutical Compounding New Zealand (PCNZ). Phone: 09-442-1727 Fax: 09-442-5851 Email: info@pharmaceutical.co.nz Website: pharmaceutical.co.nz/
(See: stopthethyroidmadness.com/a...
What does that mean that its not natural?? I get through specialist..just told it is to help t3 as my body not converting
No, it's natural not synthetic - it's definitely NDT as you said. I hadn't spotted that you're from NZ - I only realised after I found Whole Thyroid and where it was made.
I think your doctor's wrong - it's not toxic. And looking at your results, you're quite a way off being overmedicated. Unfortunately many doctors, both in the UK where this forum is based, and across the world, have been brainwashed by the makers of levothyroxine that one size fits all.
This explains a bit more from a NZ viewpoint: thyroid.org.nz/treatment-op...
It looks like you have the same battles to get appropriate treatment as we do in the UK...
Thanks, Jazzw. I didn't check Farie's profile and assumed as she was taking Synthroid she was in the USA.
Synthroid became available in NZ after the huge potency problems a few years ago:
(Also in the aftermath they temporarily had two different formulations from two different companies both called Eltroxin.)
Im currently waiting on hair anailis results due back next week hope i make it that long